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The Kaomarian Guard secret site


Strategy by Smashface

Stolen strategy

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

Last update Dec-05


Tribe 1: Quipee. +40 MRES in growth phase

Tribe 2: Ankh-Momp. Only $30 per tech level

Tribe 3: Hobgob. Gives you 2% EFF raise for every item put on the market

Tribe 4: Miwaunez. Max 5% EFF loss for number of provinces.

Tribe 5: Selfter. Full 3 orders in spell creation and casting phases regardless of #Mag.

Tribe 6: El Barachmi. Bonus attack order, max 7.

Tribe 7: Zsuk. Reduces corn needed by 1/4.

Tribe 8: Femma. 1.5x tax income

Tribe 9: Gobet. Gives +0.5 in harvesting, up to 3.

Tribe 10: Tiplap. Gives +1 in chopping, up to 3.

Tribe 11: Gang Lufo. Increases common spell power by 25%

Tribe 12: Armrissh. 10% less mining failure

Tribe 13: Peelow. Always 20% interest to gold in bank

Tribe 14: Shak-Akash. MRES filled to 100 at beginning of turn

Tribe 15: Terrium. 80% chance successful spy report (Order 3, full province data)

Tribe 16: Voneva. Allows you to try up to 4 spycodes

Tribe 17: Mbakku. Unit upgrades require only ½ wood.

Tribe 18: Earmithonian. Double white/yellow diamond mining

Tribe 19: Deberra. +50% to GCA production

Tribe 20: Mystic Ak. 30 POP back from a POP>MAG transformation