* You two wake up. You're both on beds. * It's a decent sized room, and theres 6 unused beds. * Monica looks around for Joshua. * Tzezhin 's eyes snap open, darting about to see where he's at. * There's no Joshua. But there is this other person there. ( Descriptions! ) * Monica is a ravishingly beautiful human woman with chocolate-brown hair down to her waist. (I'm prettier than you are!) * Monica has skin the color of natural linen, and it bears no flaws, as though she were formed of porcelain ( Oh god no. @_@; ) * Tzezhin rolls out of bed, The Sword drawn, and holds it in a defensive position. "Who are you?" * Monica is dressed in black riding pants, a white linen blouse, and brown leather boots and gloves. She is draped in a violet riding cloak with gold embroidered patterns throughout. (I don't know anything about what you look like, or even if you're male or female) * Tzezhin is a tall, thin man, with black eyes (all over, except for barely visible brown spots where the pupils might be). His dark brown hair is tied in what used to be a severe ponytail, and bangs mostly cover what appears to be some sort of odd pattern across his forehead. (I'm getting there, getting there. :P) * Monica brings her hand up to her forehead and falls back against the cot. (what language is Tzezhin speaking?) * Tzezhin 's dark trench-like overcoat comes down to his knees, and his soft black buckskin ankle boots are barely scuffed. He's wearing black pants, a black leather jerkin over a dark brown tunic shirt, and dusky red gloves. A long, intimidating-looking sword is held in his left hand, and his right hand hovers over his belt as if ready to pull out another weapon. (Kjarnani. It's Jex's prerogative to decide whether or not that's the same as human. ^^) * Ding-ding-ding! Whatever painful feeling that a magical blanket effect of universal language translation would cause to Tze, is triggered, when Monica starts talking. * Monica speaks in a beautiful language, consisting of melodious lilts and breathy wind-like sounds. It sends a sense of peace over you as she speaks. * Tzezhin twitches slightly, the barely visible pattern across his forehead flickering white for an instant. Whoa is me! What has befallen poor me? * Tzezhin raises an eyebrow and stares at the woman. "Who are you? Are you one of Ysrdahl's machinations? Where is he?" If only a strong man could find me some water. I am SO parched! Where is the mage? What is this place? Goodness! How long have I been asleep? * Monica sits up again, and looks around, then swoons back again. * Tzezhin gives up on the woman and looks around for the door. Who are you, kind sir? Where am I? * There's a door, a white plastic looking thing, to one end. What of that... black object? What black object? It was like stone, but water when I came upon it. What was that, sir? I have no idea what you are speaking of. Now, if you are not involved with Ysrdahl, I suggest you leave. This location may not be secure. * Tzezhin walks out the door, assuming it works like...a door. * It works like a door. Well, an automatic one that slides open automatically as you approach it. * Monica grumbles. She mutters to herself "Well, that was new..." * Tzezhin starts at the sudden movement, but senses no malign magic and so exits. Cautiously. * There's a hallway. With lots of similar doors. * Monica calls after the man, "If you find water, I would be most grateful if you would bring some to poor me!" (where's it lead to? What's it look like?) * Lots of doors are visible. They all got marking on them. The one you came from says 'Holding' (Can I read this? And what do the ones in immediate view say?) * Storage, Personel, Armory, Reception, etc. (Where's the one labeled "evil mage"?) (:P) * Right across the hall! Well, actually, the one right across the hall says Medical Supplies. * Monica shifts her legs around and sits up in the cot. * Tzezhin wanders down the hall rather aimlessly, thinking. * Monica gets up, and stumbles over to the door. When it opens, she calls out to the swordsman: "I say, sir, where are we?" "Did you say I may be in danger? Could you protect me?" * A figure on black high tech body armor calls out to Tze. "Hey, are you awake?" Hey! * Tzezhin whirls and backs up. "Who are you?" Oh, don't let him hurt me! (where's the tech guy?) * Guy looks off down the hallway. "Huh? You're not one of the space freaks who eat people, are you?" (who, me?) "Excuse you! I am neither a freak, nor a cannibal!" * Monica stumbles down the hall toward the men. "Could one of you gentlemen help a weak, frightened, defenseless woman? I need..." In that case.... I suppose I better drag you two to orientation. *He glances between the two* Behave, okay? And follow me. * Monica falls to the floor * Tzezhin watches her fall. Hn. * Tzezhin does not move. "Where is this place?" (heehee. I like Tzezhin) Uh.... (Tzezhin = Mr. Paranoia. XD) You okay? Maybe you should get some more rest.... * Monica flutters her eyes open, and looks like a fawny young girl. I should be alright. As long as you could help me... What do you need? *He seems to not notice Tze much.* * Monica reaches up to the guard. * Tzezhin blinks at the scene, then shrugs and continues walking down the hall. (Guy Magnet much? ;P) * Guy ... dosen't help her up, instead prods her with his foot. Could you help me up? I could also use a drink. Is there a kitchen behind one of these doors? (SHE'S GOING TO EAT HIS HEAD) (What foul sorcery is at work here? Grr...) * Tze: The hallway ends, and you're in a lobby of some sorts. (Lobbies! Epitome of all evil!) * Guy shrugs, and leans down, helping her up. "There's a kitchen there.... There's a scanner that should analyze whats edible for you, too." * Guy blinks. "Hey, ... uh... guy! Whoever you are! Come on, there's an orientation you gotta attend!" * Monica stumbles into the kitchen... * And there's a big BOOM! It rattles the hallway, and blows up a nice big empty section of it. * Monica waits for the door to close, then walks straight toward the 'scanner' he spoke of, having no idea what the next step is. * Monica perks up, wondering if that's Joshua again ^_^ * Guy catches up with Tze, and grabs him by the shoulder just as the explosion rocks the hallway. * Monica wanders out into the hallway, peering both ways. "Excuse me, sir, could you take me to that explosion. I think it's someone I know..." ( Okies. Back to main chan now. ^_^; ) * Tzezhin leaps back, counts to ten to make sure it's only one, then cautiously creeps up.