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21st Century Horizon

(Books / Livres)

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A Time to Die: The Untold Story of the Kursk Tragedy  
by Robert Moore                       

kursk On Saturday, August 12, 2000, high in the Arctic Circle under the roiling surface of the unforgiving Barents Sea, Captain Gennady Lyachin was taking the Kursk through the last steps of firing a practice torpedo, part of an elaborate naval exercise. Suddenly, the torpedo exploded, instantly incinerating all seven men in the submarine’s forward compartment. The horror, however, was just beginning. The full story of the   drama inside the Kursk and of the desperate rescue efforts has never been told — until now.

In A Time to Die, a critically acclaimed best-seller in the United Kingdom, Robert Moore tells the inside story of the disaster with the factual depth of the best journalism and the compelling moment-by-moment tension of a thriller.

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment
by Martin E. P. Seligman

A revolutionary perspective on psychology, Seligman’s Authentic Happiness is a beacon for human behavior in the new century. Laypersons and professionals alike will find this book enormously enriching. It summarizes a huge literature, it provides concrete self-assessment tools, and it speaks with a joyful voice about what it means to be fully alive.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5) 
by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter In the fifth Harry Potter story, the secrets of Harry's past are revealed. Professor Dumbledore tells him, "It is time for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry. Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything..."


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Life Is Short - Wear Your Party Pants: The Nine Essential Treats You Need to Live an Amazing Life
by Loretta LaRoche

Life is short Ms. LaRoche has helped millions of people find ways to lighten up and overcome stress in their lives. Now, she gives people the tools they need to not only reduce stress, but to bring joy, passion, and gusto into their lives. Her techniques are a brilliant blend of old-world common sense and the most contemporary research in brain chemistry, psychology, and mind-body studies. With very specific exercises, her new book gives readers dozens of proven techniques for developing the nine most important traits needed to live an intense, happy, successful life: Resilience; Optimism; Connection; Mindfulness; Humor; Respect; Integrity; Creativity; and Purpose.

Life is Not a Stress Rehearsal
Loretta LaRoche


La Libye, 1835-1990  
par André Martel

Larousse gastronomique Malgré le coup porté par les Etats-Unis en 1986, la Libye du colonel Qadhafi reste active dans le monde arabo-musulman et sur ses marges, particulièrement africaines. Trois facteurs expliquent la place occupée et le rôle joué par la Jamahiriya: la détermination de son Guide, champion de l'arabisme et de l'islamisme modernistes; les moyens que lui assure la rente pétrolière; la situation de la Libye au carrefour du Maghreb et du Machreq, là d'où partent les voies les plus courtes vers l'Afrique centrale. L'actualité a privilégié l'homme et les pétro-dollars, occultant ainsi le rapport du projet à son support: un espace géopolitique inscrit dans le temps. Cet essai voudrait rappeler comment, depuis 1835, la province ottomane de Tripoli du ponant devenue Libye italienne (1911), puis royaume indépendant de Lybie (1951) et enfin république (1969), a exercé une triple fonction. Elle a couvert le coeur du Dar ul-Islam, servi de support à l'entreprise de libération du Maghreb, assuré une base de rayonnement religieux, économique et politique, vers les bassins du Niger, du Tchad et du Nil. Au profit de quoi et de qui?

Genre: SCIENCES HUMAINES. Nombre de pages: 256.

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Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game  
by Michael Lewis

Moneyball Money and Baseball - It's refreshing, and re-assuring, to know that money can't buy everything, even in baseball. This book offers hope for all small market teams and their fans.
Lewis (Liar's Poker; The New New Thing) examines how in 2002 the Oakland Athletics achieved a spectacular winning record while having the smallest player payroll of any major league baseball team.


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Nouvelles Leçons de seduction 
par Aubade

aubade - seduction La saga continue actuellement avec de nouvelles leçons, qui, placardées sur tous les murs, risquent fort d'accroître la statistique des accidents automobiles au sein de la population masculine. Je ne sais pas ce que vous en pensez, mais je trouve les photos moins réussies (moins troublantes... enfin, quand même un peu !) que pour la première série...
Un livre anniversaire pour l'une des campagnes publicitaires les plus audacieuses de la décennie.


Les Nouveaux Maîtres du Monde 
par Jean Ziegler

Les Nouveaux Maitres du Monde Au niveau national, les privatisations à tour de bras ont mis sous tutelle les Parlements et les gouvernements et privé de leur pouvoir régulateur les institutions publiques. Les gouvernements appliquent ce que le capital financier international leur dit, dans les domaines de la fiscalité, de la politique salariale, de la politique de sécurité sociale etc. Les Bourses sanctionnent immédiatement toute décision qui n’irait pas dans ce sens.

Après les mafias internationales et les banques suisses, le sociologue et agitateur genevois Jean Ziegler revient à l’attaque. Dans son dernier essai Les Nouveaux Maitres du Monde,  lui s’en prend au “prédateur”, le capitalisme mondialisé, et à ses “mercenaires”, les institutions financières et commerciales internationales.

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Oryx and Crake
by Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood has visited the future before, in her dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale. In her latest, Oryx and Crake, the future is even bleaker. The triple whammy of runaway social inequality, genetic technology and catastrophic climate change, has finally culminated in some apocalyptic event. As Jimmy, apparently the last human being on earth, makes his way back to the RejoovenEsencecompound for supplies, the reader is transported backwards toward that cataclysmic event...

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Pattern Recognition 
by William Gibson

william gibson William Gibson's best book since Neuromancer and Count Zero. Gibson's narrative is more relaxed than it has been in years... his own laser-perfect cultural radar - Malcolm Gladwell meets Marshall McLuhan in a chat room - carries the story along. Pattern Recognition: a slick but surprisingly humane piece of work from the "patron saint of cyberpunk lit".

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Relax, You May Only Have a Few Minutes Left 
by Loretta LaRoche

Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market  
by Eric Schlosser

reefer madness From the bestselling author of Fast Food Nation comes this captivating look at the underbelly of the American marketplace. In three sections, Schlosser, an Atlantic Monthly correspondent, examines the marijuana, migrant labor and pornography trades.

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franc'O'brain & Transputer Qasar - (C) Third Millennium

My Little Canadian Shop (the start spot)

... et toutes les filles: les chanteuses des Sixties

Visit also:  

 High-Octane DVDs

 Spin Worthy (CDs)