Model railway details
Scale: H0 (3.5mm/1ft)
Size: 10m x 3m (excludes hidden storage loops)
Prototype: NSWGR Waterfall, Metropolitan Colliery Junction and Metropolitan Colliery
Era: 1950’s, can also be 1960’s if I feel like it

Mainline Shinorha code 70
Sidings and branch line Railcraft code 55
Turnouts Scratch built to AMRA and my fine scale standards
Minimum radius 910mm
Maximum gradient: 1 in 40

Control system:
3 DC Home made walk around controls with memory
Cab controls manually interlocked with signals
Automatic train progression in storage loops using relays and track current detectors

Hard shell plaster using ripped up paper or cloth on either foam or cardboard masking tape forms