Contextual Art

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This project attempts to deal, in part, with the subjective nature of art. The main aim of the project is to design a "contextual art selection system" which displays various artworks depending on the person or persons nearby. An important issue arising from such a system is the tradeoffs that have to be made between the preferences of individuals. The system also has to change unsuitable artworks smoothly and unobtrusively.

The project aim is to design a system, which displays a selection of the "best" artwork to an audience. The system has to decide what art to show based on the preferences of the people in the room, which it receives when each person stepping into the galley logs in. It also has to resolve differences in preferences of nearby people. Problems occur when two or more people have completely different preferences. One person may prefer pre-Raphaelite work whereas another may enjoy the impressionist movement. The system also has to remove art, which no one wants to see in an aesthetically pleasing manner. If M C Escher is undesirable, it may replace the work with a different work by Matisse.

Timeline of work

Program as much as possible to have a demo ready by early next term* then write a report.

*this depends on how much we get swamped by cousework this term, i suspect i'll be working heavily over the christmas period...

System Walkthrough
Research Links
