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This I Promise You

Chapter 12

Justin woke up to someone pushing on his stomach. His eyes quickly opened up and saw Tomeeka looking down in his face. "Justin, wake up."

"Why, Meeka?" He coughed to find his voice. "Can you take me to the Kiddie Farm? Uncle Josh wants to talk to Mommy. The guys can come too." Justin sat up and pulled her on his lap. "I didn't think you liked me enough to let me take you." Tomeeka put her little brown hands on both sides of Justin's face. She smiled and gave him a kiss on his left cheek, then a big hug." I always liked you, Justin. I wish Mommy was with you and not Dylan. I don't like him. You and Mommy like each other so much..." She trailed off looking at Justin's face.

"Justin, why's your face so weird?" Tomeeka said looking at him as he got up. "I'm happy that you feel good about me. I like you too, Meeka." Justin turned to her with tears on his face. Tomeeka got worried as she jumped off the bed and ran to him. "Oh, Justin! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." "I'm happy, sweetheart. There's to worry about. Now let's get dressed and go eat. We have a busy day at the Kiddie Farm."

"Okay! I'll go wake the guys up!" She smiled as she ran out the room.

JC walked into the huge grey building. As he entered the elevator, he started to worry about how he'd act once he saw Denise. When he got to the sixth floor, JC walked each step as if he was in slow motion; until he got to her office. From the doorway, he watched Denise sit at her desk and work on some papers. Her left hand held her head and her right one stopped writing. It was as if she felt her "brother" standing there; liked they were connected to each other. Denise looked up to see JC standing at her door. She stood up and turned to face the window as she started to speak. "Come in, Joshua." JC came in and closed the door. "I guess you know what's been happening; if you're here." He stuck his hands in his jean pockets and held his head down.

"Yeah, Justin filled me in last night on what he knew. But I need to know the whole story, Niecey." JC watched Denise turn around and saw the round of her stomach. He wondered in amazement, why he or anyone else didn't notice before. "Well, it started once we were seriously dating. He was first starting at the computer company he works at. He was designing this latest program system, when he started to get real stressed. He always complained about Meeka and he didn't like the fact she always talked about you and the guys. I stood up to him when it came to her. Then he'd get in my face about what I saw as being strong, he saw as being a bitch." JC felt sick inside as the

conversation went on.

"Niecey, you don't -." Denise held up her hand and stopped him from talking. "Josh, please let me say this while I have the courage. Okay?" JC let Denise continue on, while walking to her. "I met him in college while you guys were getting the group together. He was so sweet." She sobbed. "A few months ago, he wanted to have sex. I wasn't in the mood. Tomeeka had been fighting the stomach flu and I was tired from everything with her. Well he wouldn't take no for an answer. I told him that I didn't want to and if I was in thee mood, that would be different. He pushed me, saying that his parents were right. I was a no good black bitch who wanted money. He stood up for me and now he felt like a fool." JC's heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest as he stood in front of Denise; sobbing out every painful detail. "I pushed him back and that set him off. He punched me in the jaw and dragged me to the bedroom, so Tomeeka wouldn't hear. Dylan yanked off my jogging pants and ripped off my panties. And he- he reaped me!" She cried out loud as JC took her in his arms. Pain was flowing through him. "I found out I'm three months pregnant a couple days ago." JC finally somehow found the voice to speak.

"Didn't you feel or know you might be?"

"With all the beat- fights andr-ra-o-other things, I just chalked it up to stress. Missing my cycles and you know that I eat when I 'm stressed Josh. So I thought I was getting fat from eating too much." She sniffed. "Don't worry, Niecey. Baby, we'll help you fight. I promise you." He said as they both cried in each other's arms.

Chapter 13