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Are we alone?

The greatest question in human history, answered by a two day siege of Earth that left all major urban centers devastated. five billion people were lost, and seven billion more were left defenseless in the face of a brutal menace. 



As the Earth fell silent, work on a life saving transport began on one of her few off world colonies, Tyco City on Mars.  This vessel, the mail ship Independence, would carry a handful of survivors away from the carnage.  When work finished four days later, with the aliens bearing down on Mars, the Independence escaped, as the armies and rag tag vessels of the red planet banded together in one final heroic stand to give the ark time to escape.



6,000 souls were spared that day.


It was discovered that the Independence did not possess the power to leave the Sol System. In 2050, the hard decision was made to force the ship down on Pluto.  Almost immediately work began on gathering the resources and technology necessary to construct a new, faster vessel to carry the precious cargo to Alpha Centauri.



Over the next 60 years, four colonies grew here in the darkest corner of the solar system.  In this darkness, humanity sacrificed morals for survival.  In 2084, the first fruits of Project Population Surge were bore.  The subsequent years that would follow would be known as the “Cloning Era” where humanity began manufacturing its service personnel from DNA samples of people long since dead from the Martian Colonies. 


Now our fate is in their hands.  They are mistreated, thought of as second class citizens, but they are our only hope.  If this handful of clones and the vessels they both built and man should fail, humanity would fade from existence…


They’re not superheroes, they’re just regular men and women like you and me.  But if the Human race is going to survive, they’re going to have to learn to be something more…