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Honour Band 2002

Honour Band 2002

Honour Band 2002

Since It Took So Long To Load This Page, I Seperated The Pics Onto Multipal Pages. Enjoy!!

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Honour Band 2002 Pipes and Drums

Heres Some Classic and Funnie Things That Happened During Honour Band 2002:


Hello all, its me Tyler Doyle. I thought id make this page so that the cadets in honour band, and others, may enjoy the times that we once had. If any one have more Pics for this page, PLEASE email them to me or talk to me on MSN Messanger at . Thanks!!

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Heres anoth site thats being made by Taylor Assion for honour, Go check it out!!

Once again, i found our Pipe band structure, with some added names and such :-)


Drum Major: Leaps tall buildings in a single bound Faster than a speeding bullet More powerful than a locomotive Walks on Water Talks to God

Pipers: (Just like a Doyle) Leaps small buildings with a run-up Is a crack shot Pulls railway carriages Fords rivers Listens to god

Side Drummers: (Timmy, Ian) Vaults over fences Is allowed his own sidearm Can read a railway timetable Knows how to put on fishing gollashes Believes in God

Tenor Drummers: (Chief, Taylor........enjoy) Can open and walk through a door Knows which is the dangerous end of a gun Has his own train set Wears Wellington boots Talks to himself

Bass Drummers: (Hate to break it to ya Gen........) Trips over matchsticks Is NEVER allowed near firearms Says "Look at CHOO-CHOO" Plays in puddles Nobody listens to him and finally.

THE PIPE MAJOR: (Wayne knows his place in life) Lifts tall buildings and walks underneath them Catches bullets in his teeth and chews them Kicks locomotives off their tracks Drinks entire oceans He IS GOD!!!!

Honour Band 2002 Pipes and Drums

---->Pipes and Drums Set 2002<----

Hey, if you want to hear our set recording, give me a shout on MSN Messanger at!!

Heres some pics of the 2001 Honour Band

Click Here For 2002 Pictures