* Elo, and the rest of Da Party pop out of the tracked gate. They don't say anything 'cuz this is a mini. * Carter is likewise silent, but almost shaking with a supressed excitement. Roast is just looking curiously at the design on the monolith. * The monolith afore you displays the symbol of two almost-S's, paralell to each other. * Carter scans the orb to see if it resonates with the monolith; almost doing things to put off touching it. * The orb is acting as normal. *takes a deep breath* I guess... here goes. * Carter floats up level with the design, and stares into the monolith. Elonith and Naoki mentioned a sword inside it when they did this... *peer* * Somewhat below it, you can make out the impression of a sword... a big sword, with a regal quality about it. * Carter hovers down to face the sword, takes yet another steeling breath, and reaches for its hilt. * And before you can grab it, just as you touch the monolith proper, Carter monolithifies. ( What's that feel like? ) * And for the benefit of the not-here players who're gonna read the logs, the monolith assumes the function of a window inside... ( Cold. ) * Carter would shiver, if he weren't frozen solid. * And... you're in emptyness, just floating there. * Carter takes a couple deep breaths, controlling his shivering, uncurls from the fetal position he started in, and scans his surroundings. "Where am I...?" * There's the curious feel of space tugging at you, like lines of differenting gravity streams. Curious... where's the massive body? It should radiate...if I can find it.... *spins slowly, using his eyes and ears and trying to feel with his body, as well as scan with his nanites* * Upon the monolith, where Carter can't see, unfurls and translates, "... Isn't it hard for one so young?" "... Even one so young can be king..." * Gravity be wierd. No massive bodies or anything, just... gravity streams without a source. * Carter looks around at the empty space around him. "Curiouser and curiouser..." He smiles a bit as he utters the quote. * Carter tries to follow them, get a feel for them. Understand them. ( them = gravity streams ) * Mind roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 10. * The pattern eludes Carter. * Carter looks frustrated. "Blast it!" * "Blast it!" echoes, and echoes, and echoes. Sometimes subtitling itself, sometimes turning the sound into color, sometime telepathically echoing, sometimes just echoing. It echoes many, mnay times. * Carter listens, watches, and feels in wonder for a few moments, before looking serious again and trying to track down what is reflecting the sound back to him. * Mind roll, -2. ( Does physical sciences [Physics] apply? ) ( Sure. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-4) and gets 1. * Gravity is taking the sounds, splitting them, multiplying them, and running them through different mediums and spitting them back out. Oh, my... * Carter sends out a radio pulse, accompanied by what weak light he is capable of emmitting, in a rainbow-circle of expanding energy, to see the effects. * The resulting effect is something most druggies would die to experience. Song and light and energy and thought and motion, becoming increasingly chaotic as it gets farther from center. * Carter closes his eyes, letting the sensations wash over him until they fade away. *whipers* What is this place...? I must be inside the monolith...what am I supposed to do here? *his face hardens, concentrating* I've got to figure this out. * "Don't lose yourself...," something whispers behind you. * Carter whirls to face the direction of the whisper. * The visage of Julia fades out, ghostlike, as it enters your periphial vision. Julia..? ...no, my imagination. Or this place. *directed outwards, to ...whatever's here* Where am I? How could I lose myself? * Carter goes back to feeling the gravity streams...and tries moving them. * Mind rollage, w/phsyics shtuff! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Success! Move them as ye will. Wow... this is fun! *looks like a kid at a playground, or playing at conducting an orchestra* * A figure fades in. Your dad. "Linger not. An unfettered mind will flee it's shell given the chance." And fades back out, in a wavery fashion. * Carter stops. "Father..." He looks...upset. Homesick. Then he shakes his head. "'Linger not', he says. Very well...let's find my way out of here." Carter picks a stream and follows it, seeking something, some difference. Perhaps even something that might be a Demon Gate. * Following one of the streams, you come upon a hangglider. And a little kid dragging it along. ( Is there ground here? ) ( No ground. Just the feeling of it. ) * The hangglider looks crudely made, with 'Elx' written on it in poor handwriting, and the kid is humming to himself * Carter listens to the song, and lands about 30 feet in front of the kid and to the side, waving. "Hi, there!" Hi there! I'm playing pirate! Pirate? Sounds like fun! Are you the Captain? Yep! So, hows the treasure hunting around here? Find any maps to burried chests? *smiles, enjoying playing along* There's treasure