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This interview was done over the phone in January of 2000. It was for a TV show that he was in called Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. (aired on FOX in 1998)

NOTE: The name you see as the person that conducted the interview is mine. Lissia is the name I use when I do my writing, and I just didn't feel like changing all of that, so there ya go. :)

Lissia: At what age did you start acting/modeling? And have you done anything else besides that?

Lochlann: I started acting at age 14 in the amature theatre in Dublin. I started modeling at 21. I was a cook for 5 years after I finished with school.

Lissia: Ah, a cook was it? You shall have to teach me some of that great Irish cooking.

Lochlann: You got it. I’d love to show you how to cook some Irish favorites.

Lissia: I will keep that in mind when you are here for the convention.

Lissia: How does it feel to have your own MK action figure?

Lochlann: It’s wonderful, brilliant really. I think that it’s great that I have my own action figure, now I can play with myself.

Lissia: Lochlann! (laughs cause she knows that he is only teasing )

Lissia: What was your fave MK episode and why?

Lochlann: Hmm… it would have to be the very first one. We had a grand time filming that. Vin and I had to hang upside down for 4 hours to get that one scene right.

Lissia: Oh yes, when Ivar captured Rohan and Angus in that snare. Four hours upside down with Vincent,shall say nothing else. (Giggles)

Lochlann: (laughs) Four hours is a long time to be hanging upside down with him, yeah.

Lissia: Ok, let’s move on. How was it filming with the cast and crew of MK?

Lochlann: Wonderful. Everybody was just brilliant, nice and all. I made a lot of friends. The atmosphere was good, as were the people. Bob is a brilliant producer also.

Lissia: What did you like the most about filming Mystic Knights?

Lochlann: Being outdoors, the sword fighting, riding horses. Everything was wonderful.

Lissia: How long have you been doing the sword thing?

Lochlann: For the past 3 years. It’s a great workout and it’s the closest thing to dancing that you can get to.

Lissia: (giggles, remembering how he danced in one of the episodes) But you are such a good dancer Lochlann.

Lochlann: Yes, I am. I just didn’t want to dance when we did that scene.

Lissia: (ponders, wondering if he is pulling her leg or not) Sure Lochlann, ok. Let’s go on.

Lissia: What was your childhood like?

Lochlann: (chuckles) I was a little devil. A nicely dressed little devil that is. I did a lot of things that I shouldn’t of, but I was young. I was also a bit of a pyro, ya know.

Lissia: Lochlann! You, a little devil? I find that hard to believe. (Laughs)

Lochlann: Well I was ya know.

Lissia: (Composes herself so she can go on) Um… ok. Any funny/embarassing moments on the set?

Lochlann: Well, fighting monsters that were not there, having to throw yourself onto the ground and act like you were in terrible pain, that was funny. In “Eye Of The Beholder” when Lisa was all green, Vin and I had a laugh on that. She was not happy about doing that one. So Vin and I were taking the mickey about it.

note here: taking the mickey means having a bit of good fun with someone. Meaning they were teasing Lisa, but it wasn’t in a nasty way, it was in a fun natured way

Lissia: is in near tears from laughing Alright Lochlann… I’m going to ask you some of your faveorites Now, you ready?

Lochlann: Sure, shoot.

Lissia: Who is your fave actor/actress?

Lochlann: Barry Cassin, (Cathabad) He is a brilliant actor, very professional, but also very good natured and funny off of the set.

Lissia: Your fave movie?

Lochlann: That would be ‘Goodfellows”

Lissia: Ah, another Italian movie. (Lissia is pure blooded Italian)

Lochlann: There are a few good Irish actors in there as well.

Lissia: Yes, I know Lochlann. The Irish and the Italians get along quite nicely don’t they.

Lochlann: (Just laughs)

Lissia: Your fave music?

Lochlann: Alternative.

Lissia: Oh, my son listens to that kind of music. not bad music mind you, but you have to get used to it.Do you like rap music?

Lochlann: No. I am not fond of that. I like all kinds but that.

Lissia: You like classical too?

Lochlann: Yes.

Lissia: What about opera?

Lochlann: (chuckles) Well, you have to have a taste for that kind of music.

Lissia: I love opera. I have four years of voice training in opera when I was in school.

Lochlann: Did you really? Then you have good daiphram control. You can breathe right…

Lissia: Yeah. (she is wondering where this is leading to)

Lochlann: You know when to swallow and you have a relaxed jaw…

Lissia: LOCHLANN! (tries not to laugh)

Lochlann: I’m sorry, my mind just got dirty there for a moment.

