* Da Group pops out of one of the monoliths! And then ceases to say or do anything becuase their players aren't there. * This monolith has an octagon with two diagonal lines, paralell to each other on it. * KaeollaRae looks for her spaceship. * Nearly all of it has been scavenged, but there's a few bits and pieces left of it lying around. * KaeollaRae says "Well...I guess that's that...not that there was really much left anyways." * KaeollaRae looks at the Monolithic structure, walking a circle around it. * The back of it is featureless. But on the front, you get the feeling that there's something inside it. * KaeollaRae moves closer to it, leaning forward with her finger to her chin, and says "Hmmm." * And closer to it, you can all but see... more like 'know' that there's a blade floating within. It's in between a short sword and a long knife, and a deep blood red in color. * KaeollaRae says "Hmmm...not a good color. It's clashes with my complexion." * KaeollaRae adds "Purple, or better yet, lavender would be so much more complimentary." * KaeollaRae asks to noone in particular "I wonder if I can change it's color." * KaeollaRae says "Well, I guess I can take a look. I can always put it back if I don't like it. Kinda like a bad boyfriend." * KaeollaRae wiggles her tail and then reaches for the embedded blade. * Kae monolithifies, her tail freezing mid-wiggle. * The monolith's surface takes on a liquid quality, showing the scene unfolding within... Kae, in a jungle. * KaeollaRae says "Such decore." * Upon the monolith, where Kae can't see, text from another language unfurls, and translates itself; "... A hidden heart sleeps ..." "... waiting to be awoken..." * And the jungle about Kae is nice and jungle-y. This looks like a familiar jungle... * KaeollaRae says "My...I do so dislike puzzles. They're so...mental." * KaeollaRae turns a full circle, surveying her immediate surroundings for anything of wither danger or interest. * Another Marcellian is walking along, a little kid, that you recognize as your sister, as a little girl. * She's looking for something, peeking through bushes, looking up in trees, and doing a pretty good job of searching. * KaeollaRae says to pseudo-Maelielle "What are you looking for?" * Chibi-Maelielle looks up at Kae. "My sister. I can't find her, and I've looked everywhere." * KaeollaRae smiles and asks "Well, she's very good at hiding, isn't she?" This is different. It's like she completely dissapeared. I heard something about her getting in with some pirates, and I have this bad feeling I haven't been able to shake. * KaeollaRae replys "Well, perhaps she likes being around misfits." * KaeollaRae adds "Or maybe it's the whole 'badboy' thing. Did you know that some girls really like such unruly boys?" * Chibi-Maelielle gets a frumpy look on her face. "Thats why she gets in so much trouble. But... the pirates have dissapeared, too." I don't have any leads. I'm really worried about her, this time... * Chibi-Maelielle looks up at Kae. "Do you want to help me look for her?" * KaeollaRae says "I'm sure that you're right. It sounds like she's the sort of girl that's rather attracted to trouble. You seem such a good girl and I'm sure you're worried about her, but don't you think your sister is the sort of girl that is as good at taking care of herself as she is in getting into trouble in the first place? I'm sure she's doing fine." she smiles and pats Pseudo-Maelielle on top of her head. * KaeollaRae replys to her question with a smile "Sure. If you want some company." * Chibi-Maelielle nods. "C'mon. I haven't looked this way, yet." She takes off into the thicket. * KaeollaRae follows along playfully with her hands clasped behind her. * Following! Through a bunch of leaves and stuff and jungle-y stuff, there's a small clearing. There's a picture book lying there, with a picture of a girl in a pink dress, titled, "Christy and the Demon." A book... * KaeollaRae says to psuedo-Maelielle "On odd place to find a book, don't you think?" Indeed. * Chibi-Maelielle reaches down to pick it up, and freezes suddenly. She then steps back. "I can't read it." * Chibi-Maelielle looks up at Kae. "Can you?" * KaeollaRae bends down over the book and says "Perhaps I can read it....hmmmm...let's see....it seems to say 'Christy and the Demon.' I wonder what a Christy is...you think perhaps an angel?" Yeah. Christy and the Demon? Christy's gotta be an angel. Go on, open it, open it! What's it say? * Chibi-Maelielle hops up and down all excited-like. "It might be a clue to finding my sister!" * KaeollaRae says "Hmmmm." * KaeollaRae asks "That seems unlikey. Why would your sister have a book written about her?" * Chibi-Maelielle calms down some. "I've got a feeling. This can bring me closer to finding my sister..." * KaeollaRae humors the girl, picks up the book, and then opens it up to read it. * The first page is blank white, and written on it, in purple crayon, is "To Kae. Signed, Christy." * KaeollaRae asks "Atleast the author has good taste in color don't you think?" * The second page is a picture of a little girl, human, in a pink dress, picking flowers, with the text, "Christy was a happy little girl. She liked flowers and playing with her friends, and her parents were nice." * KaeollaRae reads it aloud as she flips though it reading. * The third page has a picture of Christy, a big evil demon, and her parents lying on the ground all bloody and stuff. "But then the demon came. It said it wanted to use her innocent body as a focus to lay siege to the