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yOr QuEeN's PaGe


b0rn enh raised as »|anjeLiCa *m* conCepci0n|«

jess caLL meeh »|aiCa, queen.,. etC|«

residiNg in »|freakmont.,. where i coMe out at niGht|«

seCksniCity »|¹o° preCent fiLipiNay|«

charaCter »|cindereLLa =D|«

dreaM mariTaL sTaTus »|married to that hott Guy MiZzTer Chris kirkpaTriCk|«

reaLiTy mariTaL sTaTus »|dude.,. aLec deL r0sari0. BACK OFF bitChes! he's *miNeZz*|«

churCh »|Corpus Christi!! Life Teen, the bestest ever.|«

krew »|cHiK cLiQuE! sinCe 1999.

ever aNd foraLways, 2o0² cant hode us baCk! we've made it this far..,. Love aLwayZz gurLs. enh Asian Outlawz. hehe, geht it.|«

hobZz »|beiNg wiTh frends, beiNg uNiQuE, beiNg Loud, beiNg me, keepiNg it aiCa styLe, riGht kai? hehe. annd.,. aiM, teLevisi0n, raDi0, phoNe, danCinG, sinGiNg..perforMinG.. fiGhtiNg wiTh my dear sister, sLeepinG Late-sLeepiNg in, enh eating.. thuy kn0es the motto! -if its stiLL wrapped, it's stiLL g0od- haha|«

okupayshun »|streSsinG over aLL the hoMew0rk that y0oh geht when ur aN oLdie eiGhtie.,. o0wee o3! haha.,. at th0rnyt0n|«

sHoUtZz »|everr s0o dearest chik cLiQue

i Love y0o girLs s0o0 muCh.. thaNk y0oh fer ALWAYS beiNg there for meeh..

speshuLLy thuy! ..i Love y0oh!!..BFF. thaNk y0u fer ListeNing to me even thr0uGh aLL my "BiTcH MoDeS." haha..sorry fer all the shit i caused you in 4th and 5th grade..hehe like tha toothpick thing. but i always loved you at heart..hahaha. thanx fer always helping me out. i kno i can always turn to you and im gLad wer frends. i always have yur back girL. mY NuMbAH wUn BeSTEsT FrEnD iN ThA wHoLe WiDe wOrLd. stay away froM kNives! aNd hoMiee cLowNs, haha. i'LL exterMinate aLL th0se deerS that m0o =D. carZz aNd da wiNe!! dont driNk aiCa wiLez y0o drivinG thuy.,. haha.

myCee: LoVe yAh aLwAyZ aDiNg ;)thaSs myCe givinG her Left eye t0o m0i. ITCHYDOGGY.. FiRsT ThE wOrSt, SeCoNd ThE bEsT. hAhA. WhOo, wE gO bAck hUh. yOoh wAs aLwAyS mAi hOmEgHuRL -ThErD GrAdE-. JeSs LiKe a SiStAh tO mEeHh. Or sHaLL i sAy 'cUhZziN' ahh!! Lo0k at us!!

we're Like twiNs! hahaha, froM the overaLLs riGht down to the sh0es. my sea myCee, hehe. danG sChooL makes us craZy! FREEEE!! "w0w Look at the giaNt papercLip! it w0uLd make a niCe earrinG.,." o0o t0o muCh hoMew0rk

aShLeY: ashLey Lee, haha. or fLashers aShers! u RoCk.. Or i rOcK. LoVe yAh! .,.shh!! dont teLL aL, haha. we gohtta sweep OUR raMp. aNd geht to cLass BeFoRe the beLL rinGs, haha.

AnJoLiNa: hiYaHz JoLiNoW. eWw yOuR nAsTy MiNdEd! 'PiCtUrE.. gEnE.. EnH aLeC.. eNh sTriPpEr PoLeS' aHhh.. GeHt iT OuTah mAh hEaD! EnH iT wAs aLL yOuR iDeA. wHeReS mAi LeTter? A.,. its not a Letter! its two finGers aNd a t0nGue!

eRiN: mAi gOsH!! yOuRe sO PrETTy!!! eNh pErFeCt EnH sHieT. BeAuTy EnH BrAiNs.. eNh a SeNsE Of hUmOr. iF yOo wErEnT mAi FrEnD i ThiNk iD hAte yOoh. hAhA.. jM. i LuV yOo. 'nO AiCa, ur C'WaLkEn wRoNg!' oOh wE GoTsTa dO OuR tAi Chi. ThEy BiT uS hUh? niCe puss jokes! haha. "maybe its aN octopus -buht theres no Legs- wehLL with0ut Legs, its just a puss" o0o aNd of c0urse "u must not geht eNouGh nutriti0n, ur a wee LittLe b0y -i geht my nutriti0n by sCrewing girLs- buht ur a wee LittLe b0y! _with a wee LittLe wee_" haha. h0wd y0oh geht so fuNny!?

