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Ronana's Printer Friendly EQ List!

          * Head                                                                                                   *TP*
          | Athol's Emerald Star              | +20 spr, +10 int, +5 wis                                           | ?|
	  | Amon's Helm                       | +15 spr, +3 fire res                                               | ?|
	  | Azarian Insect Helm               | +9 spr, +14 int                                                    | ?|
          | Beak of Roc                       | +8 str, +8 dex, +3 sta, +12 hpr                                    | ?|
	  | Circlet of Brutality              | +22 epr, +15 con, +8 hpr, +3 phys res                              | ?|
          | Crystal Helm                      | +15 dex, +3 con, +10 epr, +5% stab                                 | 2|
          | Dark Helmet of Aduda              | +3 str, +5epr, +1hpr                                               | ?|
	  | Diadem of Sat-Hathor-Yunet        | +5 str/dex, +2 phys res                                            | ?|
	  | Dragon Skull                      | +15 con, +10 dex, +3 str, +3 dragonfist                            | ?|
          | Emerald Crown                     | +12 int                                                            | ?|
	  | Emerald Helm of Vorysis           | +10 str, +4 epr                                                    | ?|
          | Golem Brain                       | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int                                          | 7|
	  | Gold and Turquoise Ibis Headdress | +8 spr, +1qc +stat reduction when good                             | ?|
	  | Feathered Hair Piece              | +3 sta, +9 wis, +9 sp_max                                          | ?|
          | Headband of Dion Warwick          | +15 spr, +5 int, +5 lore_of_the_elders                             | 3|
          | Helmet of Wisdom                  | +12 spr, +16 int, +20 wis                                          | 3|
	  | Helm of Versatility               | +25 hpr, -1 heartbeat pr tick                                      |10|
          | Horned Skull                      | +14 str, +8 con, +3% bladed fury                                   | 2|
          | Mask Of Veins                     | +20 spr, +30 int, +3% mastery of evoc                              | ?|
          | Ogre helmet                       | +25 dex/str                                                        | 5|
          | Pearl of Power                    | +25 spr, +10 int, +10 wis                                          | 3|
          | Reddragon Helmet                  | +18 spr, +5 int, +1% Fire Evocation                                | ?|
	  | Red Gold Crown                    | +40 spr, +20 wis, +5 high energy focus                             |10|
	  | Red Frilly Helm                   | +15 spr, +35 wis, +5 soul of the avatar, +escape death, +Good Stuff| ?|
	  | Red Priest Helm                   | +5 con, +dex, +2 epr                                               | ?|
          | Red Priest's Helm                 | +5 dex, +avg fire_res                                              | 1|
          | Satan's Pentagram                 | +14 con, +9 epr, +3 phys res                                       | 3|	 
          | Red Satin Headband                | +25 int, +35 spr, +3% hef                                          | ?|
          | Shen Seng's Blue Headband         | +25 dex, +25 hpr, +1 avoid_hits, +2 resist pain                    | 5|
          | Silver Helm                       | +15 spr                                                            | 1|
	  | Stone Circlet                     | +30 con, +20 spr, +heal special                                    | ?|
	  | Tin Crown                         | +3 int                                                             | ?|
          | Ugly Slime Helm of Xanathar       | +15 wis, +10 spr                                                   | 3|
          | Wig                               | +25 dex, +25 cha, +12 epr                                          | 5|
	  | Wizard pointed hat                | +8 spr                                                             | ?|
	  | Wizards pointed hat               | +6 spr cold res                                                    | ?|

          * Eyes                                                                                                   *TP*
          | Amon's magic goggles              | +12 dex, +12 con                                                   | ?|
          | Bent Glasses                      | +18 spr, +12 int                                                   | 2|          
	  | Black Mask                        | +10 str, +2 phys_res                                               | ?|
          | Bulzarath                         | +2 dbl_hit, +3 whirlwind                                           | 1|	  
	  | Cursed Mask of the Linguist       | +15 spr, +24 int, +5 wis, +3 lore of the watchers                  | 5|
          | Dragon eyes (Glowing)             | +20 dex, +10 str, +3 fatal strike                                  | ?|
          | Eye of Lavos                      | +10 epr, +8 dex, +5 fire res                                       | 2|
          | Eye of the Serpent                | +7 dex, +10 int                                                    | ?|
          | Eye of the Tiger                  | +7 dex, +15 epr                                                    | 1|
	  | Eyepatch of Horus                 | +5 int, +Infravision                                               | ?|
          | Glass Eye of Hag                  | +20 spr, +12 wis, +3 mastery of fire                               | ?|
          | Glasses of Truesight              | +16 spr, +3int, +1% mastery of the mind                            | ?|
          | Glass Monocle                     | +3 str, +8 epr, + infravision                                      | 1|
          | Gold Rimmed Glasses               | +20 spr, +10 wis                                                   | 2|	  
	  | Ivory Mask of the Phantom         | +8 dex, +7 epr                                                     | ?|
          | King Beaver's Glasses             | +4 con, +infra                                                     | ?|
          | King Bugbear's Glasses            | +infra                                                             | ?|
	  | Legendary Focus Crystal           | +25 int, +5 high energy focus, +10 acid_res                        |10|
          | Mask of Anguish                   | +20 spr, +29 int, +2% qc                                           | 5|
          | Malahk's Visor                    | +25 epr, +25 hpr, +3 magical_res, +5 weaponmaster                  | 7|
          | Mask of Clear Seeing              | +17 spr, +8 int, +8 wis                                            | 2|
          | Metal Eye Piece                   | +12 con, +5 spot weak point, + infra                               | ?|
          | Orbdrin                           | +Infravision, +eat corpse, +escape death, +stun protection         | ?|
          | Pair of stylish Oakleys           | +2 cha                                                             | ?|
          | Sorrow Mask                       | +9 dex, +3 sta, +3 armor piercing                                  | ?|
          | Slayer's Glasses                  | +20 con, +10 str, +10 dex, +3% stun                                | ?|
	  | Stylish Pair of Spectacles        | +6 wis                                                             | ?|
          | Woo's Platinum Mask               | +20 str, +infravision                                              | 2|

          * Neck                                                                                                   *TP*
          | An Hyborean-Style Gorget          | +2 dmg, +9 str                                                     | ?|
          | Amulet of Ultra Vision            | +20 spr, +15 int, +3% casting                                      | ?|
	  | Azarian officer's insignia        | +10 wis +10 spr                                                    | 2|
	  | Blackmon's Pendant of Movement    | +18 spr, +8 hpr, +5 summon, +5 mastery of navigation               | 5|
          | Dark Red Choker                   | +10 sta, +22 dex, +20 con                                          | ?|
          | Dragon Tooth Pendant              | +15 spr, +5 int, 4% cytokinesis                                    | ?|
          | Gangreal's Black Locket           | +5 dex, +13 ep_regen                                               | ?|
          | Gleaming pendant of Reishar       | +10 epr, +5 hpr                                                    | ?|
          | Golden locket                     | +18 cha, +12 sta, +12 sp                                           | ?|
          | Grey scale covered in black slime | v. little asp_res                                                  | ?|
          | Heart-shaped Locket               | +20 spr, +28 wis, +2 %protection ritual                            | ?|
          | Lion Tooth Necklace               | +9 str, +3 sta, +9 dex                                             | ?|
	  | Marrow Necklace                   | +16 dex, +16 con, +5 bleed                                         | ?|
          | Metal stethoscope                 | +30 spr, +16 int/wis                                               | ?|
          | Necklace of Evil                  | +25 str, +10 dex, +dmg                                             | 5|
          | Necklace of Khan                  | +12 str, +6 con +1% dodge                                          | 1|
          | Necklace of the Gods              | +25 str, +12 dex, +12 con                                          | ?|
          | Necklace of Fangs                 | +8 spr, +16 wis, +16 int, +2 inflict harm                          | 5|
          | Obsidian Pendant                  | +8 spr, +3 mag res                                                 | ?|
          | Quark's Demonhide                 | +10 spr, +5 int                                                    | ?|
          | Ruby Heart                        | +23 spr, +15 int, +7 wis, +6 cold_res                              | 5|
          | Small Onyx Cross                  | +2 all_skills, +15 spr, +3 unholy_res                              | 3|
          | Snake Pendant                     | +20 spr, +8 int, +2% mastery of evocation                          | ?|
          | Talisman of Zarath                | +9 hp_max, +3 sta, +9 con                                          | ?|
          | Taliesin's golden torc            | +15 str, +8 epr, +3% strike                                        | ?|
          | Torc of Kings                     | +13 str, +7 hpr                                                    | 1|
          | Velvet Collar                     | +23 dex/str, +8 epr, +6% slashing braches                          | 5|
          | Xetrov's spiked necklace          | +24 spr, +22 wis                                                   | ?|

