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Hello Fellow Internet Druggies!



Awww... *sniff* Look at what Kaiba done, he made Yuugi cry. *sniff* I love angst!

Anime Lyrics

Gallery Pictures

Various Quotes

About Me

Welcome to my brand new, edited website!!! (Cheesy entry complete)

Happiness in Freedom

Now that my assignment, one I would rather not think about, is down in the dumps, this site is dedicated to all MY favourite things, whom other people may also like. And because this aite is known by so few of my friends (and visited by even less cause they're too lazy and can't be bothered) this site will be completely UNCENSORED! Anything I WANT to put up here, GOES! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ENJOY!

The link to the song of the moment is above and to the left... hard to miss. It says "Lyrics to the songs on the site". I really don't have much more to say, well, except that this site is only JUST getting off the ground, and more things that I like will be placed here when I can find the time!

A page of Duo and Quatre doujinshi ~^___^~ Squee!

<----I'm sorry!!! These pictures of Duo and Quatre from Gundam Wing were just too cute NOT to put up somewhere!! Well aren't they cute? WELL? *pokes the audience, they are silent* Well I thought they were. *shrugs* Onward!
