How to tell if you're a Nancy fanatic..

• Get your hair cut like her.

• Buy a leather jacket identical to her 'Division' character.

• Try to get that Bronx accent down.

• Dye your hair the same color as her's.

• Spend a LOT of your time working on a website, dedicated to her. *cough*ME*cough*

• Watch any scene with Nancy in them over and over, until your eyes nearly bug out of their sockets. *LOL Maria*

• Name your pets after her characters.

• Everything you see reminds you of her.

• You have a large sign on your window that says, "NANCY FANATIC LIVES HERE!!"

• Your friends are starting to get annoyed at you because you CONSTANTLY talk about her.

• You Division/Nancy stuff ALL over your walls..

• Instead of watching all those other channels on tv, you watch Lifetime 24/7 to catch the "Lifetime Sunday" commercial!

• You accidentally begin calling your friends Kate, Jinny, Magda, C.D., or Raina without even realizing you've made a mistake.

• On Sunday you continuously look at your watch and keep a mental countdown in your head of how many hours until the DIVISION airs.

• Your style of clothes is slowly changing to match that of your favorite DIVISION character.

• You re-name your dog (boy of course) Teddy, Dan, Paul or Peter.

• When you see a cop pulling somebody over on the side of the road you start wondering if that scenario would make a good episode of the DIVISION.

• When you fly to LA and handcuff yourself to the cast members of The Division (das gonna be me wit Nancy McKeon)

• When you ask your family too change your name to your favorite character on The Division

• When you think every song you hear relates to a Division character.

• You spend hours on the net looking for Division websites

• When you go to a restaurant, you order a breakfast burrito because Jinny did.

• You always quote "The Division" whenever you talk

• You watch The Division more than 5 times a week

• When you make a big fuss that Jinny and Teddy broke-up

• You hold a debate with yourself and discuss whether or not Jinny and Teddy should be together

• When your friends name is Candace and you start to call her C.D

• When your VCR don't tape the show, you scream.

• Every second of the minute, every minute of the hour, every hour of the day, you are thinking about The Division

• You play the promo over and over in your head

• In math class, every time you do division, you think about The Division

• You make up nick names for your favorite Division characters

• You pretend your on the show

• Every night you have dreams of The Division

• You keep thinking about how you are going to meet one of the people from The Division

• When you hear the names Nancy, Lisa, Bonnie, Lela and Tracey, you think it might be one of them

• You take karate just to be like Jinny/Nancy

• You want to become an Inspector.

• You start to look for Teddy-look-a-likes

• Your looking for movies with The Division cast members

• You find yourself reciting Division commercials

• You tell all of your friends not to call you Sunday, between the hours of The Division

• You have a notebook filled with Nancy stuff

• You memorize all the songs played on The Division

• You go to to see any up-dates on "The Division".

• You get mad when you miss an episode even though it's a re-peat.

• You go hunting for a watch and ring like Nancy's.

• You've got a website for The Division or the actors that are in the show.

• Every day you wonder if Jinny and Theodore are gonna get back together

• You make up poems and songs about The Division

• All you think about in school is The Division

• You talk to your best friend about Nancy McKeon/Jinny/Jo/FOL and she responds "Who's Nancy McKeon?"

• Whenever you see a Division promo you freeze and stair at the screen and try not to blink so you won't miss one second of it.

• When you keep a tape in the VCR ready for any and every promo that has to do with Nancy.

• When you see the pre-views for next week's TD episode and you bug your mom you want sun glasses like Jinny's!

• You've seen at least 5 of Nancy's Movies!

• You watch "The Division" whenever it's on!

• You watch "The Facts of Life" whenever it's on

• You try to tape "The Division", "The Facts of Life", her movies, her TV appearances, ANYTHING with her on it!

• You watch your "Division" tapes and your "Facts of Life" tapes at least 5 times a week, if not more!

• Whenever you go shopping you look for stuff that she wore in movies, on "The Division", on "The Facts of Life", and in TV appearances

• You're desperately looking for a leather jacket like Jinny's and you're praying they make one like her's (cuz you know she had it custom made for her)

• You look through your closet in hope that you might find some sort of article of clothing that she has.

• You draw pictures of her, "The Division" cast, "The Facts of Life" cast.

• You want Jinny's watch and sunglasses!

• You're looking for the outfit that she wore to "The Rosie O'Donnell Show!"

• You wear straight jeans because Jinny does even though you know flair jeans are in!

• You spend hours looking for "Division", "Facts of Life", and Nancy sites!

• You've given yourself a nickname like Jinny, Jo, Rosalie, Nikki (one of her movie names.)

• Whenever a "Division" promo comes on you freeze, turn up the volume really loud, and try not to blink!

• You've gone on both Nancy chats!

• All you talk about is "The Division", "The Facts of Life" and Nancy, and your friends and family have gotten very sick of it!!

• You have your own Nancy, "Division", "Facts of Life" web page/site!

• You cry whenever anything bad happens to Jinny (ex: she get's drunk)

• You cry whenever anything bad happens to Nancy (in a movie)

• On Monday you don't really pay attention in school(BECAUSE IT'S MONDAY!) and because you're thinking about what happened on "The Division!"

• When you wear your hair up you wear it like Jo's and when you wear your hair down you wear it like Jinny's!

• You want to dye your hair black and put red highlights in it!

• You look through magazines to find articles with her in it.

• You've bought at least one of her movies.

• You post on Nancy/Facts of Life/Division message boards.

• You sign other people's Nancy/Facts of Life/Division site guest books. (hint! hint!)

• You always say stuff she said in movies, on TV and stuff.

• You envy people with very straight black hair. (unless you have it, then you're very thankful)

• You part your hair in a zig-zag part whenever you have time.

• You argue with yourself over whether Jinny and Teddy should get back together.

• Your looking for guys that look like Teddy or Michael J. Fox or guys that play Hockey.

• You've dressed up like Jo/Jinny/another one of her characters for Halloween.

• You find yourself looking for a black thong because Jinny wore one in the first episode of "The Division". Thank you to everyone that helped me out with this page!!