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Official Fan Site of Stacy and Cait

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Welcome again to the CSOFS! as you might know we are aspiring actresses in the Atlantic Canada region. This site is dedicated to informing fans of our lives and the long roads to our successes.

Well to start it all off I suppose we should say a little about ourselves.
We have been the best of friends since jr. high, I admit we did not exactly adore one another in the beginning in fact we despised each other for no apparent reason at all, but when your 12, a friend calling you a dummy can be the only reason you hate him/her lol. But somehow (and we really don’t remember why) we became the best of friends joined at the brain and liver and never left each other's site for years to come. We went through puberty, boy and family troubles together, had our tiffs and failed some French projects but whatever came in our way we kicked it in the butt with our squeegees (but that’s another story). Then we became involved in making movies. It all started as a silly project but then it became much more, it might have been the ocean water we drank but I think that’s when it all really started. We made movies for school projects and we had a blast doing it, that’s when we realized we could do something that we enjoyed so much and get paid to do it! Of course we were only young and in need of dollar store money. Then came high school and drama…… well I think that’s enough blabbering on for now, I can't go telling you the ending of the story before you even look around now can I? So read on and enjoy the site y’all!

Stace & Cait

Some Awesome Links

a great site for people looking to be background performers (extras) in atlantic canada
a site that tells you tips on how to become an extra
