* Last time, on Pokebattlers! Anteia got a mysterious warning to 'Beware the Saiyajins!' Not that she knows at all what one of them is. Wait, what last time? ... shush. * It's a bright sunny day, on your little solitary isolated island, the waves are perfect, the sun is out, and all is well. * Need I say more? Game on, surfer chick. * Anteia is fishing! And singing a sort of tuneless song to herself that consists solely of the word 'mwee'. * Fishing is great, too! In fact, everything is great. Mind roll! o/~ MweeeeEeeeeeeee~ o/~ * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 5. ( Your SOUL IS MINE. ) * The day goes by in a haze, fishing and surfing and Mweeing, 'till it's about dusk. * There's a streak of light across the sky, like a shooting star. * It seemed pretty fast, and there weren't any others in the sky, either. ...Uwaa? * Anteia looks up at it. * Anteia looks for where it went * You're on a solitary island, in the middle of nowhere. It probably hit the sea. * A few minutes later, you spot something moving torwards you at a really high speed, just before you hear it. The sonic boom knocks you flat, and shatters anything glass in your homely looking hut. Uwaa~! O_O * There's a short guy there, with really damned spiky black hair, wearing some kind of striped body armor. He's glowing with a huge battle aura. His gaze locks on you. Mwahahahahha. I have come to purify this planet! You puny humans cannot stop me! * Another Mind roll! * Anteia looks at him, decides he isn't pretty, and goes back to getting ready to cook fish! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Don't blame me. Blame yourself, or God." Or your stupid fish! * Hey, he's suddenly holding Trouter, in really bad shape, like he was fighting a long multi-episode battle with him. and lost. Uwaa! It's Trouter! You big jerk! * Saiyajin grins. "I bet he'd taste good with a dash of pepper, slowly cooked over a low flame." * Saiyajin laughs. "Mwahahaha! I'm the biggest jerk EVAR!" * Anteia takes the fork she was getting ready to cook with and drops into what might be a fighting stance if she had any idea how to fight. "I'm gonna knock you out, jerkbutt! Eat the fork of the ocean!" * Saiyajin shifts stances, tossing the badly beaten Trouter onto the sand. "Oh yeah...? Give it you're best shot." *At this, one of his hands starts charging energy.* * Anteia dives at him, poking the air with her fork as she goes! * Saiyajin dosen't even try and dodge. The fork breaks into a billion peices, each peice reflecting the now setting sun as they twirl around lazily in the air, and land on the sand. Heh. *laughlaughluiagh* You had your chance. Now it's my turn. * Saiayjin raises one hand lazily, the energy charged in his hand fairly bright. His face suddenly contorts with rage, and he yells, "I'LL SEND YOU TO ANOTHER DIMENSION!" * Anteia gets up, and starts walking back to her hut to get a new fork! ;_; (I so saw that comming.) * Anteia comes back with a new fork and dives at him again! * The beam erupts into an impossbily huge diameter, engulfing Antheia! And Trouter! And well, everything. * .... and then you wake up. ( ouch. bad gm. DUBBED DBZ, no less. ) * The day is nice and sunny, Trouter is confrotably under your head. Despite the fact it was obviously a stupid dream, now that you're awake to realize it, there's an odd feeling lingering in the air. * Anteia blinks and rubs her eyes. "What a big dumb dream!" * Anteia idly fluffs Trouter and picks him up, going outside to greet the new day! o/~ Mweeeee~ o/~ * It's nice and sunny, the weather promises to be perfect for the rest of the day. * You also rememeber today is the day of the week that Squad Sahara usually challenges you, every week. * Anteia gets to catching breakfast before she starts on the day's surfing. * Anteia fishes extra hard, then, since she and Trouter need to eat up before the fight. Yeah, Trouter eats fish. Try not to think about it. * Today is really lucky, it seems. You catch two really big fish! The rest of the catch is pretty normal, though. Mwee! * Anteia gets to cooking the breakfast fish! (Mwee?) * And just when you're done, and are about to dig in..... (Mwee is Anteia's happy noise, uwaa is her sad/confused noise.) (Oh. That helps. ^_^) To save the world from the big freeze! To bring society to its knees! The dry the oceans and warm it up! To help the cactus flower crop! * Anteia cringes, and picks up Trouter. * There's a lapse in the usual chant, and some whispering. * 'What do you mean you forgot the next line?' 