world." * KaeollaRae continues to read it aloud. * The fourth page has a picture of Christy glowing with a purplish-black aura. "But the demon didn't count on her parents final spell. When the demon posssessed her, it was reversed. And Christy possessed the demon." * The fifth page has a picture of crowds shying away from Christy. "And then everyone was afraid of Christy. With no parents and no more friends, she ran away from everything." * The sixth page has a picture of a grown-up Christy. "She ran away for a long time, and outlived everyone she knew. She learned to use the demons powers, and she came back when demons were only a myth to be told to scare little children." * KaeollaRae says "Must be the sort of story that has a moral at the end." she continues reading it to psuedo-Maelielle. * The seventh page has a picture of Christy in a classroom, with other people. "She went to school to learn magic, because she knew that she could have been good at it if she had the chance to learn it. But the mages were all afraid of her, and they cast her out as a Misfit Mage." * The eighth page has a picture of Christy looking up to greet a silver-haired man. "And then Cephiro came to invite her into the group he was forming. She agreed, for he also offered to teach her as much as he knew in leui of not being able to learn from someone else." * The ninth page has a picture of Christy, and 6 others. "The group of Misfit Mages, as they called themselves with an wry irony, shared their knowledge. Christy came up with an idea; Cast a bigger spell than anyone has cast before. They all agreed." * The tenth page has a picture of the previous seven, standing in front of a big portal. "She went through the portal with the others." * The eleventh page has a picture of three twins kneeling before Christy, you can recognize two of them as Annie and Alex. "After she helped beat back the Lords of Shadow and set a balance, three girls offered themselves to be her servants. She gifted them with a unbreakabale bond to themselves and her." * The next page has 'To be continued' on it. And a small, silver key attached to that page. The next page after that is the back cover. * KaeollaRae asks aloud "Hmmm...well, I wonder what the moral was supposed to be?" * Chibi Maelielle contemplates this quietly. "Seems like Christy is a sad person." * Chibi Maelielle dosen't seem so chibi anymore. She's grown up a bit during the reading of the story. * KaeollaRae says "Perhaps she is." * Malielle gets a thoughful look on her face. "This feels like a dream... Like I'm watching someone elses." * KaeollaRae smiles a comforting smile at the psuedo-Maelielle "Maybe you are. Most Marcellian's have some form of psionic ability. Maybe your ability is to see other peoples dreams." Maybe. I feel like we're closer to finding my sister, too. * KaeollaRae says "I'm glad you feel a little better." Let's keep looking. * KaeollaRae replys "Sure." She puts her left arm around psuedo-Maelielle's back and walks along with her. * Malielle presses onwards into the thicket. * Pretty soon the two of you come across a door, with a monolith-black outline, and two locks, one above and one below the handle. One lock is gold, the other is silver. Kaeolla is behind that door. * KaeollaRae says "You think so? Well, this book has a silver key and I'm rather partial to silver anyways, but we don't seem to have a gold key. Should we try it, do you think?" * Malielle nods. "I doubt it will hurt to try." * KaeollaRae trys the silver key in the silver lock. * The silver key fits in perfectly. There's a click, and both the key and the lock vanish in a flash of sparklies. * KaeollaRae says "Pretty sparkles." One more key. *she starts looking around.* * KaeollaRae follows psuedo-Maelielle around, looking about as well. * There's another book on the floor, almost completely covered by a convenient leaf lying atop it. * KaeollaRae points that way and asks "Could it be in there?" * Malielle glances that way. "What's that...?" She goes over to get a better look. * KaeollaRae follows along. * She takes the leaf covering it off, and looks at it quizzically. "I can't read this one either." * KaeollaRae offers "Let me give it a try." * Maelielle hands it over. The book reads, "Life of Ridler." * KaeollaRae opens and reads it aloud. * First page reads, "To Kae." It's signed in very tiny print that's hard to read, that seems like it was burnt in more than written. * KaeollaRae gets a closer look at the signature and trys to sort it out. * It's a signature. 'Ridler', it says. * KaeollaRae flips the page and continues to read aloud. * First page has a picture of a little kid. He's being pushed into an underground fighting tournament. "Young Ridler never had a name of his own. Ever since he was little, we was forced to fight." * KaeollaRae continues to read aloud. * The second page has a picture of teenager Ridler. "He was forced to fight for a long time." * The third page has a picture of a small, waifish girl, wearing expensive, trendy clothes, talking to Ridler. "We was freed from this cycle, after gaining fame from his skills, by an unnamed benefactor." * The next page shows Ridler following the girl, wearing similar garb. "She taught him life, and how to live." * The fifth page shows the girl, being dragged away, Ridler himself lying on the ground, unable to move. "And then she was gone. He vowed to get stronger, and save her." * The sixth page shows him, in a heavy looking trenchcoat, busting into a Galactic Patrol base. "He became stronger, and