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WTC Attack     Questions About It

last update 5 Feb 2002
You'll have to go elsewhere to read any excuse, explanation or apology for my fostering what some might call a conspiracy theory. If you tend to "automatically reject" consipiracy theories then click here to find how your very own attitudes and thougts have been manipulated to prevent you from considering that a con has been perpetrated. I may be a conspiracy nut but better that than to be a coincidence dupe. Here are some simple questions and comments about what occurred on September 11, 2001 and the following three months.


The word "hijacker" used below refers to the supposed 19 Islamic Fundamentalist hijackers associated with Al-Quida who were alleged to have hijacked and controlled the four planes involved in the attack. It is still an open question if such people exist, if they are Islamic Fundamentalists, if they are terrorists, if they hijacked the planes and if they actually controlled all aspects of the flights.

Before the attack:

  1. Do any government agencies speculate potential attacks and how to respond?
  2. Was there an existing general air defense plan for foreign attack?     more
  3. Do any ground to air missile defense systems exist in the Washington D.C. area?
  4. Were there any air defense systems associated with the World Trade Center?
  5. What was the most common association of the hijackers?
  6. Did the CIA, FBI, or Army Intelligence recieve any indications that this plot was brewing ?
  7. Wasn't the CIA monitoring the activity of Mohamed Atta?
  8. Aren't all flight instruction facilities required to notify some federal agency about students?
  9. Why did Florida pass Marshall law legislation only 3 days before?
  10. Why was the CIA investigating the Bin Laden family?
  11. Why was CIA investigation of the Bin Laden family stopped and by whose authority?     more
  12. Who wasn't at the crash sights (stayed home from work) that normally would have been?
  13. Who sold short on American Airlines or the Security Company?

During the attack:

  1. How was the President able to see the first plane fly into the tower when nobody else did.
  2. Why didn't the Secret Service move the president from the classroom to a secure site after the 2nd plane hit?     more
    The planes
  1. How do you turn off a transponder?
  2. Has a transponder ever been turned off by a terrorist before?
  3. When were the transponders turned off and did they come back on?
  4. Did the hijackers board as regular passengers?
  5. Did the hijackers have any other weapons?
  6. When was the FAA alerted about the first cell phone call?
  7. When was the FAA alerted about the first cell phone call?
  8. How did the hijackers accomplish such precise timing to effect hits within 15 minutes of each other?
  9. Why did the first plane fly all the way out to Kansas and then turn around?
  10. Did existing passenger boarding profile warnings create any action that was then overridden?
  11. When did the air traffic controllers notify the FAA about each of the four hijackings?
  12. When did the FAA notify the military about each of the four hijackings?
  13. How many air bases were asked to scramble support and when were they asked and by whom?
  14. Were any orders given to air bases to stand down and if so, when and by whom?
  15. Why weren't the WTC planes intercepted?     more
  16. Why wasn't the Pentagon plane intercepted?
  17. Why wasn't the Pennsylvania plane intercepted?
  18. If the Pennsylvania plane was shot down why is there a coverup?
  19. Were planes hijacked other than the four generally known about?
  20. Why wasn't the pentagon evacuated?
  21. How unusual is it that the pentagon hit was right on the only part of the building that had been reinforced (only 10% of the structure) ?
  22. Where any government or public buildings in Washington D.C. evacuated?
  23. What level of skill is really needed to fly a large commercial jet into a the World Trade Center at 500 miles per hour?

The buildings

  • Why did the second building hit go down first?
  • Why didn't the central core remain standing even though the floors and walls gave way?
  • Is there any precedent, other than controlled demolition, for the sequence and nature of the collapse?
  • Why did building 7 collapse?
  • Where there explosions in other buildings or underground or in the subways?
  • What exactly happened with the flight path of the Pentagon plane?
  • Were the maneuvers of the Pentagon plane so extreme that they demonstrated the presence of a highly skilled pilot?

    After the attack:

    Within hours:

    1. Why did government officials say they were surprised that planes were used as weapons? Remember the Kama-Kazi Pilots of WWII ?   Bush's visit to Italy was detailed just a few months prior, for fear of terrorists using hijacked commercial airplanes to attack the upcoming meeting with the Italian Prime Minister. more Terrorists had previously hijacked a plane to fly into the Eifel Tower. more
    2. How soon was the event attributed to Arab terrorists?
    3. Who made money in the market?
    4. Why did the terrorists allow passengers to use airplane telephones to make out-going calls ?
    5. Would such calls really work, given the course and maneuvers involved ?
    6. Who actually received the calls ?  Relatives ?   Police ?   Air Force ?   CIA ?   Operators ?

    Within days:

    1. How did the government determine that the hijackers were limited to the 19 identified as such?
    2. How did the government discover who the hijackers were? Arab sounding names on the manifest?
    3. Did the hijackers use their real names or phony names, and if phony names why would they use Arab sounding names?
    4. Why were the Bin Laden family escorted from Texas to Saudi Arabia by the U.S. government?
    5. Who approved their relocation?
    6. Why were they all in Texas?
    7. Was FEMA involved in recovery?
    8. Why did one defense official tell Newsday "I don't think any of us envisioned an internal air threat by big aircraft," and even Maj. General Paul A. Weaver Jr., director of the Air National Guard, said shortly after the attacks: "the threat was from within, and we hadn't looked into our own country before. All of a sudden the threat was from within." Hadn't he heard of Timothy Mcveigh ? Didn't he know that the Pentagon just spent $258 million of taxpayer money to renovate and strengthen the first of the Pentagon’s five chevron-shaped wedges, to protect it from terrorist attacks, foreign and domestic ?" Does Weaver really work for a branch of the military ? I mean the U.S. military ?

    Within weeks:

    1. Why did the justice dept shield gun application information from the FBI?

    Within months:

    1. How did the government determine which passengers were the hijackers?
    2. Why have there been no subsequent attacks of comparable magnitude?
    3. Has any organization claimed responsibility for the attack?
    4. Has the government released transcripts of the what was found on the cockpit voice recorders and the in flight data recorders?
    5. Has the government released transcripts of the dialogue with the air traffic controllers?

    General Questions:

    1. What is the statistical probability for the general success of the terrorist attack of September 11?
    2. What other events in American history are similar to this one?
    3. What other actions taken by the CIA in other countries are similar to this one?
    4. Does this attack relate to previous air calamities of a questionable nature?
      TWA flight 800 on July 17, 1996
      Egyptian flight 990 on 31 Oct. 1999
      American Airlines flight 587 12 Nov 2001

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