          * Cloak                                                                                                  *TP*
          | Athol's green robe                | +18 spr, +6 wis, +6 int                                            | ?|
          | Azarian winged cloak              | +10 wis, +11 spr                                                   | 2|
          | Blackmon's Cloak                  | +18 spr, +18 epr, +12 int, +8 wis                                  | 5|
	  | Black Leather Cloak               | +15 dex, +15 con, +3 motion control                                | 3|
	  | Black stole of a priest of Mitra  | +2 mag_res                                                         | ?|
	  | Brown stole of a priest of Mitra  | +4 spr                                                             | ?|
          | Blob Cloak                        | +10 con, +4 hpr, +2 phys res                                       | ?|
	  | Blue Gilt Cloak                   | +20 hpr, +9 sta, +9 epr                                            | ?|
          | Cloak of Ashes                    | +16 con, +5 phys_res, +3% stun resistance                          | 7|
	  | Cloak of the Crusader             | +9 sta, +16 dex, +3 epr                                            | 1|
          | Cloak of the Magi                 | +25 spr, +16 int, +9 sp_max, +3 elemental strangle                 | 5|
	  | Cloak of Solan                    | +9 con, +2 phys_res                                                | ?|
	  | Cloak of Stars                    | +9con, +9 wis, +3 dex, +absorb special                             | ?|
          | Cloak of the Ages                 | +30 spr, +20 int, +4% mastery of evocation                         | 7|
          | Croak Cloak                       | +8 con, +4 dex, +18 hpr                                            | ?|
	  | Cracked Cloak                     | +20 int, +10 spr, +3% poi evoc                                     | ?|          
	  | Crystal Wings                     | +15 spr, +15 wis, +5% heal                                         | 3|
          | Dark Cloak                        | +10 str, +20 dex, +dmg                                             | 5|
          | Dark Cloak of Nosferatu           | +28 spr, +15 wis, +10 con, +5% inflict harm                        | 7|
          | Dark Green Cloak                  | +25 con +15 dex +3 willpower                                       | 5|
          | Dragon Cloak                      | +12 spr, +4 wis, +4% exorsism                                      | 2|
	  | Dragon Hide Cloak                 | +13 sta, +7 con, +1 holy_res                                       | 2|
          | Fade Cloak                        | +4 dex, +3% stun                                                   | ?|
          | Gold and Turq Ibis Feather Cloak  | +8 wis, +8 spr, -stats if good, +pwr when you kill things          | ?|
	  | Green stole of a priest of Mitra  | +6 spr                                                             | ?|
	  | Grey Elven Cloak                  | a little res. to cold                                              | ?|
	  | Grey Fur Cloak of Gungor          | +2 con, +2 hpr                                                     | ?|
          | Holocaust cloak                   | +3 str                                                             | ?|
	  | Hooded cloak of a Druid           | +3 spr, +7 int, +3 holy_res                                        | ?|
	  | Old cloak of Mistweaver           | +10spr, +6int, +3 unholy_res                                       | ?|
	  | Red Battered cloak                | +3% dodge, +6 dex, absorb damage special                           | ?|
          | Robe of Shen Seng                 | +12 spr, +20 int, +5 qc, +2% channel energy                        | 5|
          | Royal Bee's Cloak                 | +2 cha                                                             | ?|
          | Royal blue cloak                  | +15 epr                                                            | 1|
          | Shining cloak of Mistweaver       | +14 spr, +8 int, +above avg unholy_res                             | ?|
	  | White Stole of a Priest of Mitra  | +10 spr                                                            | ?|
	  | Thick Leafy Cloak                 | +5 phys_res                                                        | 7|
          | White Wings                       | +30 spr, +40 int                                                   | 1|
	  | Wolf-Hide Cloak                   | +3 spr, +9 wis, +8 gaian touch                                     | 1|
	  | Yellow stole of a priest of Mitra | +8 spr                                                             | ?|

          * Torso                                                                                                  *TP*
          | Armor of Despair                  | +30 spr, +12 int, +4% peb, +2% ceb                                 | 7|
          | Black Scalemail                   | +35 spr, +20 wis, +20 int                                          | 7|
	  | Black Dragon-Bone Breastplate     | +12 str, +2 dex, +15 con, special: interesting qualities           | ?|
          | Black leather Shirt               | +15 sta, +25 con, +3% attack, +5% resist pain                      | ?|
          | Blackmon's Platemail              | +20 spr, +14 wis, +7 int, +3% focus crystal energy                 | 5|
	  | Blood covered Tunic               | +16 spr, +22 int, +3% quick chant                                  | ?|
          | Blue Silvery Shirt                | +3 int, +3% quick chant                                            | ?|
          | Bone and Scale Mail Armor         | +5 con +13 hpr +5% bladed fury, deflect special                    | 3|
	  | Breastplate of Blending           | +8 dex, +6 sta, +5% double stab                                    | 2|
          | Breastplate of Darkness           | +30 wis, +15 spr, +3% iron will, +5% lengthen protections          | 7|
          | Breastplate of Wailing Souls      | +20 con, +15 hpr, +5% attack                                       | 3|
          | Bronze Chain Mail                 | +12 con, +5 ignore pain/resist pain                                | 3|
	  | Corslet of Tutankhamon            | +10spr, +5wis                                                      | ?|
          | Dark glowing vest                 | +15dex, +10epr, +3% dragon tail sweep, +3% soul of the dragon      | 7|
          | Dragon Hide Breastplate           | +9 dex, +16 str, +1% attack                                        | ?|
          | Elven Platemail                   | +6 spr, AC ~31                                                     | ?|
          | Emerald Breastplate               | +12 dex, +3% defensive prowess                                     | ?|
          | Firelord Breastplate              | +12 str, +4 sta, +deflect                                          | ?|
          | Gangreal Hide                     | +10 str, +8 dex                                                    | ?|
          | Glowing blue breastplate          | +5 spr, +12 hpr, +2% slashing weapons mastery                      | ?|
          | Green Flowing Dress               | +15 spr, +30 wis, +3% pious words                                  | ?|
	  | Luminous Carapace                 | +16spr + spmax +reflect + absorb special                           | ?|
          | Magician's armor                  | +24 spr, +8 int, +3 qc                                             | ?|
          | Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat     | +20 str +14 dex + avg dmg +4% dodge, +reflect hits                 |10|
          | Mithril Breastplate of Tiamat(old)| +18 con, +10 epr, +4 phys res                                      | ?|
          | Mithril chainmail                 | +8 dex, +17 hpr                                                    | ?|
          | Olathurl Phlith                   | +5 avoid hits, +3 phys_res, +lesser shield special, +absorb hits   | ?|
          | Pink Fuzzy Sweater                | +30 int, +30 wis, +18 spr                                          | ?|
          | Red Strappy Dress                 | +12 cha, +30 spr, +15 wis, +30 int                                 | 7|
          | Really wicked witch robe          | +8 spr, +1% qc                                                     | ?|
          | Rnarg's war armor                 | +14 spr, +6 wis, mag res                                           | 1|
          | Robe of Demonhide                 | +12 spr, +18 wis, +fire_res                                        | 2|
	  | Robe of Oblivion                  | +7 int, +15 spr                                                    | 1|
	  | Robe of the Shen Seng             | +12 spr, +20 int, +5 qc, +2 channel energy                         | 5|
	  | Runed Mithril Chainmail           | +3 sta, +16 dex, +12 wis, +1 phy_res, + reflect dmg special        | 2|
	  | Skin-tight Leather Corset         | +12 spr, +25 int, +1% qc                                           | 5|
	  | Solan's Brestplate                | +4 con, +1 phy_res, +reflect dmg special                           | ?|
	  | Spidranox Warhide                 | +3 con, +infra                                                     | ?|
          | Studded Leather Armor             | +20 spr, +8 int, +5% nerves of fire, +5% lore of The elders        | 5|
	  | Stylish Vest                      | +8 cha, +15 dex, +2 wis                                            | 1|
	  | White Silk Robes                  | +15 spr, +6 wis, +high mag_res                                     | ?|
          | White tunic                       | +6 dex, +4% resist pain                                            | ?|
	  | Wolf-hide Vest                    | +2 cold_res, +4 attack, +3 weaponmaster                            | 2|