TrAnG: hey ch0o ch0o tranGatanG!! daMn we needah geht tah cLass on tiMe.,. haha.

cesCa: hEhE.. 'wHy dO yOoh CaLL hEr JeSsiCa??' i LoVe yOoh. ThAnKs fEr aLwAyS wAiTiNn aFtAh sChOoL WiF mEeh. u gOtS ThA TiGhTeSt bAckPaCk.. hAhA.

sHeiLa: SiSqO! 'ThErEz a sLiPpEr On Ur sHiRt!' hAha.. LoVe yOoh!

kAi: hAhA.. 'uR uSiNg aLeC' WeLL sOo aRe yOoh! 'Oh.. yOuRe RiGhT hUh?' fAvOriTe fOod: PriNcEsS' CoLoGnE.. *yUmM* haha. i beLieve y0oh owe meeh a piGgie baCk ride. waNna h0ok up?

KeViN CoSnEr: SuRpRiSe!!! everGreen cataLog! dont diss the Green. o0h whuts the Latest haNdshake

KuYa: hEy FoB.. YoO OwE mE FrYzZ YeT? iPh YoO wAnT FrYzZ ThAt BadLy ThEN I SuGgEsT YoO BuY ThEM yOrSeLf cUz yOr NoT GeTTiNg eNy FrOm mEe..hAhA. wHeN YoO gOnNeR sPiKe mAh hAiR?? hEy wE FiNaLLy BaTTLeD!! sOrReh iF i eMbArRaSeD y0oH. 'uNcOnDiTiOnaL LoVe' i DiDnT WriTe DaT pOeM!! wHaTrE yOoh TaLkEn bOuT! "LeMmE SeE ThE sOnG" "uHh.. mAi BrOtHeR aTe iT"

KaReN: aHh kErReN!! ThAnX sOe MuCh fEr aLL ThE LaUgHs. yEs YeS.. sO gOoD TiMeS, sO mEnY iNsiDe JoKeS. EnH i JeSs MeT YoO. BuT sEriOusLy.. yOr SuCh a GrEaT FrEnD, LoVe yAh LoSeR!

JuSTiN: HeLLo FLORES! [[aCcEnT oN ThE HeLL]]. oR hEy tWiG..sO mAnY MeMoRiEzZ..dOnT BrEaK TrADiTiOn! doNt eVeR LoSe ThA AiCa-JusTiN paPeR!! ThAnKs fOr mAi Cd... fOr PiGsTeR. FrEnDs fOrEvEr!! LoVE YaH wOmN. aVeRy: hEy aJ.. "miCheLLe kwan isnt bLaCk!" why y0oh dress s0 preppy! haha jM. at Least y0oh can waLk riGht, i aint coMpLaininG. thaNx fer aLL the red z0urs =D

eVeLyN: hey sweetie! haha y0ure HeLLa FuNnY! aLeCs HoT- sPiCy. aLeCs hOt- oO LaLa! sO sO sOrRy, iT iS wRoNg. gUaCaMoLe- yUmM, yOoh fOrGoT cHiPs eNh SaLsA, mEbE BeAnS. i BeT iAgOs JeaLoUs oF aLeC- hE sHouLd bE! iAgO iS ugLy. cHiCkEn- yUm, eSpEciaLLy WhEn FriEd iN DiScUsTiNg OiL. jOhN sHaKeSpEaRe- iM sO hApPy yOuRe mAkEn mEeh CrY. hAhA. "hEy ThiS iS yUmMy!! wHaT iS iT?" koReAn FoOd.,.