'Well, uh..' 'It's *whisper whisper*' 'Oh, right!' ( Trout trout trout, trout! trout tro trout out rout trou!) (Actually, he speaks with a Cambridge english acent. ^^;) *cough* To butcher the boundaries of rhyme and meter! (And is the smartest being in the universe according to the BESM stat scale.) * And the next line is uttered by both, but out of synch. "Face the wr-face the wrath of-ath of Squad Saharas Persis an-Peter and Persi-d Peter-s!" * There's a sound of someone getting slapped upside the head, and then an 'ow!', and then a 'Why do I even bother?' from a third voice. * Anteia sighs and considers getting started on breakfast. * And now, for the dramatic cutscene full of flashy sparklies and special effects, with Persis and Peter standing back to back, a cactus that's taller than them behind them. * Persis points one hand at Anteia. "You! Today is the day Squad Sahara will defeat you!" * Anteia points back! "You're wrong! Today's the day I show you off of Tropicana Island once and for all!" * Peter is looking over a peice of paper, not really paying attention. "My copy says 'Peter and Persis, I don't know what she's talking about." * Persis grins darkly, showing those sharp pointy anime fangs, at just the right angle to get dramatic shading on her face as she looks away from Anteia. Oh, but you're sorely mistaken. Anubite has learned a new attack that will suck you right out of this world. * Anteia thrusts Trouter at her. "That won't change a thing!" * Persis steps back, still smiling darkly with full special effects on. Now that the dramatic cutscene is over, the cactus is back to it's normal tiny size. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Anubite steps forward, click-clicking it's claws against each other. * Your anaylyze Monster tells you that Persis did somethinig extremely stupid. Anubites can learn a 'Monster Portal' ability, which is higly erratic. There hasn't been a trainer yet that could get their Anubite to control it. Uwaa! What've you done?! @_@ Noone's been able to get their Anubite to control that move in, like, a bajillion years! @_@ Nothing I can't handle. *preen* Anubite, crossclaw attack! * Anubite swipes at Trouter! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I'm down with that. You know me." ( .... Dicey? I know you hate my PC's and all.... but.... @_@; ) ( Melee def roll for Trouter/Anteia/Trouter being held by Anteia. @_@; ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 7. ( Trouter is hit for 20! ) (Made it.) (No defense rolls on crits, sorry. :P) (Why'd he ask for one, then?) ( Dicey is being evil. Right off. >_> ) (I don't know. Maybe he didn't read that part of the BESM rulebook? Or he's ignoring the rule?) ( The latter. ) * Trouter/Anteia/Antiea wielding Trouter's turn! * Anteia manages to escape the brunt of the attack by virtue of looking so good!, though Trouter gets clawed ( Nah, just ignoring it that once. Dicey has a history of being evil with me. >_> ) * Anteia points Trouter at Anubite. "Trouter! Crushing Angst of the Shipwrecked Sailor Beam!" A dull sea green beam bursts forth from the fish's forehead. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 6. * Persis panicks a little. "Anubis! Fight it! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (2d6) and gets 9. * Anubite ... dosen't successfully resist. It's barely moving, it's eyes kinda glaze over. It's still standing, though. Oh no! Anubite! Fall back! * Persis kicks Peter in the back of the leg. "Get Arakna in there!" * Peter glares at Persis, tucking away his script. "Arakna, get in there and take out that meddling Trouter!" * And init! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (d6+5) and gets 8. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (d6+6) and gets 9. * Anteia thrusts her fish out again! "Trouter, again with the beam!" * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 8. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (2d6) and gets 9. * Poor Arakna. The scorpion pony thing wobbles a bit, and falls over, it's eyes glazing over. Mwee! * Anteia claps, bounces, and hugs Trouter. "Good job!" ^__^ (Anteia scares me...) Alas. And we lose again. * Peter runs over to Arakna, cradling it in his arms. "Arakna! Talk to me! Arraakkkknnaaaaa!" ;_; * Persis is talking quietly to Anubite. She turns to Anteia, the dark grin of superiority gone, replaced with a face of someone who's really pissed off. "You... you.... I won't let you get away with this! I'm not going to lose again!" *her voice cracks at about 'lose'* Awww. Want some fish? It was done when you got here! ^_^ * Persis's face pauses a moment, as if she's reconsidering something. It steels again at the offer of fish. NO! No fish! No fish for you! * Persis points a shaky hand an Anteia. "Anubite! Use your Monster Portal attack! Suck that Trouter to the other side of the planet!" But I took so long catching it! ;_; * Peter panics! He starts dragging Araknas as far away from Anubite as he can, as fast as he can! Anu... anu. Anubite? Uwaa! You don't know what you're doing! O_O * Anubite eyes unglaze, as it focuses, partially shaking off the angst beam. Of course I do! I'm the first onster trainer to successfully train an Anubite to control it's Monster Portal ability! Nu... nu... nubite? ANNUUUBIITEE! * A sandy colored portal forms in front of Anubite, with little arcs of black energy running along it. * Oh, hey. Persis is panicking too. Wha-what? What do you mean you can't control it?! Uwaa! Swim for your life, Trouter! Well, stop it then! Hurry! No? You can't? * Anteia runs for the shore, not bothering to get down to her bikini, screaming all the way. * Anubite panicks now, and passes out! The portal gets a sudden surge of strength, an intense vacuum starting to sucks free standing stuff into it, and then some. * Fwoosh! Anubite gets sucked in, a split second later Persis does too, not having gotten good enough footing. * Anteia runs against the vaccuum. "UWAAAAAAAA~" @_@ * Body roll +5! * For Trouter, too! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6+5) and gets 13. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6+5) and gets 15. * Uwahh! You and Trouter are sucked in, not being able to fight the really strong suction! ( This Sucks! ) * You see Peter starting to lose ground, before entering the portal. * And then you pass out. * Anteia passes out! * Sometime later, you wake up. There are barely remembered images of other faces, memories, lives, for a moment crystal clear, as if you were them, but gone in a flash. Uwaa~ * Anteia gets up and looks around * It's wet. And raining. And Trouter hasn't seemed to have woken up yet, fate, or coincidence, having him as your pillow whle you were out. * Anteia picks up Trouter and begins searching for a place where she can dry her clothes off. * The sun beats down from above, but you are spared from it by a large spot of shade. There's ... other ... things. You're not quite sure what they are, or if they're even real. They appear to be four legged furry creatures, with a swishy tail. * And they're all watching you. * Anteia looks at them and tries to figure out what they are. * You spy your fishing rod, and surfboard, on a table with two of them examining them. ...What's going on? * A couple of them turn to each other, then start talking at her. Talking at her because she can't understand a word they say. A recording of Antieas voice is repeated several times, and as they continue to talk at her, she starts to pick up some words. * 'Klavle und Realm unji desh?' * 'Klavle und Realm you name?' ...Uwaa. What? o.O * 'Language adaptation circuit olavle unster finished.' * Anteia blinks, and points to herself. "Anteia." She points to the fish under her arm. "Trouter." * One of the four legged furry things steps forward. It(?) seems a bit more important than the others, from the way everyone kept glancing at it. It has orange fur, and long