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Welcome To LPD. There is profanity on this site so i suggest anyone under 10 years of age should Leave. This site you will find Audio,Video,Pictures,Lyrics,Tabs & etc... we will tend to keep u surprised with our content.

May 20, 2003
Whoa, I haven't updated in like forever. Well, I'm not even going to bother finishing this site anymore, I see no point in it. I have had this site for 3 years and I haven't hardly even worked on it. I love Linkin Park's new single, "Somewhere I belong". Although, I would be continuing this website, I will still be devoted to Linkin Park. I have really changed alot since I first made this site, me and Cassie both have.. Well I'm going to go. bye. (btw, check out sometime)

September 18, 2002
Wow, its been ages since I've updated. I have a new website now, it's called Faded.(which isnt really new) Although I have other websites I am going to make a effort to keep up with this one. I've added new affilates/cliques and I added my own little add on to AOL's instant messanger, WMS.

April 10, 2002
Hey ppls...I'm really sorry for the lack of updates im been sorta busy doing other shit and LP isnt my 'life' anymore. Not like they were before but i dont really listen to them much anymore.

February 18, 2002
Wow, okay tons of people are using the cyborg i posted a few days ago so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. I just want to say Jared is a dumb asshole and no one should ever be his friend he will back stab you until you get so hot you want to go on a mass murder.

February 16, 2002
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates once again ive been busy on the well the main purpose of the this update is to let everyone know we have my self scripted cyborg you can downaload for the palace...also if you would like check out my palace

January 07, 2002

We have now started to put some updates in the "Past Updates" section. so please check those updates also.
Q: updates are dessapearing on this page..why?
A: because when i add updates they gradually go in the past updates section. only 5 will show on this current page.

January 07, 2002
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates. School has started again and i am once again to occupied to update as much i would like. I downloaded this really kewl program called Trillian, it has AOL,YAHOO,MSN,IRC & ICQ gateways. i decided it was too kewl to be forgotten. you can download it from or you have just do it the easy way and get it right here. this would be the best choice for a modem user. Click Here To Download Trillian.

January 01, 2002
Ok, well i dread going back to school as usual...and i gotta go back in two days. WTF happened to winter break!!!?! god. anyways we added videos and the links page is still not up. we will be uploading pictures soon along w/ that. we have got copyrighted by GT.

December 31, 2001
In less than 24 hours it will be 2002! I just wanted to make this update to say "Happy New Years!" and to tell everyone that every page is finally finished. we will have pictures & videos posted A.S.A.P but we need to make another account first. LaTTa!

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