          * Amulet                                                                                                 *TP*
          | Amulet of Destruction             | +25 str, +25 dex, +12 epr                                          | 5|
          | Amulet of Dessication             | +25 spr, +16 int, +1% mastery of air, eat corpses                  | ?|
          | Amulet of Fear                    | +22 spr, +30 wis, +4% drain power crystal                          | 7|
          | Amulet of Flames                  | +5 spr                                                             | ?|
          | Amulet of Shiuang                 | +20 spr, +10 wis, +6 int, +psummon special                         | 3|
          | Amulet of the Eye                 | +10 spr, +14 int, +2% enhance abjuration                           | ?|
          | Amulet of Typhoon                 | +10 dex, +14 ep_regen, +5% backstab                                | 2|
          | Amulet of Ultravision             | +20 spr, +15 int, +3 casting                                       | 5|
          | An amulet of the winds            | +4 spr, +avg cold_res                                              | ?|
	  | Clown's Flower                    | +12 spr, +8 wis, +15 cha                                           | ?|
          | Dark Amulet of the Conjurer       | +10 spr, +12 wis, +11 int                                          | 2|
          | Demented Amulet                   | +10 spr, +8 int                                                    | ?|
          | Diamond Brooch                    | +8 spr                                                             | ?|
          | Eagle Amulet                      | +12 dex, +2 attack                                                 | ?|
	  | Emerald pendant on a silver chain | +15 spr reverses regen to ticks/tocks                              | 1|
          | Eye of the Dragon                 | +18 con, +8 str, +5 phys res, + infravision, +special              |10|
          | Eye of the Dragon (tarnished)     | +20 con, +20 str, +15 ep_regen +5 hp_regen                         | ?|
          | Glowing amulet of the demon       | +8 spr                                                             | ?|
          | Golden Amulet                     | +6 str, +13 hpr                                                    | ?|
	  | Green Dragon Scale                | +12 dex, +2 phys_res                                               | 2|
          | Jade amulet                       | +16 wis, +25 spr                                                   | ?|
	  | Lethe's Bramble                   | +12 spr, +Forget Special                                           | 5|
          | Red dragon scale                  | +10 con, +above avg. phys res                                      | 3|
          | Ruby amulet                       | +13 spr, +12 int/wis                                               | 3|
          | Scarab of Life                    | +25 spr, +8 wis, +5% major refresh, +5% mastery of healing         | 5|
          | Shiny silver amulet               | +8 int, +15 spr, +8% dreamweaving                                  | ?|
          | Silver Pendant                    | +30 spr, +12 wis, +4% pious words                                  | ?|
          | Small iron amulet                 | +11 spr, +5 wis                                                    | ?|
          | Spider Amulet                     | +25 spr, +16 int, +spell efficiency special                        | 7|
          | Steel Amulet of Valor             | +10 dex, +8 str                                                    | ?|
	  | Quitklia                          | +25 spr, +23 int, +2 lore of the watchers, special: detect aggros  | 5|

          * Left Arm                                                                                               *TP*
          | Black armband of Kinjo            | +5 dex, +1 wis                                                     | ?|
          | Blackmon's Armguard               | +13 spr, +5 wis, +3% lore of the soil shaman                       | 5|
          | Black Mithril Vambrace            | +12 spr, +22 int, +2% hef                                          | 5|
          | Blood pressure cuff               | +16 con, +8 str, +1 dmg                                            | 5|
          | Chysle Bracer                     | +11 spr, +4 int                                                    | 1|
          | Golden bracelet                   | +10 spr, +5 int                                                    | 1|
	  | Grey Leather Bracer               | +10 spr, +18 wis, +2% high priest rites                            | 5|
	  | Scaled Armshield                  | +16 con, +10 dex, +cold res avg, +2% weapon parry                  | 5|
	  | Spiked Leather Armband            | +1 dmg, +16 str                                                    | ?|
	  | Vambrace of Dhivu                 | +6 wis, +6 int, +3% enh healing                                    | 2|
          * Right Arm                                                                                              *TP*
          | Bleached out bracelet of bones    | +17 spr, +4 int, +2% hef                                           | 3|
	  | Black Leather Bracer              | +12 spr, +18 int, +2% hef                                          | ?|
          | Ghazi's Armguard                  | +14 spr, +8 wis, +2% soul of the avatar                            | 3|
          | Green Brocade Sleeve              | +16 spr, +10 int, +6 con, +3% mastery of water                     | 5|
          | Indigo Armband of Banin           | +4 dex, +1 strangle                                                | ?|
          | Iron Armband of Karoz             | +5 con, +1 int                                                     | ?|
          | Studded Armshield                 | +10 con, +phys res avg, +2% shield parry                           | 5|
	  | Titanium Armguard                 | +20 str, +15 con                                                   | ?|
	  | Twisted bracer of the rogue       | +8 str, +1 damage, +16 dex                                         | ?|
	  | Vambrace of Odicshe               | +6 spr, +6 sp_max, +3% mastery of healing                          | ?|
          * Arms                                                                                                   *TP*
          | Ancient bracelets of Power        | +16 spr, +6 int, +3% casting                                       | 3|
	  | Armband of the Shen Seng          | +20 str, + 2 damage, +6 hpr, +3 triple stab                        | 5|
	  | Armbands of Mist                  | +15 str, +12 con                                                   | ?|
          | Brown studded bracers             | +15 con, +10 hpr, +4 phys res                                      | 5|
          | Ceremonial Armbands of Mitra      | +10 spr, +5 wis                                                    | ?|
          | Emerald Bracers of Vorysis        | +10 spr, +5 wis                                                    | ?|
          | Etched Silver Armbands            | +15 cha, +3 epr, +8 spr                                            | ?|
	  | Hell's Hide                       | +2 dex, +5 epr, +4 con, +5 str                                     | 2|
	  | Leather Armshields of Tiamat      | +18 spr, +32 wis, +5% healing efficiency, +2% dedication           |10|
          | Runed Mithril Armbands            | +16 sta, +16 dex, +12 epr, +1 honor of the gods                    | ?|
	  | Spiked bracers                    | +20 str, +10 dex, +5% fists of fury, +3 dmg                        | 7|
          | Steel Bracers                     | +30 dex, +15 sta, special dmg thingy                               | 7|
          | Turlach Bracers                   | +19 str, +8 dex, +2% attack                                        | 2|
	  | Twisted Bracers                   | +15 spr, +5 wis, 5 call for wolf, 3 wolf mastery                   | 3|
	  | Wolf-hide Rerebrace               | +8 spr, +2 wis                                                     | 1|
	  | White Wristband                   | +5 dex, +5 hpr                                                     | ?|

