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About Me

I guess you decided to visit my site. As you can see, I have a lot of time on my hands, so I get bored a lot, and when you have a bunch of time on your hands it's easy to spend a lot of time doing something that isn't very important. Anyways if your not bored already go ahead and keep reading. If you feel like it sign my Guestbook when your done.
Okay on most people's profiles they have interesting facts and stuff, so I'll try fit in.

I play saxaphone and am trying to teach myself the guitar.
I play paintball whenever I have the money.
I drive a Ford (for all you Honda freaks,if it drives I'm happy).
Central is the 5th school I've been to and I haven't even moved.
And last of all I have hard time thinking about stuff to put for myself.
My favorite color: I don't have one.
My favorite... Oh well I can't think of anything.
Well I guess that's about it.

On the left is my room. It's amazing about 10 of us could fit in here during my Xbox party.