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Site Updated: 10.01.03
Well, I'm attempting to perform a complete overhaul of my webspace. She's up and running, everything should be working. There is going to be a lot more content, such as music reviews provided by Alex BTA, a guestbook, of course the pictures, and my livejournal is embedded in this site. This is also my first crack at Macromedia Dreamweaver. It's taken me an entire day to get what you see now, so if you have any pointers, shoot 'em my way.

I also have links to most of the online journals I read on my 'links' page. If this is a problem for you, let me know and I'll take it down. Otherwise, if I don't hear from you, i'll assume it's all right. The 'Chick o' the Week' shall be selected from either friendster, or wherever I deem necessary.












Edited with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Optimized for iE @ 1024x768 resolution.