went to free her from those who would imprison her." * The seventh page shows the waifish girl, slumped over. "But he was too late. She had already been executed for crimes of treason." * The eighth page shows Ridler, alone, overlooking a cliff. "Ridler was lost. He had no purpose anymore. He wandered the worlds, continuing to strengthen himself, to try and find something to fill the hole in his soul." * The ninth page shows Ridler fighting someone. Bigger, meaner, and faster. "He continued to fight, and eventually came to odds with the Pirate Lord, Garos. They fought to a standstill. And then Garos offered him purpose." * The tenth page shows Garos pointing at a screen. "'I know why you flee from yourself. Ally with me against the Galactic Patrol, and seek revenge for the one who freed you.' he said. Ridler accepted." * The eleventh page shows Ridler fighting aganst a bunch of armored guards. "He nearly got his revenge single-handedly, solely sacking their HQ. In the end, he lost, though, and had to be rescued." * The twelth page shows Ridler, and 6 other figures. "In the end, Garos and his group did win, plundering without challenge. They procured a portal device, and hooked it up to their ship, thinking they would increase manouevrability and speed in space even more." * The next page has a picture of the seven of them, all but Ridler shadowed out, himself overshadowed by Garos. "In this new place, Ridler did the thing he knew how to best. He fought, and won." * The next page shows the seven Lords of Shadows facing the six Lords of Light. "And in the final confrontation, he lost. He now seeks solace and further strength, and to escape the burden of power placed upon him." * The next page has a golden key, and 'To be continued' on it. * KaeollaRae says "Hmmm." * KaeollaRae says "let's see what happens" and then carries the book over, brings out the golden key, and trys it in the golden lock. * Maeliella seems to have grown more, during that reading. She's almost exactly as you last saw her. * And the golden key and lock vanishes in a flash of sparklies, with a click. * Maeliella looks at Kaeolla, and her eyes seems to refocus. "I see... this is a dream. Yours, sister." Where are you? I've been looking for you. * KaeollaRae smiles a wily smile adn winks at Maelielle. * KaeollaRae says "Somewhere fun." Are you okay? What happened to those pirates I heard you were with? What happened? Don't give me a vague answer! Tell me... really. Where are you? * KaeollaRae says "My ship as well as the priate vessal that was chasing me and an angry space dragon were all sucked into a dimensional vortex that appeared in the Seraing nebula and ended up in some sort of dimensional nexus." * Maleille assumes a frumpy look again. "... A space dragon. Thats big, even for you. Hmph." * KaeollaRae continues "Well, you know me, I always like to do things in style. There are all sorts of interesting beings and things to do here." I don't care! Come back! * KaeollaRae says "It's not really an option right now, Sis. The Space Dragon was slain, my spaceship was destroyed, and the dimensional door seems to have closed. Also, it seems those double-crossing Seraing pirates are here was well." * Maelielle grabs Kae by the shoulders, looking her square in the eyes. "Who cares about them! Come back! You've always been good at finding out ways to get places! Find a way back!" * KaeollaRae gives Maelielle a comforting smile and says "Don't worry, Sis. I'm sure I'll find a way back out. Just you wait." * Maelielle head droops. "... please, hurry up. I miss you." * KaeollaRae perks Maelielle's chin up with her finger and says "Don't worry. I'm good at getting out of trouble. Afterall, I have so much practice." she smiles. * Maelielle cracks a faint smile, despite herself. ( WinAmp: Nightwish - Wish you were here. ) * KaeollaRae gives her a sister hug. * Maelielle hugs tightly back. "This is... just a dream, I know. Your dream. But I'm so glad to see you even just this little bit to know you're alright this time." * KaeollaRae whispers into Maelielle's ear "Just think of this as a dimensional telecall." * Maelielle lets go, and looks at her square in the eyes again. "Hurry and wake up. I'm not going to let you see me cry." * KaeollaRae smiles a wily smile and winks "I'll give it a try." she waves and says "Bubbye, Sis." * Maeleille hugs Kae again. "Until we meet again." * KaeollaRae hugs back and replys "Yes, until we meet again." I'm going to keep looking for you. * KaeollaRae replys "I know." * The door is still there. ^_^ * KaeollaRae smiles at Maeleille, turns around, and wiggles her tail just before stepping though the door. * Upon entering the door, everything else fades away, to just emptiness. There's a short blade, red in color, lying on the implied ground. * KaeollaRae walks over to it, and with her tail, she picks it up by it's hilt. Her tail holds it in front of herself and she looks it over. * As you hold it , a voice in your head goes, "Choose a form." * KaeollaRae imagines a pair of wicked looking, wavy short blades, silver and lavender in color. * As you imagine it, so it becomes. * And reality starts falling, flaking away in big chunks, the emptyness being replaced by nothingness. * KaeollaRae says "Nifty." * And Kae in the here-and-now un-monolithifies, with two wicked looking short blades, in either hand. * The monolith itself turns it's normal solid inky black, the symbol upon it glowing, now. * KaeollaRae puts her twin blades away and says "Well, that was nice." * Endzes.