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You're probably here because you want to know a thing or two about programming.  Well, here You will learn the basics.  Or, what you would learn in Computer Science 1 at Permian High School.  I have completed this class with a 94 average  so I think I know what I 'm talking about.  I will be taking Computer Science 2 AP  next year so more will follow on this page. 

No matter why you want to learn how to write computer programs ( I could really care less )  whether you want to write a program to shave .001 cent off of everyone's bank accounts and drop it into your own account... ( this has been done before successfully, and the man was caught.  All because he did it twice... greedy bastard )  or whether you just want to impress your friends. 

On to it Now.  You'll need a compiler first.  This guide is taught from the Borland C++ 5.01 and 5.02 compilers.  It will work with others though. 

Finding Borland

After you get a compiler you will need to start learning the basic commands.

Basic Commands

There are other Computer Languages.  Some like Assembly,  Basic, which as many flavors, and one of my favorites TI-82.  TI-82 programming is pretty much assembly with a twist.  Here are the commands for the TI-82.