	  * Hands                                                                                                  *TP*
          | Black Leather Gloves              | +25 sta, +25 str, +3% motion control                               | 5|	  
	  | Blob Gloves                       | +9 spr, +9 int, +avg phys_res                                      | ?|
          | Earth Gloves                      | +13 wis, +3 int, +9 spr, +5% lore of the soil shaman               | ?|
          | Dark gloves of Nosferatu          | +30 spr, +15 wis, +5 con, +3% ritual of creation                   | 7|
          | Gauntlets of Kilgor               | +8 hpr, +8 epr                                                     | ?|
          | Gauntlets of the Hound            | +5 str, +3 cold res                                                | ?|
          | Gloves of the Blackguard          | +3con +15spr +18wis +3%dedication                                  | ?|
	  | Gloves of the Dragon              | +5% dodge, +2% shield parry, +2 phys_res                           | 2|
	  | Gloves of Domination              | +12 str, +12 con, +3 sta                                           | ?|
	  | Gloves of Glitter                 | +6 int, +15 spr, +6 wis effi.                                      | ?|	  
          | Gloves of the Reanimator          | +1 dmg, +16 wis, +3 healing effi.                                  | 5|
          | Golden Gauntlets                  | +6 con, +10 dex, +1 dmg, +infravision                              | ?|
          | Hanesa's Harp                     | +9spr, +5con                                                       | ?|
	  | Pair of Crimson Gloves            | +5 spr                                                             | ?|
	  | Mythinite Gauntlets               | +18 str, +10 dex, +3 damage                                        | ?|
          | Radiant Violet Gloves             | +4 hpr, +2 sta, +4 dex                                             | ?|
          | Skin gloves                       | +3 spr                                                             | ?|
          | Steel Gauntlets of Valor          | +3 dex, +4% shield parry                                           | 1|
          | Tan Leather Work Gloves           | +8 sta, +18 str, +12 con                                           | ?|
	  | Thin goat intestine gloves        | +16 spr, +6 wis, +3% protection ritual                             | ?|
          | Twisted Gloves of Kraag           | +8wis, +1 qc                                                       | ?|
          | White Lace Gloves                 | +20 spr, +5 wis, +22 int, +3% qc                                   | 5|
          | White silk healer's gloves        | +23 spr, +8 wis, +3% holy cause                                    | ?|
          * Left Hand                                                                                              *TP*
          | Beholder eyestalk                 | +2 spr, +3% psychic gaze                                           | 1|
	  | Black Iron Gauntlet               | +9 str, +1 phy_res                                                 | 2|
	  | Black Leather Glove               | +6 sp_max, +6 int, +3% hef                                         | ?|
	  | Blue Fuzzy Mitten                 | +15 spr, +16 wis, +2% enhance healing                              | ?|
          | Darkgreen paw                     | +14 str, +12 dex, +10 hp_regen                                     | 3|
          | Leg bone                          | +12 spr, +12 int, +2% mental tide                                  | ?|
          | Magical Set of Yens               | +4 con                                                             | ?|
	  | Oak leaf                          | +6 spr, +6 wis                                                     | ?|
          | Paw of the Displacement Beast     | +8 spr, +4 int, +4 wis                                             | ?|
          | Silver Mirror                     | +9 dex, +15 wis, +20 cha                                           | 5|
	  | Sticky green glove                | +12 con, +5 hpr                                                    | 3|
          | White Glove of Raena              | +8 spr, +2 wis, +3% prayer for healing                             | 1|
          * Right Hand                                                                                             *TP*
          | Ash's gauntlet                    | +6 str, +3 hpr                                                     | ?|
          | Black Iron Gauntlet               | +9 str, +1 phy_res                                                 | 2|
          | Clean Glowing Glove               | +10 spr, +2 int, +avg unholy_res                                   | 1|
	  | Death Talisman                    | +12 wis, +12 sp_max, +3 sta, +escape death                         | ?|
          | Quickener                         | +15 spr, +3 wis, +12 int, +3% qc                                   | ?|
	  | Necromancer's Glove               | +22 str                                                            | 5|
	  | Shimmering Flute                  | +2 wis, +6 cha                                                     | ?|
	  | Stone Gauntlet                    | +5 str, +15 dex, +1mag_res                                         | 2|
          | Strange twisting glove of Eleria  | +13 spr, +4 int, +3% mastery of fire, +4% magma boulder            | ?|
	  | White Scale Gauntlet              | +10 wis, +14 spr, +2 crystal binding                               | 3|

          * Finger                                                                                                 *TP*
          | An old wooden ring                | +2 dex, +2 con                                                     | 0|
          | Black Ring                        | +5spr                                                              | 0|
	  | Bloody ring of Nosferatu          | +12 dex, +3 dmg, +10 ep_regen +5% triple stab                      | 7|
          | Chrome Mayan Ring                 | +16 con, +8 epr, +3 elec. res.                                     | ?|
	  | Dagulus ring                      | +20 spr, +7 wis, +5% crystal efficiency, +5% crystal binding       | 7|
          | Dark ring of Nosferatu            | +30 spr, +15 int, +3% casting efficiency                           | 7|
          | Dragon scale ring                 | +16 spr, +6 wis, +2% heal                                          | ?|
          | Emerald Ring of Power             | +28 spr, +14 int, +5 mag. res                                      | ?|
          | Freyers Ring                      | +35 spr, +15 int, lore of the elders 5%                            | 7|
	  | Golden Ring of Ce'noba            | +10 str, +3% body control, +vlittle phys res                       | 2|
          | Green glowing ring                | +10 dex                                                            | ?|
          | Jhlandu Grass Ring                | +2 phy_res, +4 unholy_res                                          | 2|
          | Large white mithril ring          | +15 con, +3 phys_res, +3% fighting instinct                        | 5|
          | Necromancer Bone Ring             | +16 spr, +8 wis,  +2% Blood Magic                                  | ?|
	  | Nenya                             | +20 spr, +10 wis                                                   | 2|
          | Nenya (dull)                      | +16 spr, 4 int, 4 wis                                              | ?|
	  | Onyx Ring                         | +26 str, +12 hpr, +infra                                           | ?|
          | Ring of Agility                   | +9 dex, +1 phys_res, +5 dodge, +5 whirlwind attack                 | 5|
	  | Ring of Breezes                   | +12 spr, +13 int, +3 qc, +3 mastery of air                         | 2|
	  | Ring of Chaos                     | +25 spr, +15 int, +8 wis, +2 all spells                            | 5|
          | Ring of Command                   | +variable str/con                                                  | ?|
	  | Ring of Disruption                | +25 spr, +15 wis, +5 disruption lore                               | ?|
	  | Ring of Duality                   | +16 str, +3 avoid hits, 6 split essence                            | 5|
          | Ring of Dragons                   | +8 con, +8 str, +23 dex, +4% dragon strength                       | 7|
          | Ring of Entry                     | +30 spr, +5 int, +4 summon, +5 reloc, +5 mastery of navigation     | ?|
	  | Ring of Flames                    | +12 spr, +3 int, +3 qc, +3 mastery of fire                         | 2|
	  | Ring of flowing mists             | +12 dex, +5% dodge, +1% defensive maneuvers                        | ?|
          | Ring of Health                    | +20 con, +12 hp_max, +6 hpr                                        | ?|
          | Ring of Lavos                     | +15 spr, +10 int, +3% qc                                           | 2|
          | Ring of Mischief                  | +15 dex, +4 conceal skill, +2 hide, +5 mastery of poisons          | 5|
	  | Ring of Northern Lights           | +8 dex, +special                                                   | ?|
          | Ring of Order                     | +8 str, +15 con, +25 hpr, +1 avoid hits                            | 5|
          | Ring of Ogre Power                | +12 str, +1 dmg, +6 ep_max                                         | ?|
          | Ring of power                     | +6 con, +2 str, +16 hpr, +14 epr                                   | 2|
          | Ring of powerful mists            | +20 spr, +9 int, +2% evocation                                     | ?|
          | Ring of Protection                | +9 con, +3 hp_max                                                  | ?|
          | Ring of power                     | +16 spr, +9 wis, +3 sp_max                                         | ?|
          | Ring of Waves                     | +12 spr, +3 int, +3 qc, +3 mastery of water                        | 2|
	  | Ring of White Gold                | +25 spr, +15 wis, +4% exorcism                                     | 5|
	  | Ring with a Red Glowing Skull     | +7 con, +1 avoid_hits, +2 phys_res                                 | 3|
	  | Royal Rat Ring                    | +3 dex, +4 epr                                                     | 0|
          | Ruby ring                         | +15 spr                                                            | 1|
          | Pulsating ring of true reflection | +17 wis, +6% loghob, +4% quccata                                   | 3|
          | Sapphire ring of Arabidopsis      | +7 spr, +8 wis                                                     | ?|
	  | Skull ring                        | +9 str, +9 con, +3 hp_max                                          | ?|
	  | Smooth copper ring                | +6 int, +6 wis                                                     | ?|
          | Truenos Ring                      | +10spr, +6wis, +1 all spells                                       | ?|
	  | Twisted metal ring                | +30 str, +5 dmg                                                    |10|
	  | Vengeance Ring                    | +20 spr, +15 int, +elec special                                    | ?|
          | Whispering ring                   | +16 spr +infravision                                               | 2|
	  | White Gold Ring of Shen Seng      | +25 spr, +6 int, 5 prismatic spray                                 | ?|
          * Left Finger                                                                                            *TP*
          | Black obsidian ring               | +5 str                                                             | ?|
          | Cold black ring                   | +30 spr, -1 heartbeat tick                                         | ?|
          * Right Finger                                                                                           *TP*
          | Claddah Ring                      | +19 spr, +15 int, +15 wis, +5 epr                                  | 3|
          | Dragon Ring                       | +15 str, +3% dragon strength, +5% dragon possession                | 5|