MiSsA: MiSsA dOeS ThE sTuDenT BoDy GoOd.. i LoVe ThAt pOsTeR! eNh i LoVe yOo tOo! hAhA. wHo wAs yOuR FeRsT KiSs aGaYn? jUsS pLaYeNn. iM a bArBiE gUrL.. aT LeAsT i cAn DaNcE LiKe wUn!! hAhA. hey.,. freNds sinCe presChooL mayuNn! haha, heCkka kewL =D

DeNiSe: aGeNt pReTTy pAnTiEzZ!! GeT Off ThA AiKaSy sO wE cAn gO To DeNnYz. yOo KnO yOo cAnT DrYvE Us DeR iF yOr On DrUgS... iZz DaNgErOuS! hEy.. OmGoSh! wHuRzZ DeNnY?? oOh..hOw yAh dOENn dOwN DeR.. yOr a SiCkO! "GeT dOwN AiCa.. oOk iMmUH sTaNd hEa" mAyN DeNnY wE GoTs sO mAnY iNsiDe jOkEs!! JeSs rEaD ThE sEpErAtOr sOe i dONT GoTTaH wRiTe ThEm aLL aGaYn.

DaNiELLe: HhoLa LiL DaNnY! hehe toMboy pride! wheres my sabriNa b0ok?? jk.,. dont worry. 'i thot of you when i unsnapped my cousins bathing suit.,.' haha. NSYNC fa sho! knee pads.. just to beeh SaFe.

rOxY: hEy LovergirL, haha.. LoOk iTs aLLLLeC, gO GiVv HiM yOr "LoVe LeTTeR"..hEhE. FeRsT On yOr "To dO" LisT. Less beat up kyLe agen!

aLeX: hErE i gO maKeN GrAvEs aGaYn. i KnO yOr JeSs AnTiCiPaTiNg ThA DaY ThaT i'LL hAvE A SeXuaL aTtRaCtiOn ToWaRdS yOo. jM! yOr ThE cOoLeSt pErSoN i KnO sO dOnT eVeR cHaNgE..pLeAse. hOwS yOuR LiBiDo? BiGgGg. LeTs g0e JuMp sOmEoNe!! wAnNa FiGhT? n0o.,. BeTtEr YeT, wAnNa raCe?? eRr. AnJeLiCa SiTsOnA CoUcH aLLdAy.,. EaTiNG PoTaToE ChiPs.

DeReK: wHaDdUp SiS.. i NeEd mAi MuFFiNgS..CoLoRaDo sTyLe. LoOk! iTs a RuMpY DiCk! DaMn..ThAnX fOr rUiNiNG mAi RePuTaTiOn! KeEp yOr hAnDs OuTaH mAi PaNts! yOo pAnTyLiShUzZ sNiTcH. oOh HeLL yAh.. wHuRz mAh bLiNgbLiNg? yOoh NeEdAh *DrY* PaD? iMmUh sNaP uR TrAiNiNg BrA "iM TeNdEriZiNg ThEm!!" ThE fOx EnH ThE oX. 'wE'rE BrOtHeRs. wE'rE hAnGiNg EnH wE'rE siNgEn EnH wE'Re CoLoReD. GiMmE a HiiiGh FiVe!"

aLeC: hey seksi. the naked chef! jess dont c0ok Lobster.,. haha. i want a butLer.,. or a maid! haha, monsterr! keep driNken y0ur miLk. or if nawt.,. jess staNd on hiGh gr0und. i Love y0oh aLways LecLec =).

MiKeY: has aNyoNe ever toLd y0oh y0ure ky0ote? hehe. aNiMaL b0ok.,. whyd y0oh m0ve out of poppLeweLL! see n0w y0ohLL never fiNish it.

EiLeEnY: SaGgiNg!! hAhA.. sCoLiOsiS \_/ BrO! mAyN ThErEz tOo mUcH FuNnY sHiEt BeTwEeN uS! 'wOw hOw cOmEz ThEy GeT pEeiNg HoLeS eNh wE dOnT?' LeTs JeSs fAiL EvRy ²ciRcUiT eNh mAkE iT uP. LeSs sKiPP.. oOh No.. iT sTiLL mAkEs uS TiReD. ThEn LeSs fLy/ sWiM/ CrAwL. oUcH.. ThE GrAsS iS PriCkiNg mEeh. 'hEy.. wE'D bE aT ThE FeRsS PoLe RiGhT nOw' dAmN hOw cOmE ThErE aLrEaDy dOnE wHeN wE JeSs sTarTeD OuR sEcOnD LaP? IM NOT LAZY, iM JeSs aLwAyS TiReD. dAmN ThErEs sOo mAnY mOrE. i LuV yAhh!

DrDr: i KnO yOr SeCrEt! [[u cAnT pLaY DDr]]. ²wEeKs!

