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Title:Misty Blue



Disclaimer: NOTE...I am NOT Jhene nor am I affliated with ANYONE on T.U.G/Platinum if I was why would I tell any1?Anyhow my point is NO FANMAIL!


6.20.03 Site Almost done so bare with me
Ta'Nya showed love @ 11:30 am

6.26.03 Thank yall! To all the visitors and people who already love the site Thank you sooooooooooooo much it means alot to me that yall leavin' such positive things on the tag-board since it just opened and yall already feelin' it :-) I'm going to have a new layout up maybe later on this week or next cuz I'm kinda busy rii now!!! Thanks agen and thanks 4 all the luv agen :'(*sniff*(lol)BYE!
Ta'Nya showed love @ 6:30 pm

07.01.03 Wassup ya'll? today and tomorrow I have alot of work to do,I'm improving the site putting up another layout and adding more pics content etc. aryte? So the site may be under construction for about 3-4 days depending on how much time I have this week aryte? Keep lovin' “Miss-Jhene” and I apperciate ALL the love!:-) Bye
Ta'Nya showed love @ 2:41 pm

*Credits* Melissa(
Melissa Imma put your button up soon :-)
For her help with my layout

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