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~Updated August 14, 2004~

The lyrics for August have been updated.

My monthly thoughts have been updated

A few shout outs have also been updated

This page needs pictures. I've been working on a webshots album thing. Once completed I'll add the link.

Feel free to EMAIL ME! with comments and suggestions!


Quote of the Month:

New Lyrics...

Got any good quotes and/or lyrics that you would like to see here. If so EMAIL ME!

August 14, 2004
Well...it has been a while since I have updated this thing. It's been crazy. Summer flew by as I was in summer school and working. I really only had a week of vacation before it was time to move back to good ol' Wilmington again to begin my final year as a college student.
I moved in August 5th and immediately began RA training. So, this week has been non stop training and preparing for residents. Move-in was supposed to be today but Hurricane Charley delayed it to tomorrow. We still had people frantically trying to move in. It was crazy around here.
Classes begin on Wednesday August 18th(that is if Hurricane Danielle or Earl don't hit us) I am almost looking forward to class. How sad is that? It's all the anticipation of my final year I guess. Just hope it all goes well. It's time for me to get back to work. So, until next time...


P.S.~Also, there will eventually be more pictures on the site, but I am still working on that!

A new page dedicated to my babies!!
My Boys

the 4 of us
Here's all of us hanging out and having a good time!

To all my friends click the link below!

My Extra Experience: Click to check out the latest!

Other sites you should check out:

My Care Bear Site
(It's still being perfected)
Care Bear's

The other Carolina Girls!
Kim's Page

Jessica's Page

Jennie's Page

Other random sites:

Make A Movie
Put your creative side to work!:c)

Drinking Games
Play drinking games with the cast of National Lampoon's Van Wilder! Can you beat Van? ~hehe I did!

See what Care Bear you are.
A cool quiz. Take it, it's fun!

Funny animated movies

A-Z Lyrics
A site to help you find song lyrics!

CBS Daytime
For all the CBS soap addicts like me!! :c)

american flag

Noel~Sept. 1990 - February 20, 2003.