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Radionic Box, Cleansing/Charging Formula Process (to be done before frequency is activated)

1. Speak " I ask my spirit guide to assist me in this clearing/cleansing process. "

2. Speak: "Create, protect and empower this radionics box with the formula below:"

3. Speak, "On all levels of my existence, clear me and Shield me, with the shield of the Holy Spirit."

4. Speak, "On all levels of radionics boxs' existence, clear this radionics box and Shield it, with the shield of the Holy Spirit."

5. Speak, "The Radionic rate which is about to be activated upon this radionics box is not to be removed during this cleansing process."

6. Speak, "Clear any karma that this radionics box might have with these unwelcome, uninvited beings, in this life or in past lives."

7. Speak: "On all levels of this radionics box, above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally, clear and transmute to the highest frequencies of love the many kinds of limiting negative, dark, energies that are present upon this radionics box and its surroundings."

8. Speak: " Clear all cause, effect, record, and memory of trauma and desecration of this radionics box and surrounding areas due to: violent acts and thoughts of man that have become implanted into this radionics box above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally."

9. Speak: " Clear all cause, effect, record, and memory of accidents, violent acts of nature, negative thought forms and psychic aggression aimed at this radionics box and its surrounding areas.

10. - "Clear all cause, effect, record, and memory, clear and remove on all levels of this radionics box: entities, Things, Its, gargoyles, mini-entities, cellular entities, lost Souls, devils, demons, satanic, whisps, creatures, E.T.'s, aliens, negative witches, witches familiars, warlocks, warlock familiars, negative sorcerers, imposters, black magicians, or their helpers: - shackle clear and remove; - Beam Of God, clear and remove; - or Beam of God, Net, Clear & Remove; -


12. Now onto removing the thought forms, and energies in the radionics boxs' consciousness

13. - "Clear all cause, effect, record and memory. Clear, vent, and remove on all levels of this radionics box existence all: negative thought forms, negative energies, hooks, hates, addictions, fears, diseases, anxieties, curses, negative spells, incantations, hexes, summoning, symbols, and negative evokings, that they might have left.

14. Clear all: calling cards, black magic, black magic lines, entity attachment points, entity energies, entity reproduction programs, eggs, cocoons, sperm, placentas, entity slag, entity trails, entity diseases, mini entities, entity halters, and all voo doo.

15. Clear all: European black magic, India black magic, Kahuna, Aztec, Hispanic, Mexican, Inca, Mayan, Egyptian, Druid, Atlantean, Lemurian, Alien, and Wiccan black magic.

16. Clear: black mirror energies, rebound curses, incantations, and spells; inter-planetary beings contamination and their implants, black magic doorways, psychic contamination lines, opposition and contamination from all sources, black magic control lines, and control seeds.

17. Visualize a large bell in the center of the box gonging throughout the box. See this gonging sound extending through the entire radionics box above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally. See it clearing and releasing negative energy. See the vibrations of this huge bell fill every crack and space inside the box. See the bell ending and stop.

18. Visualize a huge whirlwind 10 blocks away, picking up pace and energy as it heads towards the radionics box. See it enter the room, cleansing and the whirlwind sweeping away all remaining negative energies, entities and negative thoughtforms.

19. See it grow larger and more powerful as it sweeps away all negative thoughtforms and energies, above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally all remaining negative energies, entities and negative thoughtforms.

20. See this whirlwind leave the box, terminating far away dissipating in a puff of grey smoke.

21. Now imagine an etheric vacuum cleaner built for the purpose of cleaning away remaining residual entities and energies. See this vacuum vacuuming up residual entities and energies above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally leaving the area, clear and refreshed. See this vacuum cleaner and it's energies dissipate on a gray smoke.

22. Starting in the center of the box, see burning charcoal with sage upon it. See the burning sage grow more and more intense and fill every nook and crevice inside the box, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally. See it ridding the box of negative energies and cleansing it. Now see the sage burn out and the charcoal disappear.

23. Now see Divine Light and Guidance enter where the burning sage once was. See this light fill every part of the box, above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally. See it spreading out into all and every direction. Filling the entire radionics box.

24. Now Speak, " Inside and around this radionics box, above, below, side to side, spanning space and time and interdimensionally clear and seal portals above, below, side to side, where negative energies are affecting this radionics box. Clear and seal portals where negative energies are affecting people near this radionics box."

25. Now Speak, " Fill all voids & spaces created by this clearing with the clearest, highest, pure source of Light available."

26. Now Speak, "Leave only love energy, love thought forms, and love lines. Balance the ego and consciousness to accept these new changes, shield this work with the Holy Spirit, and Seal it with the Holy Spirit. Bless us in the Name Of God."

27. Now see the rate that will be activated next. See the energies being pure and with clear focused intent.

28. Now see the whole radionics box surrounded by a clear white light. See it forming a sphere around the box.

29. Now visualize a protective bubble surrounding this sphere of white light.

30. Now Speak, "I invoke a protective bubble, a shield around this sphere of white light around this box. This shield will only allow loving and positive influences to penetrate it. All negativity is repelled, and bounces back to its source TRANSFORMED INTO POSITIVE AND LOVING ENERGY."

31. Now Speak, "Set up a shield of protection - a mantle of Light around this box and its surrounding areas."

32. Now Speak, " Monitor & maintain this shield of protection from any additional influx of disharmonious energies coming in from outside the site of clearing. Stabilize the area after this clearing has been fully completed."

33. Now Speak, "Protect these codes from manipulation, contamination, degradation and de-evolution or any misuse or intentional harm. All use of these codes automatically imprints Light information."

34. Now Speak, "If it is for the good of all concerned, and in accordance with Holy Spirit may this cleansing materialize as instructed"

35. "I thank my spirit guide for assisting me here today."


Optional Auric Clensing:

1: See a set of imaginary hands starting at the top of the box and working its way downwards all throughout the box. This is as a swift chopping action.

2: Now with the palms of these hands comb the box aura with the fingers starting at the top and working down.

3: Now fluff the whole aura up and down as you would a pillow. Do this a couple of times.


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