fingernails. ...Thassa lot of big words. *it points at itself* "I known as Yerv." Hi! I'm Anteia, and this is Trouter! ^_^ * Yerv glances back at the others. * 'Travel type, biological portal, era, 2000, error degree 17 years.' * Yerv sags a little. Then he lifts his head up, (you think it's a he), and extends a hand. Welcome to... the Realm. * Anteia shakes his hand. "What's the Realm? Where's Tropicana Island?" * Yerv tilts its head. "I ... sorry." *he looks to the ground again* "It's never easy to speak. I guess I'll just shoot it out." You are the newest citizen of the Realm. A one way sinkhole in time and space. * About now, Trouter wakes up. ... ... * Anteia blinks. UWAAAAAAAAA! ;_; Tropicolor Island, is behind you. *he points over Anteia's shoulder* * Anteia looks behind her. * And behind Anteia, is a big black rectangular monolith. It's what has been giving her the shade from the sun. There is a giant circle inscribed into the center of it, and the surface seems to ripple. ( Soul roll! ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 4. * And for just a moment, you think you see a thin silver sword floating in the middle of it. * Anteia reaches out for the shiny! * Yerv panicks, and grabs Anteia by the shoulder, pulling her back roughly. "Don't touch it!" * There's a commotion from the various tables around, and a force field snaps into place about the monolith. Uwaa! What's that? That's not Tropicana Island... o_O Don't .... don't touch it. It destroyes everything that touches it. * Anteia blinks. "So Tropicana Island's gone?" No... it's not gone. It's still there. The thing is.... Damn. Always the young ones. You're stuck here. Oh no! I'll never see Mom again! Or the nice old man! Or Squad Sahara! ...And I'll be wearing these clothes forever! ;_; * Yerv blinks. "She seems to be taking it awfully well. She, not mammary? Or is it mammary is taking it well?" ...You use a lot of big words. o_o Excuse much. Too many different languages, is hard to differentiate from them, even with the translater. ...What do I do now? Where's the beach? * Yerv turns back to the others, and snaps the fingers of one hand at them. "Guide, belongings! We are a welcoming agency, not gawketters!" * He turns back to Anteia. "Excuse myself. I've got work to do. One who knows land and is homely will assist you." Aw. I wanted a pretty person. ;_; * The doors open. As they do, the sounds of chatter and people, some of it familiar, some of it alien, reaches your ears. * Anteia looks in * A couple of people enter, 2 humans, and .. something else. One of the humans approchaes Anteia. ...Hi! I shall excuse now. *he turns to the person* "Alex, guide her, and help her in her adjustment to this world. * Yerv saunters over with the others of his kind. * 'Alex,' is 5'8, and wearing a miniskirt that really pushes the limits on how little can be there, and she's wearing a loose t-shirt. * She has brown hair, and hazel eyes. "Hey, kid. New here?" *she claps an arm around Anteia's shoulders* "Name's Alex. Yours?" Mwee. ^^ I'm Anteia. This's Trouter, my monster. ^^ Monster....? You're not some wierd mage, or portal hopper, or something? Well, variety is good. I figure if enough different types get dragged here, one of them will know how to get the hell out. I don't even know what those are! ^_^ * Alex looks her over. "Ya like fish, huh?" I was just fighting Persis' Anubite, and she taught it a new atta- Yeah! ^_^ * Alex grins. "There's an aquarium around here. Might as well tell ya everyting in a place you'll probably be comfortable in." I love the ocean! Well, everyone one Tropicana Island does, except for those Squad Sahara jerks! Yay! Come on, lets get out of here. Being near the monolith gives me the creeps. *she Glances around* "That your stuff?" * Anteia looks over. "Yeah." * Anteia gets her surfboard, fishing rod, and any other stuff that might have survived. * Alex is waiting by the door, slipping on an ammo belt over her shoulder, and checking some guns. * Anteia goes back over to Alex. * The population is noticeably denser one you get some distance out from the monolith, and some kind of invisible charge in the air is no