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Litsa's Homepage

LuCiOuS LiPs N ExOtIc GrEeN EyEz GoRgEoUs HaIr & BaNgIn ThIgHs BaBy u KnO fRuM dA bOtToM tO dA tOp tHiS cHiX hOtTnEsS iS * N o N . S t O p * _/*\_ ¸.·¤**¤·.¸.·¤**¤·.¤**¤¤**¤ \ /* * / Ur My ShOoTiNg StaR ¤**¤ /.·*·.\¸.·¤**¤·.¸¸.·¤**¤·.¤**¤¤**¤ *I aCt LiKe Sh-T DoNt PhAsE mE InSiDe It DrIvEs Me CrAzY ThEy SaY iM uP tO nO gOoD AnD i ShOuLd JuSt sEttLe DoWn, i DoNt WaNt tO sTaY WiT jUsT oNe mAn CaUsE a PiMpEtTe MuSt SaMpLe WhAtS aRoUnD!! iTz nOT dA ShyT i sAY..bUt HoW iTs SeD | | iTz NoT dA cLoThEz i wEaR..bUt HoW i wEaR eM| |iTs nOt mY sMiLe..bUT HoW i SmiLE| | aND iTs aLL cUz i gOT dA iLL fKn sTyLe | *Im ThE dOwNeSt ChIcK yOuLl EvA mEeT * *iM tHe OnE tHaTs Oh So SwEeT* *bUt DonT fAlL fOr Me YoU wIlL rEgReT* *cUz ItS cErTaIn Im A lIl PlAyEtTe* :¨`·´¨: xo `·.· ´:¨`·´¨: xo `·.· ´ {*u bYtChEs sPeNd Hrs. pErfEcTiN yA fEaTuReS*} {*I gEt gLaNcEs m0rE dEn u & Im oNLy r0cKiN sNeAkErs*} He dont gotta have a certain style just as long as he can make me smiLe! I *·. ((¨`·´¨)) . ·* x*.· ``·.·´´ ·.*x you I *·. ((¨`·´¨)) . ·* x*.· ``·.·´´ ·.*x you **He walked into my room and asked me wat was more important, him or my life. i answered, "my life" then he walked away upset not knowing, he is my life :::I WaLk ArOuNd WiT An AtTiTuDe::: :::CuZ i JuSs Dun GiVe A FuQ::: :::LiFe AiNt ShYt UnLeSs::: :::YoU LiViN iT uP!::: Behind EVA bYtCh there is a BOY dat MADE herr ONE- You know im a bitch -- a classy one...But your just a hoe -- a fuqqin nasty one *::fRiEnDz::* *U'r NoT My BeSt fRiEnD* *tHaTz A LiE* *u'R mY SiStEr* *UnTiL tHe dAy i DiE ..sophia..lynn...maria...mina...stace...katerina...kirsten...athina...hanh...tyna... *..*WhEn ThE wOrLd AtTaCkS*..* *..*n u SLiDe OfF tRaCk*..* *..*aLwAyS ReMeMbEr 1 fAcT*..* *..*i'LL aLwAyS goTcHa BaCk*..* *Shoulders to cry on, Rules to bend* *Money to borrow & Clothes to lend* *Friday Night Hangouts, Afternoon Walks* *Midnight fone calls & Funny Talks* *Our memories together will never end* *Becuz now & forever ur my bestfriends!* **A friend would tell yoo not to do it again...a good friend would bail you out...and a best friend would b sittin next to you in the jail cell sayin can we do that again 2morrow? Alwaiz remember 2 forget Tha friends tat were untru But neva forget 2 remember Tha 1z who stuck by u

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