in my friends base. So I'm gonna take my ship and bomb it. *this is when you notice the water-baloons strapped to his waist* * Carter smiles, a small laugh on his lips. "And who are your friends?" * Kid points thataway! As he does so, reality colors itself in to show the approaching edge of a cliff. Off the edge of the cliff, you can see a lone tree, with a treehouse in it. He says I can't be a pirate. But I'll show him what Captain Blackhook would do! * Carter runs alongside the kid. "Captain Blackhook? Whose that? Who says you can't be a pirate?" Captain Blackhook is the bestest pirate ever. He's strong and cool, and his ship is the top of the line. I'm gonna be just like him. And my friend says I can't be a pirate, because there's no more thing since the Galactic Patrol formed. Well, pirates aren't always the nicest of people. So the Galactic Patrol, whoever they are, probably do the right thing. What's you name, anyway? I'm Carter Delger. *your I'm Geran! Geran Jaines. Jaines is my dads last name too. So what's the treasure thou'rt gonna get after you bomb thy friend's base? He's got a Shadowfighter Beta-G card he bet against me suceeding. What's that? And, what do you have to do to succeed? That's like... my favorite ship. It can turn invisible and stuff. I have to do this! * Kid readies the hangglider, and jumps off. * Carter follows! He actually flys a good 10 feet above, so he can watch this unfold. Good luck! * About halfway there, one of the lines break, and the hangglider tilts, one of the wings ripping away. * Carter tries to help! * Your attempts to help pass through it/him. And he starts spiraling, and crashes into the treehouse, wih a muted impact sound. * And the scene fades out... to be replaced by the kid in a hopsital room. * Carter looks at his hands, shocked. Then gets control again, looking serious, older than his age again. He stands next to the boy's bed, looking down. Checking his injuries. * Boy is all bandaged and stuff. You can only see one of his eyes through it. * Carter scans him, then. Dad's gonna be mad... but thanks for being here. * Boy's hurt! Lotsa broken stuff. But stable. Thy-- your dad's not here, yet? He'll be here soon. * A figure fades in from the door, an abstract black outline. * Carter backs away from the bed a bit, to give the outline that he assumes is Geran's father room.
WHAT did you think you were doing, BOY? Playing pirate? There's no such thing as pirates anymore. Grow up. o_o
You and your fool friend. You can stay here until you learn better. * Figure exits. * Carter follows it. "I'll be right back, Geran." ( Assuming I can follow the figure... ) * Figure goes around a corner, and starts talking to another black silhouette, this one has 'Doctor' implied. Sir! Mr. Jaines! *he doesn't bother to conceal a bit of ire in his tone*
I'm sorry about Geran's actions. He's just a kid, he'll heal.
Thats just it. He has to learn to grow up. * Niether of them seem to notice Carter. And at that last line, "Grow up" echoes, and the scene fades out. * Carter turns to look for the boy's room, not really expecting to see it. * There's no room, anymore. Or anything, really. Just emptyness. * Carter sighs. "Carelessness has its consequences. But the boy needed love then, not reproval. He was hurt. ..and now I'm talking to myself." * The next scene unfolds. Geran, older. Listening to a drill instructor, which blurs into lunch. * "Noone is treating me like an adult. It's this kids name I still have..." * "I need a new name." * Carter whispers, knowing what the boy will say. "Garos..." * Geran pokes his lunch, spelling out 'Garos' with the food. "Garos..." * The scene shifts again, to a fighter launch bay. * Garos is there, in a black jumpsuit, holding a white helmet. So is an officer. * Carter walks up to face him. "Looks like you've done well for yourself." * Garos looks to Carter. "This is my nexus. Here is where I abandon my childhood, and take control of my dreams." Really? How exciting. I still haven't reached that, yet. But I'm going to have to, soon... * The scene starts animation, as Garos turns away. You've been assigned to a Shadowfighter Beta-G. Understood. That's what you requested when you enlisted, right? That was just a childhood fancy. What's the mission? * Fast forward though a montage of space battles, dogfights, him being promoted quickly, then the scene fades out. * And fade in Garos, no longer in a military uniform, boarding a ship. It's big, and sports many shiny bristling guns. 