          * Belt                                                                                                   *TP*
          | An Elven Sash                     | +2 dex                                                             | ?|
          | Azarian Command Belt              | +18 spr, +8 int, +3% qc                                            | 2|
          | Belt of Bones                     | +10 con, +5 wis, +16 spr, +3% inflict harm                         | 2|
          | Belt of mourning                  | +28 spr, +20 wis, +4% peel flesh, +2% unholy essence               | 7|
          | Black Belt of Kraag               | +5spr, +6int                                                       | 0|
          | Black Chain stained with blood    | +12 con, +12 dex, +3% shield parry                                 | ?|
	  | Black leather belt                | +3 str                                                             | 0|
          | Black Snake Belt                  | +20 spr, +15 int, +8 wis, +3% casting efficiency                   | ?|
          | Blue Monk's Belt                  | +6 dex                                                             | 0|
          | Belt of Shielding                 | +11 spr, +1% protection ritual                                     | 0|
          | Cobalt Girdle                     | +16 con, +2 phy_res, +8 fire_res, +6 hp_max                        | ?|
          | Dark red belt                     | +5 wis, +4 int                                                     | ?|
          | Designer Belt                     | +3 wis, +15 cha, +1 story telling                                  | ?|
	  | Dragon Belt                       | +18 dex, +10 con, +3 avoid hits, +1 phys res, +stealth special     | 7|
          | Dragon Sash                       | +16 spr, +7int, +8wis                                              | ?|
	  | Golden Belt                       | +10 int, +14 spr, +3 evocation                                     | ?|
          | Hithlian Belt                     | +10 spr, +7 wis                                                    | ?|
	  | Leather Belt                      | +12 spr, +3 int                                                    | ?|
          | Left foot of the alien            | +8 spr, +12 int, +12 wis                                           | 2|
          | Lightning belt                    | +9 spr, +3 int                                                     | ?|
          | Purple belt                       | +25 spr, +16 int                                                   | ?|
          | Right foot of an alien            | +10 con, +10 str, +10 dex                                          | 2|
	  | Runed Mithril Buckle              | +6 sta, +20 dex, +escape death                                     | ?|
	  | Spiked leather belt               | +7sta, +20 str, +12 con                                            | ?|
          | Sash of Chaos                     | +2 int, +3 fire res, +2% magma boulder                             | 1|
	  | Shen Seng's Dragon Hide Sash      | +20 spr, +15 int, +2 mag res, +4 project energy blast              | 3|
          | Shining silver belt               | +6 str, +3 dex, +infravision, heal special                         | 2|
          | Slog's belt of Fury               | +4 hpr/epr                                                         | 0|
          | Trainer belt                      | +2 attack, +2 phys res, +infravision                               | 2|
          | Black Girdle of Zapakelethe       | +9 str, +23 dex, +2 dmg, +2% natures weapons lore                  | 5|
          | Belt of the wind                  | +20 spr, +28 int, +2% hef                                          | 5|

          * Legs                                                                                                   *TP*
          | Black leggings of scorched metal  | +14 dex, +8 str, +5% martial parry                                 | 5|
          | Black Leggings of the Necromancer | +25 dex, +7 sta, +4% backstab, +4% bleed                           | 5|
          | Blessed Greaves of the Dragons    | +12 str, +3 dex, +12 con, +3% weaponmaster                         | 2|
	  | Blue Silk Leggings                | +9 spr, +3 int                                                     | ?|
          | Crystal Leggings                  | +12 spr, +12 int, +3 hef                                           | 2|
          | Crystal Leggings of True Reflect  | +16 spr, +12 wis, +3% mastery of reflection                        | ?|
          | Dragon Leggings                   | +12 con, +13 spr                                                   | 2|
          | Enchanted mithril plate greave    | +30 str, +15 dex, +3 attack, +2 dmg                                | 7|
          | Leggings of Kyril Brandoth        | +3 dex, +3 dodge                                                   | ?|
	  | Magical Leggings of Tiamat        | +32 spr, +20 int, +10 wis, +4% mastery of elements                 |10|
          | Magical leggings of Tiamat (fried)| +20 spr, +8 int, +8 wis, +5% qc                                    | ?|
          | Mithril Leggings                  | +2 dex, +8 con                                                     | ?|
          | Onyx Movado Leggings              | +12 spr, +8 int                                                    | 1|
          | Pants of the Traveller            | +14 cha, +3 voice of strength                                      | ?|
          | Scarrab Leggings                  | +28 spr, +4 qc, +7 con                                             | 5|
	  | Shiney Violet Leggings            | +10 sta                                                            | ?|	  
	  | Simple wool skirt                 | +28 wis, +18 spr, +2 quick chant                                   | 5|
	  | Simple white pants                | +3 str, +9 con, +1 phy_res                                         | ?|
          | Steel Leggings of Valor           | +14 con, +7 dex                                                    | ?|
	  | Tight Leather Pants               | +20 dex, +10 str, +5% dodge                                        | 3|        
	  | Webbed leggings                   | +10 dex, +4 hpr, +5% fists of fury                                 | ?|
	  | Xander's Blessed Leggings         |                                                                    | 1|	  
          * Left Leg                                                                                               *TP*
          | Brilliant goat-skin chap          | +3 avoid_hits, +12 con, +3 phy_res, + special growth               | ?|
	  | Bronze leg plate                  | +8 int, +9 spr                                                     | 2|
          | Left War Greave                   | +15 dex, +6 str/sta                                                | 2|
          | Left Shin Guard                   | +6 dex/sta, +3% deliever criticals, +regen special                 | ?|
          | Tin leg plate                     | +8 con, +phys res                                                  | 2|
          * Right Leg                                                                                              *TP*
          | Copper leg plate                  | +8 dex, +phys res                                                  | 2|
          | Right War Greave                  | +15 con, +6 dex/str                                                | 2|
          | Right Shin Guard                  | +6con/str, +3% defensive prowess, +regen special                   | ?|	
          | Steel leg plate                   | +10 wis, +7 spr                                                    | 2|

