sum stuff fer you to do

The Translator

Has anyone ever told you off in in a different language and you being the ediot that took art instead of foreign languages wasn't able to make a smart ass come back because you had no clue what they said? Well then this is the place for you.

Just enter the text that you want to translate in the box below.

Les etoiles sont toujours la.


Are you one of those dorks that try's to play tictactoe against yr self!!! well then this is the place for you because now instead of playing titactoe with yr self you can play with a mind less ediot computer, not much of a difference but atleast its something!

Dancing Bush

make bush do tha moon walk!
snow boarding

!OtheR GameS!

play scramble
play the baloon drop
play dog bone
find tha werd
jungle jean
the beach bum jigsaw puzzle
which shell is it under?
ant project
the mind reader haha dis wun iz kewl!