
Krista's Bio...

FuLL Name: Krista Marie Young

Birthdate: August 19, 1983

Sign: Leo

Height: 5'8

Hair CoLor: Brown with Light Brown Highlights

Eye CoLor: HazeL

Where I Am: St. George's, NewfoundLand

ICQ Number: 25452557

IRC Nick: Mystra``


Boys: Damien Kenneth Goodyear:))

Food: Hot Wings:) poutien:) Lasagna:)

Subject: CaLcuLus

CoLor: ORANGE aLL the way:)

Season: faLL :)) (the Leaves turn ORANGE)

Beverage: Orange Juice:)

Resturant: Mary Browns

AnimaL: Dogs:)

Number: 2

HoLiday: Summer

Month: JuLy :))

Person on IRC: DREW HYNES (Me|kor)

Organization: Cadets

Sport: BasketbaLL

Fetish: Guys in hockey gear... MmmM :) anything orange:) or any character from Winnie the Pooh (Tiggger especiaLLy)

SibLing: My SiSsy~!:)) CatherinE:) (caT-TriN!)

Quote: *** Damien`` Had Quit Irc *** (love is a great thing :))


Season: winter

Pet peeve: BLAKE!!!!!!*arGH*

Sport: tennis

Show: THE NEWS!!!

PeopLe: Stuck up peopLe and guys who think they know EVERYTHING... arGh.

SchooL: having to get up..

Time of day: when ever it's day Light

subject: PHYSICS!!

Month: March.. sorry to aLL of you who were born in march


Winnie the Pooh:))