          * Feet                                                                                                   *TP*
          | Azarian Combat Boots              | +8 spr, +13 wis                                                    | 1|
          | Blackmon's Midnight Boots         | +22 spr, +14 wis, +3% lengthen abjuration                          | 5|
          | Black Combat Boots                | +16 dex, +5% dodge                                                 | ?|
          | Blood red sandals                 | +8 spr                                                             | 0|
          | Boots of Lavos                    | +12 con, +10 str, +5% attack                                       | 2|
          | Boots of the Demon                | +12 spr, +20 int, +6 wis                                           | ?|
          | Boots of Whispering               | +20 dex, +5% stealth, +5% hide                                     | 3|
          | Brown Boots                       | +10 con Phy_res 1%, ac 5                                           | ?|
	  | Clown Shoes                       | +8 dex, +12 cha, +10 epr                                           | ?|
          | Dark Leather Boots                | +10 con, +5 hpr                                                    | ?|
          | Dragonscale boots                 | +30 dex, +15 epr, +3% throwing art                                 | 7|
          | Elaborate Boots of Frith          | +8 spr, +8 int                                                     | ?|
          | Emerald boots of Vorysis          | +6 spr, +6 int                                                     | ?|
          | Fluffy hospital slippers          | +16 str, +9con, +1% attack                                         | 1|
          | Glimmering Boots of Wizardry      | +16 spr, +1% mastery of elements                                   | 3|
          | Human skin boots                  | +15 spr, +10 int, infravision                                      | ?|
          | Pair of Crimson Boots             | +3 int, +v.little acid_res                                         | ?|
          | Red Boots                         | +4 epr, +7 wis, +5 fire_res                                        | 1|
          | Red Dragonskin Boots              | +18 dex, +avg avoid_hits, +4% dodge                                | 7|
          | Red Slippers                      | +16 str, +10 dex, +5 epf, +3% focus tiger claw                     | ?|
          | Red Strappy Heels                 | +35 wis, +20 spr, +2 cha                                           | ?|
          | Steel-toed boots                  | +20 str, +3 dmg                                                    | 5|
          | Shen Seng's Snake Skin Slippers   | +25 dex, +22 epr, +4%? strangle, +avg fire_res                     | ?|
          | Supple leather boots              | +18 str, +10 dex, +8 epr                                           | ?|
          | Thigh High Black Boots            | +20 wis, +20 int, +16 con                                          | 3|
          | Travelling Boots                  | +18 con, +8 hpr/epr                                                | ?|
          | White Leather Sandles             | +15 spr, +20 int, +3% mastery of evocation                         | 5|
          | White Leather Boots               | +20 dex, +10 con, +1% acrobat stance, +3% limber up                | ?|
	  | Wyrmskin Boots                    | +4 wis, +3 cha, +16 dex                                            | ?|
          | Yellow Blob Boots                 | +4 dex                                                             | ?|
	  | Yellow Blob Boots (old)           | +5% Attack                                                         | ?|
          * Left Foot                                                                                              *TP*
          | Yellow Fluffy Slipper             | +12 spr, +20 int, +3% poison evocation, fire res average           | 5|
	  | Witch's Stocking                  | +14 spr, +18 wis                                                   | 7|
          * Right, Foot                                                                                            *TP*
          | Blue Fluffy Slipper               | +18 int, +11 spr, +2% acid evocation, cold res average             | 5|
          | Pink Slipper                      | +20 wis, +12 spr                                                   | ?|

          * Slots: T-Torso, A-Arms, B-Belt, L-Legs, N-Neck, C-Cloak, H-Head, HD-Hands, E-Eyes, F-Finger, FT-Feet      *
          * Multi-Slot                                                                                             *TP*
          | Anubian Deathmask                 |    H,N   | +10 wis, +10 spr                                        | ?|
	  | Black gloves of sight             |   HD,F   | +3 dex, +2% doublehit, +infra                           | ?|
	  | Bronze Battle Harness             |  T,A,N,B | +29 con, +29 hpr, +9 str, AC ~88                        | 0|
	  | Dog head Of Cerberus              |    H,N   | +24 con, +24 str + infa                                 | ?|
          | Frankenstein's Black Cloak        |    C,H   | +12 con, +12 str, +3 phys_res                           | ?|
	  | Green Robe of Raena               |    T,B   | +22 spr, +5 wis, +5 halfheal                            | 3|
          | Ceremonial wrappings              |    H,E   | +4 wis                                                  | ?|
          | Cap of Visions                    |    H,N   | +30 spr, +24 int, +5 wis, +infra                        | 3|
          | Damien the Protector              | R_A,HD,F | +10 dex, +5% dodge, +4% weapon parry                    | ?|
	  | Darien the Destroyer              | L_A,HD,F | +8 con, +3% attack                                      | ?|
	  | Emperor Shihuamg Royal Robe       |   T,A,L  | +15 wis, +30 spr, +40 int                               | ?|
	  | Full Plate Battlesuit             |H,N,T,HD,A| +15 con, +15 hpr, +5 mag_res, AC~44                     | ?|
	  | Grey Robes                        |   R,L,A  | +6 cha                                                  | ?|
	  | Helm of Vannheim                  |   E,H,N  | +50 str, +50 con, +15 hp_max, +2 phy_res                | ?|
	  | Skull of the Displacement Beast   |    H,N   | +11 str, +11 con, +5 hpr                                | ?|
          | Mithril Battlesuit                |  T,A,L,H | +50con, +9% attack                                      | 1|
	  | Suit of Chainmail                 |  T,A,L,H | +6 phy_res                                              | 5|
          | Nimrodel's robes                  |    T,A   | +16 spr, +5 wis                                         | ?|
          | Robe of the High Priest           |    T,A   | +20 spr, +8 wis                                         | ?|
          | Baron's Battlesuit                |   T,A,L  | +30 hpr, +4% weapon skill piercing, +4% wss             | ?|
          | Long red robes                    |   T,A,L  | +25 spr, +7 int                                         | 2|
          | Red Armani suit                   |   T,A,L  | +35 spr, +24 int, +24 wis                               | ?|
	  | Robes of the Abjurer              |    T,A   | +4 wis, +4 int                                          | ?|
          | Royal Guard Chainmail             |   T,L,A  | +12 hpr, +15 str                                        | ?|
	  | Suit of Synchronicity             |   T,A,L  | +12con, +5 str, +5 dex                                  | ?|
	  | Torturer's Thumb Screws           |    B_F   | +5% thumb screws                                        | ?|
          | Thick White Smock                 |    T,B   | +25 dex, +25 str, +6 phy_res                            | ?|
	  | Wolf-Hide Suit                    | T,A,L,B,N| +9 Build Campfire, +12 Natural Weapon Lore              | 1|