Lissia: (Composes herself yet again and continues on) Yes, I see that. Shall we continue?

Lochlann: Ok, go on.

Lissia: What is your fave food?

Lochlann: Well, it changes a lot, but right now I would have to say that it is BBQ fish.

Lissia: Your fave drink? (like I do not know what's coming next. heh)

Lochlann: That would be Guinness.

Lissia: What about fave colour?

Lochlann: Green. (Chuckles)

Lissia: (yet again wonders if he’s pulling her leg or not)

Lissia: When is your birthday?

Lochlann: August 8, 1973

Lissia: Do you have any siblings?

Lochlann: There are five of us in all, four boys and one girl.

Lissia: I feel sorry for your sister.

Lochlann: (laughs) Now why would you say that?

Lissia: Because I am the only girl in my family. I have three younger brothers, so I know how it can be.

Lochlann: continues to laugh And don’t you have the same as we do for your own family, four boys and a girl?

Lissia: Yes I do. And I feel sorry for my daughter too.

We both laugh

Lissia: What kind of hobbies did you have when you were a child?

Lochlann: Well, I was into scocer, and collecting stamps, also collecting match boxes from around the world.

Lissia: What kind of hobbies do you have now?

Lochlann: I like to do a bit of fly-fishing, play some piano, cycling. I have done some rock climbing also.

Lissia: A very busy man I would say.

Lochlann: Yeah. (Chuckles)

Lissia: Do ever miss Mystic Knights? I mean, the filming and all.

Lochlann: Yeah, I do some. But ya know, ya have to move on with things and that’s what I’m doing.

Lissia: If they were to put MK back on, would you do a second season of it?

Lochlann: Of course I would. But I don’t see that happening. A lot has been going on for all of us, and Bob has two major projects coming up with Disney also.

Lissia: Well, we did try, and I had to ask. No harm in trying or asking is there?

Lochlann: No, there isn’t.

Lochlann is playing the piano in the background

Lochlann: Hey, do ya know this tune? (starts to play something)

Lissia: (listens) It sounds vaguely firmiliar.

Lochlann: (Starts to sing to me.)

Lissia: You have a very good voice.

Lochlann: Well thanks. I sing good when I want to.

Lissia: Just like you dance well when you want to right. (chuckles about that fleeting moment in the one episode where he decided to be unique about his dance steps)

Lochlann: Right. That lady was a pain in the butt. She was really very snotty and Vin and I were like, ‘She can kiss my arse.’

Lissia: (laughs) Yeah, well I guess she deserved it for being like that. (He was talking about the choerographer that was teaching them some dance moves for one of the episodes. From what I've heard, she was not too nice.)

Lissia: Now, I have to ask this, what is your full name? (note, we had a bit of trouble with this part, when I said full name, he gave me Lochlann O’Mearain. They say it differently over there then we do. After about 5 minutes of explaining back and forth, and me telling him my full name, I finialy got it out of him.)

Lochlann: Lochlann Seamous O’Mearain. Seamous was my grandfathers name.

Lissia: That is a wonderful name.

Lochlann: Thanks. Your name is interesting too.

*I had also found out that my real first name, Deneen, is a surname of I do believe a composer or something like that. At which time I turned beet red when he informed me about that. This is why I do not use Deneen much, but he likes it, so I just may start to use it again. =) *

Lissia: Yeah, it is. But I rarely use it, only to sign documents and such. My mum got it off of an Ivory soap Commercial. There was a mother and daughter on it and the daughter’s name was Deneen. I mean, I like the name, but my close friends call me Lissia.

Lochlann: Alright Lissia. (he is pronouncing it Liss-e-a. it is said Liss-a)

Lissia: Lochlann… it’s Lissia not how you said it. It is pronounced differently than it is spelled, that’s why I like it so much.

Lochlann: Oh, I see. Ok. (Chuckles)

Lissia: So, here is THE question that so many ladies out there want to know…. Do you have a girlfreind?

Lochlann: Yes I do.

Lissia: There are going to be a lot of disappointed ladies out there now.

Lochlann: Really? (Chuckles)

Lochlann:(still playing the piano in the background) Are we just about done yet?

Lissia: I do believe that was it love. Thank you so much for your time in doing this. Many people will be very happy to read this. There isn’t much info out there on you.

Lochlann: Anything to help. Happy New Year Lissia. (he said it right this time)

Lissia: Happy New Year to you too Lochlann.

note: there were a few parts that were left out due to the fact that they had nothing much to do with the interview itself, we were just chatting and all. Lochlann is amazed at all the support that Mystic Knights has received and thanks all of his fans for that support.

Lochlann O'Mearain's Group