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Mambo Audio

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My message board! Music News!! The best Links!!!

Welcome to Mambo Audio vesion 3.0 the first two versions were a bit crap so i've made this one. Louder than Kerrang!Louder than Metal Hammer this is the loudest web site on Earth (I think) and is totally dedicated to all types of music!
This site will always be updated and new things will be added make sure to keep up to date on the news reveiws section as these will be throughly updated atleast once a week.Here at Mambo Audio we honour all the greatest bands in the hall of fame and the loudest punkiest and heaviest bands will be seen through in the 'Too hot to handle section'.We are also always looking for new talent from Mohumed to Finch we love everything so I truely do hope you enjoy this so much thank you! -Mambo Gangsta ->

The three things this site was made for!

My Favorite Web Sites

A great greenday fansite take a look (look at the fat pics)
Some amazing pictures by an amazing artist!
Audioslave home page- excellent!
Tons and tons and tons of games be them animated or not I'd say this is even better than
This is a great greenday fan site with an amazing message board