          * Blunt Weapons                                                                                          *TP*
          | Apocalypse Staff                  | Stats based on alpha guild                                         | ?|
          | Blackmon's Black Staff            | +14 spr, +20 wis, +5 con, +5% interrogation                        | 5|
          | Bo Stick                          | +3 dex, cold damage                                                | ?|
          | Clover Syckle                     | +6 wis, +8 int                                                     | ?|
          | Crimson Oak Staff                 | +2 int, +1 poi_res                                                 | ?|
	  | Facesmasher                       | +6 str, +1 dmg, +1% bloodlust +2 phy specials +stun special WC ~52 | 2|
	  | Flaming SKull Mace                | +6 spr, +6 int                                                     | ?|
	  | Frankenstein's black staff        | +6 wis +16 spr (Must be v.evil to wield)                           | 3|
          | Giant Maul                        | +15 str, +2%bloodlust, unholy damage, wc ~58                       | 2|
          | Gold and Turq Ibis-Headed Sceptre | +15spr +15 wis, +1unholy_res +1peel flesh, wc ~40                  | ?|
	  | Hammer of Crushing                | asphyx damage, wc 60, +12 con, +4 bloodlust                        | 3|
          | Hammer of Power                   | +10 str, +5 con, +5% deathblow, +elec res, wc: ~50                 | 3|
          | High priest scepter               | 8 spr, 5 wis, WC ~16                                               | ?|
          | Holy Mothers staff                | +6 dex, +1% attack, wc 47                                          | 1|
          | Holy staff                        | +29 wis, +shield parry, wc~55                                      | 5|
          | Iron Handled Mop                  |  wc ~57, +20 con, +6 str, +2% body control                         | 2|
	  | King's axe of Might               | +7 str, +2% attack, wc 30                                          | ?|
          | Krunch, the adamantium hammer     | +15 str, +4% double hit, elec dmg, wc~40                           | 2|
          | Long Wooden staff                 | +20 spr, +4% incarnate                                             | 3|
	  | Limb of Quickwood                 |                                                                    | 2|
          | Mace of Power                     | +7 int, +7 wis, magical damage, +lots of specials, wc: 30          | 2|
          | Mace of Strength                  | +3 dex, +16 str, WC ~40                                            | 1|
          | Magical Strawberry Maul           | WC ~20                                                             | ?|
          | Magical wand                      | +7 spr, +7 int                                                     | ?|
          | Maul of Fire                      | +3 str, +5% weapon skill blunt, fire dmg, wc: 41                   | 1|
	  | Monkey Staff                      | +crappiness                                                        | 1|
	  | Mythinite Mace                    | WC ~58, +21 str, +5 deathblow, +5 fevered str                      | ?|
	  | Obsidian Staff                    | + eat corpses                                                      | 3|
          | Rainstaff                         | +18 spr, +12 wis, 3% inflict harm                                  | ?|
          | Red FireGiant Club                | +3 str                                                             | ?|
          | Rod of Lightning                  | +15 spr, +8 int, +5% mstery of water +5% mastery of air            | ?|
	  | Rod of Magic                      | +12 spr, +8 int, +3% mastery of evocation                          | 3|
          | Shamen's Staff                    | +10 str, +4% blunt weapons mastery, +5% deathblow                  | 3|
          | Shining silver wand               | +11 spr, +8 wis, +3% quick chant                                   | ?|
          | Simple Harp                       | +16 sta, +16 dex, +12 ep_max, +3 wis                               | 2|	 
	  | Skullcracker                      | +12 str, +5 hpr, WC ~41                                            | ?|
          | Spinal Staff                      | +9 spr, +3 con, +9 sp_max                                          | ?|
          | Staff of Alton                    | +16 spr, +12 int, +3 lightning evocation                           | 3|
          | Staff of Death                    | +30 spr, +10 wis, +5% death                                        | 5|
          | Staff of Elements                 | +10 spr, +7 int                                                    | ?|
	  | Staff of Healing                  | +2 spr, +3% cure light wounds                                      | ?|
	  | Steel Handled Mop                 | +12 str, +3 con, +2% bloodlust, +2% weapon skill blunt             | 2|
	  | Tickle Feather                    | +9 spr, +8 int                                                     | ?|
          | Transmutation Ball                | +12 con, +16 str, +%5 in weapon skill(depending on what u make)    | ?|
	  | War Hammer Of Rage                | +15str, +12con, +5% bloodlust, +2% deathblow, WC ~60               | ?|
          | Wizard's wand                     | +7 spr, +8 wis                                                     | ?|
          | Wood 2X4                          | +18 str, +5% deathblow, +1% bloodlust, WC~29                       | 3|

          * Piercing Weapons                                                                                       *TP*
          | Ancient Cave Wyvern's Horn        | WC ~35, +15 dex, +5 stab, +4 double stab                           | 3|
	  | Black throwing dagger             | +8 dex, +2% speed throwing, +8% throw knife, wc 35                 | 3|
          | Pike of Chaos                     | +20 dex, +4 dmg, +2% backstab, wc 60                               | ?|
          | Backbiter                         | +10 str, +4% backstab, +3 epr                                      | ?|
          | Bloody fang of Nosferatu          | +30 dex, +15 epr, unholy ress 3, +5% bleed, unholy dtype           | 7|
          | Bone Dagger                       | +15 spr, +15 wis, +5 int, +5% master of vulnerability              | 3|
	  | Cat's Eye Dagger                  | +6 dex, +2 armor piercing wc: ~30                                  | ?|
          | Croc's Knife                      | +3 con, +3% backstab, wc: 28                                       | ?|
          | Dagger of Chaos                   | +20 dex, , +4 dmg, +2% backstab                                    | 7|
          | Dagger of Enfeeblement            | +20 dex, +2% bleed, +4% armor piercing, WC ~26                     | ?|
	  | Dagger of Ne'tahl                 | +12 str, +8 dex, +2 dmg, wc ~42                                    | 3|
          | Deadly Scythe                     | +3% weapon skill piercing, +1% attack, +acid/poi/magma dmg, WC ~39 | 1|          
	  | Demon Slicer                      | +12 dex, unholy damage, WC ~58                                     | 2|
          | Demon Spear                       | +8 spr, +8 wis, WC ~34                                             | ?|
          | Fanged Dagger                     | +10 dex, +5% knowl. of p.points +ep refresh special, wc~40         | 3|
	  | Fire Pick                         | fire dmg, WC ~55, +16 str, +4 psychotic stabbing, +4 fatal strike  | 5|
	  | Gezi'thd Sacrificial Dagger       | +12 spr, +3 int, +high unholy_res, +specials                       | ?|
          | Giant King's Dagger               | +6 dex, +epr, WC ~41                                               | 1|
          | Glowing Spiked Rib                | +16 str, +5 double stab, +5 triple stab, WC ~50                    | 5|
	  | Golden Fang                       | +25 dex, +4% bleed, wc: 42                                         | ?|
	  | Golden Tanto                      | poison damage, WC 47, +20 dex, +8 hpr, +6 impale                   | 3|
          | Glistening Knife                  | +26 dex, +15 str, +5% weapon skill piercing, WC ~31                | ?|          
	  | Holy Dagger of Ynnek              | +14 wis, +4 int, +14 spr, WC~12                                    | 3|          
          | Holy Stake                        | +30 dex, +5% impale, WC ~36                                        | ?|	
          | Kadavre scalpel                   | +20str, +12dex, +5% fatal strike, wc 60                            | 5|
	  | Lethe Dagger                      | +5% backstab, +2 dmg, +5% armor piercing, wc ~46                   | ?|
          | Lightning Spear of Illumination   | +8 spr, elec damage, WC ~28                                        | ?|
          | Mithril dagger of the dwarves     | +15 dex, +25 epr, +3% double stab, wc: 40                          | 5|
          | Sabre Blade                       | WC ~33, +25dex, +15 str, +5 cha, +4 piercing weapons mastery       | 5|
	  | Schizo tooth                      | +30 dex, +12 epr wc ~60, poison special                            | 7|
	  | Snake Fang                        | poison damage, +?                                                  | 7|
          | Trec's Dagger                     | +8 dex, special                                                    | ?|
          | Transmutation Ball                | +12 con, +16 str, +%5 in weapon skill(depending on what u make)    | ?|
          | Twisted Stone Dagger              | +20 spr, +20 int, +1 phy_res, +2% honor of the gods                | 3|