longer felt. * Anteia relaxes a bit. Where's the beach around here? * Now, though, you feel a slight tug. It seems to increase and decrease as you shift directions. Uh... North from here. Not to tame, though. Fishy people have claimed it. Some people get freaked out by em. Not sure if you would or not. Uwaaa. @_@ Are they mean? @_@ Eh? Not really. Kinda scary looking though. One too many frightened newcomers thgouht they were monsters, so they're a bit wary. * Anteia nods * Anteia looks around for the aquarium. * It's not to hard to spot. It's got glass walls, with water, and various fish inside. * There's probably more on the inside, too! ^_^v * Anteia heads towards it * Alex glances around, following nervously. * Anteia heads inside! * There's more glass walls with water inside! And more fish! Not much that you recognize, though. * Trouter is eyeing some of the denizens warily. And enough people are eyeing him, and in turn, Anteia. * Anteia looks around and 'ooooohs', before sitting in a corner and taking her shorts off to dry. "So, what's going on?" Forgot all 'bout it. Serena's supposed to be around. Great. What's wrong, Trouter? I have never seen any of these varities of fish. * Alex blinks. "Talking fish. Neat." Huh, really? * Anteia hugs Trouter. "Yeah, he's my friend. ^^" * Alex mutters. "Serena, Serena. Stupid Lord. Always got some new thing she's interested in. I think it's fish now." Who's Serena? If some really hot looking gal comes walking along like she's all important, just run, okay? She's got a fish fetish now, she might want your fish if she sees it. One of the Lords. The first group. Everyone calls the first group the Lords of Shadow. * Anteia nods. They're all bad news. Unless you're one of the other Lords. The second group, the Lords of Light. * Anteia nods again * The stares kinda stop, after Alex gives the people around a good looking at, something akin to, 'Come get some.' So, where ya from? Space colony, rural farm, ivory tower? * Alex sits down on the bench besides Anteia. Tropicana Island! * Alex nods. "Tell me 'bout the place." * Alex draws a gun, you have no idea where she had it stashed, and idly trains it one of the passing fishies. * Anteia ums. "It's a nice place. The water's warm, people're friendly, palm trees, beaches, pretty girls and boys... I wanna go back some day. ^^" Normalsville. On the beach, with monsters. * Alex thinks. "Lifa district would probably suit you." An' there's Squad Sahara, who wanna drain the ocean and make it all a desert. They'd be nice if they weren't big jerks. Lifa District? Well, all sorts of people get dragged here. They try and stick to what they know, and hang out with people like them. Lifa district is the normal place, really. It's the place I stay. It's a bit low tech than where I came from, though. * Anteia nods All the techno geeks hang out in their tecno city, the wierdo mages all hang out in their wierdo mage city, and stuff like that. * Anteia puts her shorts back on, assuming they're dry by now. * Anteia nods again. * Alex thinks some more. "It'd probably be a good idea to stop by Temple, though." Temple? Or Shrine, or Center, or Nexus, or whatever you call it. I call it Temple. It's in the dead middle of the monoliths. What's there? They're all arranged in a circle across the land, see? *she waves her hand in a big circle to demonstrate the point* (And there's 7 of them, each with a weapon inside! XD) There? Everyone, for the most part. (Or maybe I'm thinking of the wrong thing...) They got representatives from different areas, and different types of people. You might find more of your kind there. * Anteia nods. We should prolly go, then. Want me to go with ya? It's a decent trip. Sure. ^^ Well, come on. Ever ridden a chocobo before? It's fun, I'll show ya how. Before ya ask, they're big yellow birds that can't fly. Come on! And no, they won't eat your fish. * Anteia blinks. "Sounds fun. Yay!" ^^ * Alex drags Anteia along, not really giving her much choice. ^_^; * Anteia nods, and picks up Trouter before she's dragged * And the two rode off into the sunset, the chocobo theme music playing in the background. End. @_@;