have you seen the real stalker pictures yet? fuck fuck fuck.  just say it.  fuck.  fuck you, haley!

Presenting... THE Third Block Section...
A collection devoted to the many hilarious goings-on of Mr. Staller's AP European History class.

Mr. Staller asked, in the context of the lifestyles of ancient peoples:
"What's wrong with bread?"
To which Serena "Yay Cheerleading!" Khorsandian replied:
"It has carbs!!"

Then Mr. Staller asked:
"Do you know what 'rape' means?"
"Unwillingly, sex!"

Mr. Staller, teaching (kind of):
"She was very proud of her breasts."
Elizabeth "I'm as Smart as You!!!" Ganley:
"Aww, well that's nice."

On the subject of drawing and quartering as a form of medieval punishment, Elizabeth again:
"There's no need for that!"

Mr. Staller alone, sort of teaching again:
"Often superfluous nipples would not lactate."

Just. Serena:
"It's just like the flu except... then you die."
I forget what disease she was talking about.

Ashley "Constant Random Interruptions" Panaggio:
"What is M-O-N-I-E-S, Mr. Staller?"
"You mean the plural of money?"

Mr. Staller, commenting on someone's artistic interpretation of The Last Supper:
"What is that, Jesus and the twelve lollipops?"
Turns out it was Ashley's. Ha.

"I think there were ladies who dated professionally."

"Pizza, or... sex?? What are we talking about?"

Ben "Dude, I'm Serious, Dude!" Branoff:
"Ok... Sex!"

"That will rupture more hymens than anything."

"That makes me sad. We can't get together until Tuesday."

"Does it turn your mouth grape?"

Staller, on the Alaskan national parks:
"To hell with the elk -- drill!"

Sam and Stuart, put together:
"Backs to the wall when the revolution comes, balls to the wall on the highway."

Staller, on how to attract young men to his cause of taking over Montana:
"Just set up four kegs of beer and some inflatable dolls."

Staller, on the law of diminishing marginal utility as demonstrated by Walgreens, Co.'s product placement techniques:
"The hope is that you've brought the kids with you to get the birth control pills."

I asked what viscus  meant, and Staller didn't readily know (for once)...

"You can go to dictionary.com, Mr. Staller."
"That's quite alright, I have dictionary dot book."

Ashely, oh, Ashley:
"Eat me, Sam!! Eat me!"
VERY loudly. Really.

honor nezzo

honor nezzo, self portrait

honor nezzo

honor nezzo

that lane child

if only she could spell