          * Slashing Weapons                                                                                       *TP*
          | Adamantium Long Sword             | +6 str, +2 phys res, wc 31                                         | 2|
          | Ash's Sword                       | +10 str, +4 dex                                                    | ?|
          | Avenger Axe                       | +6 str, +6 dex, WC ~42                                             | ?|
	  | Axe of Darkness                   | +15 str, +10 dex, +5% wss, +5% weaponmaster cold dmg               | 7|
	  | Axe of Denial                     | +10 str, +dmg, +3% blade dance                                     | 7|
	  | Axe of King Ahmose                | +5 str                                                             | ?|
	  | Bone Handled Long Sword           | +5 con, +5% attack, +5% bladed fury                                | ?|
	  | Blood Red Widowmaker              | +5 str, +12 con, +5 blade dance +decapitate corpses                | 2|
          | Blood Stained Axe                 | +16 sta, +26str, +5 wss, +acid dmg, WC ~56                         | 5|          
	  | Captain's sword                   | +6 dex, +2 str                                                     | ?|
          | Cutlass of the Ne'tal             | WC ~47, +12 dex, +16 str, +4 weapons skill slashing                | ?|
	  | Chameleon Kama                    | +12 dex, +1% wep parry, changes its dmg to mobs least res          | ?|
	  | Darkthorn                         | +16 dex, +1% attack, +2% dbl_hit poi/acid dmg, WC ~40              | ?|
	  | DarkBlade                         | +2 str, +3 con, WC ~23                                             | ?|
	  | Decapitator                       | +15 str, +8 con, +1dmg, +4% advanced whirlwind attack              | 5|
          | Defenders Burning Blade           | Special, 3% attack                                                 | ?|
          | Demonsword                        | +3 dex, +3% multiweapons, wc~29                                    | ?|
          | Dimensional Bender                | +15 str, +vlittle phys res, +5% bladed fury, wc: 60                | 5|
	  | DragonSlayer                      | cold damage, wc 60, 28 str, 10 dex, 2 dmg                          | 7|
          | Flaming red vorpal blade          | +6 dex, fire dmg, wc~54                                            | ?|
          | Flaming two-handed sword          | +3 str, fire dmg, wc~22                                            | ?|
          | Fine Battleaxe                    | +9 str, +3 dex, +3 attack, wc~29                                   | ?|
	  | DarkBlade                         | +2 str, +3 con, WC ~23                                             | ?|
          | Ghost Sword                       | +1 psi_res, +4% weaponmaster                                       | ?|          
	  | Glorysong                         | WC ~46, +3 con, +2% slashing weapons mastery, special              | 2|
	  | Golden Wakizashi                  | poison damage, +12 dex, +2 dmg, +4 slashing weapons mastery, wc 53 | ?|
          | Green Glowing Sword               | +18 str, +2% wss, +2% mastery of the dance, WC ~40                 | 3|          
	  | Huge Two-Handed Sword             | +4 str                                                             | ?|
          | Illuar                            | +16 str, +3 dex, +9 con, WC ~45                                    | ?|          
	  | Large Black Demon Sword           | +4 str                                                             | ?|
          | Legendary singing sword           | +3 con, +4% attack, elec dmg, wc~55                                | ?|
          | Legendary great axe named 'Kindle'| +10 con, fire dmg, wc~48                                           | 1|
	  | Long Sword                        | +8 con, +20 hpr, +8 str, WC ~40                                    | ?|
          | Lucifer's Blade                   | +25 str, +11 hpr, wc~54                                            | ?|
          | Red-handled longsword             | + dmg, +3% weaponmaster, stun special, wc: 60                      | 7|
          | Ripper the runic battleaxe        | +10 dex, +12 epr, magical dmg, wc~48                               | 2|
	  | Sharp Elven Longsword             | +12 str, +8 dex, +1 damage                                         | 5|
	  | Souleater                         | wc ~30, +3 str, +6 con, +11 hpr                                    | ?|
          | Shihuang Lightning Blade          | +15 str, +4 ww attack (+special +12 dex, +5 wss), +elec dmg wc ~57 | ?|
	  | Short Sword                       | +5 str, +3% weap skill slash, WC ~25                               | ?|
          | Sword of Death                    | +20 str, +15 hpr                                                   | 2|
	  | Sword of Devastation              | +15 str, +4% attack, cold dmg, wc~52                               | 3|
          | Sword of Hiessch'grend            | +3 con, +1 poison res, wc~24                                       | ?|
          | Sword of Omen                     | Wc: 50, acid damage, +specials like that's its job.                | ?|
          | Sword of the Skies                | WC ~21, +3 wis, +3% high energy focus, electric damage             | ?|
          | Thunder Axe                       | +20 str, +3% slashing weapons mastery, wc: 58                      | 5|
          | Titanium Axe                      | +20 str, +20 con, wc: 55                                           | 5|
          | Transmutation Ball                | +12 con, +16 str, +%5 in weapon skill(depending on what u make)    | ?|
          | Two-Bladed Sword                  | +3 str, +3 wss, +5 attack, wc~27                                   | ?|
	  | Two-handed sword named 'Blaze'    | +6 str, +2 dmg, wc~43                                              | 3|
          | Typhoon Blade                     | +15 spr, +15 int +3% casting                                       | 2|
	  | Warp Blade                        | +10 str (+10 str +5% attack when special)                          | ?|
	  | White Sword                       | +15 dex, +7 str, +3% weapon parry, wc: 50                          | ?|
          | Wizard's Blade                    | WC ~39, +15 int, +6 wis/con                                        | 1|
	  | WyrnBane                          | +25str, +10 dex, + special WC ~50                                  | ?|
          | Xander's Mighty Broadsword        | WC ~44, +8 str, +6 cha                                             | ?|

          * Shield Weapons                                                                                         *TP*
          | Azarian battle shield             | +9 spr, +13 wis                                                    | 2|
          | Black monk's shield               | +6 dex                                                             | ?|
          | Cornucopia                        | +3 sta, +9 cha, +1 appraisal, +spits out gold                      | 0|
          | Dark red shield                   | +15 str, +5 dex, +3 phys res, wc~56                                | 3|
          | Dark green scale                  | +15 con +3% shield parry/deflect                                   | 3|
          | Eye of the Beholder               | +15 spr, +4 int, +5% qc                                            | ?|
          | Geoffrey's Red Shield             | +14 spr, +7 wis                                                    | ?|
	  | Great boar shield                 | +18 hpr, +above avg mag_res, wc~41                                 | 2|
          | Hylian shield                     | +8 con, +3 phys_res, +infravision, wc~36                           | ?|
          | Kukal                             | +2 qc, +2 fire_res, +infravision, wc~36                            | ?|
          | Mythinite Shield                  | +20 con, +3 fire_res, +5 shield deflection, +5 ignore pain         | 5|
          | Oaken shield                      | +12 con, +5 hpr                                                    | ?|
          | Phoenix Egg                       | +6int, +20spr, +escape death                                       | ?|
          | Round Steel Shield                | +8 con, +7 dex, +2 avoid hits                                      | 3|
          | Shield of Reflection              | +10 con, +avoid hits, +5 asphyx res, +5% shield parry              | 7|
          | Tower Shield                      | +2% enhanced deflection, 2% shield deflection, +2% shield parry    | 2|
          | Transmutation Ball                | +12 con, +16 str, +%5 in weapon skill(depending on what u make)    | ?|
          | Wolf Shield                       | +3 dex, +2% dodge, +2% shield deflection                           | ?|          

          * Whipping Weapons                                                                                       *TP*
          | 3-headed Snake Whip               | +6 dex, pois damage, WC ~23                                        | ?|
          | 4-headed snake whip               | poison damage, wc ~31, +9 dex, +1 lightning whip                   | ?|
	  | 5-headed snake whip               | +25 dex,pois damge, 4% lightning whip, WC: 37                      | 3|
          | Darkwhip                          | +20 spr, +20 int, +3% quick chant, +2%poison res                   | 3|
          | Deadly web of human skulls        | +10 dex, +2 dmg, cold dmg, wc~52                                   | 3|
          | Demons Whip                       | +20 dex, +4% lacerate, +5% whipping mastery, asph special, wc 60   | 7|
          | Long strand of Spidranox webbing  | +3 dex, +4% weapon skill whipping                                  | ?|
	  | Slave Master's Whip               | WC ~39, +3 str, pois damage                                        | ?|
          | Transmutation Ball                | +12 con, +16 str, +%5 in weapon skill(depending on what u make)    | ?|