'Elx' is written on the hull. * Garos, big and thick and fearful looking, goes to the center of the bridge, then announces, * "This will be the maiden voyage of the Elx. I am your captain, the Pirate Lord Garos. Obey me and we will reign terror on the Galactic Patrol." * "No treasure shall go unplundered, no pursuer spared. Pirates will once again rule the sea." * The scene fades out... * Carter looks around the bridge, at those gathered. And whispers to Garos, "space, you mean." * But Garos remains. What do you want? I've no time for flights of fancy. What do I want? I'm not entirely sure. Do you know why I'm here? I want many things. You seem to have realized your dream, though Geran Jaines. I wish you well in it, though you go on to do terrible things. Farewell then. * Garos fades out... Farewell. ...The making of a tyrant. Dreams twisted. I hope I never wind up like that. *laughs self-depricatingly* Unlikely. I'm no leader. ^^; * And there's emptiness again. Again? Then that wasn't the way out. "Linger not"... Let's try another path. * Carter flys off, still seeking. * There's a cospe of trees. * Carter lands amongst them, looking around with all his senses. * You can see a hut off in the distance, and a child playing with some sticks in the middle of the cospe. * Carter flies that way, landing 10 feet or so from the child. "Hello." You're not here to try and recruit me, too, are you? Mom said that I shouldn't go with any mages. Recruit? Hardly. I know less about this place than you do. What do they want to recruit you for? * Kid holds up one of the sticks. "Because I know magic." And the stick starts growing profusely. I shouldn't do magic a lot, mom says. But the earth wants me to. * Kid lets the now-blooming with leaves stick drop to the ground. ( now-blooming stick. ) That's quite a trick. I can't do it. Why does your mom want you not to do it? Why does the earth want you to? *he levitates and turns upside down, so his face is in line with the boy's, but inverted* Mom says that if I do too much, they'll try really hard to teach me their magic, and that I should learn my own. * Kid giggles at Carters trick. "That's a neat trick." Thanks. It's the only one I've got. At least, that'll work here. ...what is thy own magic, that thou shouldst learn it without assistance? Um. Earth magic. Not mage magic. 'kay, dinnertime. I'll see you later, 'kay? Oh. *obviously doesn't understand* See thee. *waves* * Kid runs off. After a few minutes, Kid runs back in, looking older. * Kid looks about 14, now. Hey, it's you again. Wow, you grew up fast. ... My name's Carter Delger, by the way. ^^ What's thine, if I may ask? ^_^ Xelph Greyholmes. Pleased to meet thee, Xelph. *bows politely* So, how's that earth magic going? * Xelph is wearing an eyepatch, too. The uncovered eye has a milky appearance to it. ...what happened to thy eyes? I'm going blind. They said it's magical contamination. And it's geomancy. Oh, my... whatever from? Surely not all mages-- er, geomancers, go blind, do they? I don't know. I don't think I'm going blind. My sight is going, but the earth tells me where everything is, anyways. It's scaring people that I can look at them with these eyes... what should I do? Nifty. Sort of like I don't need my eyes to see my surroundings. But it's still nice to have them. ...I don't know. I grew up with people whose eyes don't work but see anyway... Perhaps if thou didst not turn thy eyes to them? If the earth tells thee, dost thou need to move thine eyes? * Xelph blinks. "But they'd still call me a freak." People are cruel, and fear what they don't understand. It is the same on Earth; that's why I've never been there. And I might get expelled from the Mages Society, if people think too badly of me. I'm not sure I can do anything about it. They think my magic is too different from thiers. Well, they were the ones who asked for thee, are they not? *smiles mischievously* What does your mother think of all of this? She wants me to leave. But I want to stay. So, the mage guild is enjoyable, despite the cruelty? Yeah. There's the different theories, and people. Hast thou friends, at least? ...I miss some of mine, though I've not seen most of them in years due to work. * Xelph blinks. "Hey. I've gotta go, now. Dinner's going to be ready soon. Great talking to you." A pleasure. * Xelph exits the cospe. * A few minutes later, Xelph comes back in, followed shortly by someone else. A girl. They both look about 19. Hello again. It seems thou hast grown again, and have a new friend. *bows to the lady* * Xelph's eyes are complety milky, now. It's you again. How are you? I'm fine. It's been mere minutes, for me. May I know thy friend? *turns to the girl* I am Carter Delger. *bows again* Meet Yaala. We're gonna get married. A pleasure, Yaala. Congratulations; I wish you happyness. How have the last...5 years, has it been?...gone for the two of you? * Yaala nods. "Likewise. Yaala Devorjian." Rocky. *grins wryly* I've gotten expelled, and have been labeled a Misfit Mage. I've heard of that before. Is it an official organization, or what? Thats what the most troublesome and most disliked mages who don't make it are called, whether it be political, or ability based. Blacklisted and shunned by all other mages. It's hard to do any research like that. And their reasons for thee were discomfort, I take it? That trick with the branch was nothing to shake a stick at, if you pardon my pun. And neither are some of the other things I can do. Anyways, we're gonna get married. Wonderful! I wish you the greatest happiness! * A third figure enters, an abstract black silhouette, with an implied 'Priest.' Your daughter will be a handful, I'm