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The Matrix Reloaded: Neo

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In response to the recent article entitled "Gunfight at the Matrix Corral":

The Matrix Reloaded has been one of the most anticipated movies of the year and has gotten many different responses. Many reviews have been written regarding it formulating different theories and making different judgements.

This article was extremely critical towards the new release Matrix Reloaded. The critic states things such as "viewing The Matrix Reloaded is like being eaten alive slowly by a machine" and "Keanu Reeves [emotes] the realized nightmare of drama coaches everywhere".

The article also talks about the events of the movie and how nothing was really well done. They discuss the characters and how they are different than the first, giving them an unwanted appearance. It also compares this movie to "a blur of sci-fi and head comix cliches and 1984 gone 2003". Many unnecessary comments were made, which effected potential viewers greatly. Many who have already seen the movie were angered by this article, saying it was completely untrue and was very unnecessary, and many potential viewers were discouraged from seeing it after this article was published.

This was a compeletely inaccurate account of this movie in my opinion. It was way too harsh regarding this movie. When I went to see it the night before it came out, everyone was expecting something. A lot of people probably expected it to be a lot like the first, as it was most definantly not. Which is most likely why so many people didn't enjoy it as much as they did the first. The first was a lot more introducing the ideas about the matrix while the second is about the life after the finding of "the One" (Neo-Keanu Reeves). Expectations were probably a little too high and so the movie turned out to be something unexpected, but not what the people wanted it to be excactly, so people thought it wasn't as good as the first when really it was only different. That doesn't make a movie bad. I think this movie was extremely good, but it seems a little diconnected because, in essence, it is. There were many things that seemed to not have a storyline, but everything was put in the movie for a reason. The beginning, such as the fight scenes which many said to have no point, showed that Neo was really the One and that he was the most strong and everything like that. There was a storyline and everything was indeed important to the overall effect that we will realize in the third and final movie.