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Welcome to Vanessa's Place. A fansite dedicated to the beautiful, talented Emmy award winning actress Vanessa Marcil. Vanessa is best known as Brenda Barrett of ABC's General Hopsital, but she can now be seen as the sexy casino hotess Samantha Jane Marquez of NBC's Las Vegas.

Site Created: November 2002
Version: 10.0
Layout: Created by Lindsay @ jaxbrenda[dot]com
Thanks for showing me how to put it up Lindsay.

Television Apearances

Las Vegas [Fridays 9 pm NBC]
Season Premiere: Friday 9/28


2/24: Hey Guys I know I've been gone for a while. I've had some health problems and a death in the family. I have a tiny update today. I've added some banners and avatars in the media section under "banners" & "avatars" and "sonny & brenda avatars"