sure. * Carter grows quiet, reverence for the ceremony paramount. * And several more figures fade in, around, a half-dozen or so. The wedding part starts, blurring by quickly. * And then everyone leaves, leaving you alone in the cospe. *sigh* A pity. I hope they enjoy it while it lasts. Poor Yaala...never to know Anya. * Xelph enters again, looking decidely grown up. 30-ish, you'd guess. You again. Yes. *he looks serious, not relaxed any longer* I wonder, will you remember this in the Realm? Or has this no bearing on reality? This is only here. What can I do for you? I seem to meet you at crossroads. I was afraid of that. Yaala's pregnant. And... someone named Cephiro is attempting to band together the Misfit Mages to achieve something. He wants me to help him, but I don't know if I want to get involved. Why? I've made a life for myself away from magic, just using and practicing what I know. I'm not sure I want to return to that world, where I'm looked upon as worse than dirt. Then, is there reason why you should join? What does Lady Yaala think of it? Yaala is for it. She says I'm becoming grouchy. *wry grin* She said she'd join him, too, if I did. That would be nice. She could get proper teaching for her latent abilities amonst others who know about magic. My efforts alone aren't doing much. * Carter looks sad. "It would. The choice you will make will shape your life. This is, indeed a crossroads. I wish I could help." He looks hopeful. "Can I help?" Teaching her...your daughter will be powerful. I don't think you can. But talking eases my mind, somehow. We're going to call her Anya is she's a girl, after Yaala's mother. We haven't decided on a name if it's a boy, yet. * Xelph nods at Carter. "I must be off." I'm glad to ease your mind. I will see you again, I'm sure. Good bye, Lord Greyholmes. * Xelph exits. * A few minutes later, a procession of figures enter. 7 of them, and one carrying a baby. All but two are silhouetted out, Xelph and Yaala. * Carter watches, silently. Looking morose. "So here is how it ends...and begins. It isn't fair. It just isn't." He looks close to tears. * Xelph turns to Yaala. "One of use should stay behind to keep the portal open. Amongst us, you have the most power..." I understand. Take Anya with you, please? I would like her to get a glimpse of this new world with the rest of you... A romantic notion, but please honor in nonetheless? * Carter laughs, almost sobs, and covers his mouth with his hand. * The scene blurs forward, the assembled talking amonsgt themselves, then holding up their hands in one motion, starting casting something. Pretty soon a big portal springs to life. * Carter reflexively scans it. * Scans aren't picking up anything, not even Xelph. Just yourself. * Carter thinks to himself, "Of course." * And they walk through, one by one, Xelph carrying Anya, Yaala staying behind. * Carter walks up behind Yaala, watching. "I'm so sorry..." * The scene speeds forward, blurring, from Xelph landing, alone, in front of the monolith with the Track Gate, to rejoining the others, and realizing that there wasn't a way back, and Anya's still missing. ( Tracked symbol. double-S'. Grr. ) * It blurs forward again, to him and Thanatos approaching Clay, holding a baby Anya. * Mouths move, and unhead words are spoken, like a movie with the audio track off, then Thanatos and Xelph charge Clay, the whole scene aquiring a red tint. ( unheard. ) * Blur forward through Xelph and Anya, as Anya grows up, increasingly at odds with Xelph. * And then the scene ends. * And there's emptyness yet again. Back here... why show me that? Poor Xelph. I can almost pity Geran, too. One became a leader, a tyrant. The other stumbles through fatherhood. What has this to do with me, though? I am just a child, myself. Good man, father. Twisted leader, hurt child. * "Aspects of Trine are revealed," whispers someone. "Truth and wisdom come from seeing all sides." *whispers* Who's there? *turns all about* * Tobias is there, looking uncharacteristically ... still. * "This is for you." * Tobias holds out a thick looking greatsword, that has a powerfully regal impression to it. Tobias? No, not really Tobias, but it doesn't matter. It is? Thank you... * Carter reaches for it, hesitantly. But he does take hold of it, grasping the hilt with both hands. * Tobias fades out.... * And reality starts crumbling, in flakes and chunks. * Carter hefts it experimentally. It is new to him, holding a sword. Time to go back, I guess... *he smiles, waiting for the world to return* * It's heavy., but it's motion is suprisingly light. * And the real Carter un-monolithifies. * Carter holds the sword. "Impressive weapon. What is its purpose, though?" He doesn't seem to be talking to anyone in particular. * Carter: An impression of a question forms in your head; "Pick a form." A form? I don't know... This one will do. * Carter swings it once. "Yes, this will do." * Carter is holding a heavy bastard sword, with an intense regal impression, due to the designs and carving and decorations upon it. It moves extremely lightly, though. * Miniminiend!