JoHn èsCaLaNtE: hEy ThAt ViSoRs fER mEeH! mUaHahA wE rApEd yOoh! i hOpE yOoh GeT NuTTeD sOmEdAy sOoN. Or pErHaPs JeSs a TiTTy TwiStEr...

jAyMeE: hEy LaZy FrEnD! aHh.. yOu'Re HeYLLLa FuNnY!! dAmN wE DiDnT EvEn pLaY BbALL.. JeSs sAt On ThE fLoOr LauGhiNg. aWw.. i WiSh yOoh wErE iN pW tHo.

mOniQue: Hiiii MoNiQue!!!! i cAn KiCk yO aSs aT BBaLL.. wehLL no not reaLLy. buht i beht i c0uLd beat y0oh at teNnis.,. even if y0oh dress better, haha.

KiMbiE: hEy..wEr BuYiNg a PeNgUiN! wOw yOr sMaRt. ThAnX fEr aLL yOr HeLp! mAi pEaSant!

DeReCk: i ThiNk iTs TiMe yOoh BouGhT a Cup! RoLL yO sLeEvEs uP!! MuScLe mAn.. mUaHaHa. hEy yOoh TaKe ThE LoNgEsT CrApS eVeR. -i tOok a BaTh!!- "RiGgGghT. weLL we'LL JeSs CALL ThEm BaThs.. SiNcE ThEyRe aBouT aS LoNg" iD LiKe a FeMaLe BuRgEr WiTh ExTrA ChEeSe aN a MeDiUm cOkE. gOuDaH cHeEsE. hEy ThaTs oN mAi FeMaLe burGer!! thaNx for aLL the inspirati0naL aNd upLifting pikaChurs.,. i'LL beeh a better skater thaN y0oh in NO tiMe!

LeE: hey geeh0y!! toteM poLes, hehe. geht meeh soMe tapioCa!!

LeN: hey LeNard! a LiL conCeited huh? y0oh dont have a m0vie!! jest a baNd, haha. uhMm iM hunGry fer soMe buNas. perhaps i'LL cheCk neys garaGe. h0ws kate?

AnNe: hows ur aLe? haha, aLe faNcLub!!

LeTTe: oOh mAi GoSh..yOr sOo BeAuTiFuL!! iM eNvYoUs

aTe ChE: iMmUh cHiCkAmApOoPoO..sHuRr.

GrEg: hEy cAn YoO HoLe ThiS fOr a SeCoNd? ThAnX... =)

eLLaY: hEy HoMmiEe! hOw aRr YoO? iM GrAvY..mAsHeD PoTaToEs. yUpyUp.

JeD: ohh man y0oh goht naiLpoLish on my faCe!! haha. y0oh kNow whut i gotsta do ab0ut that? geht my nuCkahz in fptrees to coMe d0wn froM the h0od at kiCk y0 aSs! haha.,. sinCe y0oh w0nt fiGht girLs =D

CyRuS: hEy mAi pRiVaTe StRiPpEr..sOrRy BoUtChUr NuTz

ChRiStiNa [cRiStoBaL]: wHaT mAkEs aN aNiMaL CrAcKeR..aCtUaLLy a CrAcKeR?

ThU-LiNh: Hi ThU-LiNh..i dOnT TaLk tO yOo eNyMoR.. BuT TaKe cArE iN hiGh sChooL!

BoNniE: mOo!! yOo oWe mEe aN eGG! i wEnT iN ThA cHaTrOoM.. RaCiSt! WeLL i WiSh i wEr ViEt. ThAnX fOr ThE TiP..iM gLaD tO hAvE FrEnDs LiKe yOo wHo cArE. SAFE SEX!

TeReSa: yOo cAnT WaTcH mE DrEsS aNyMoR! hAhA. h0w i pLan to beCome a meercat -a st0ry by teresa Lam. did my LimeriCks getChu a g0od grade? haha

AiMeE: hEy!! iM viEt tOo..hAhA..KiNdEr.. NoT rEaLLeh

BaRbArA: why did y0oh m0ve! hehe

RoShLyNn: uMm..hEyLo

MiA: hEy mAyUnN i DiDnT sEe mAi nAmE!

KiZiA: Hi ThErE

AnDiE-LyN: iTs yOo! i MiZz yOo

SiR OsWaLd:rEmEmBaH.. KeTcHuP..WITH SALT!cOpYwRiTTeN!! wHoAh..BeTTeR GeT iN hEr pAnTs bEfOrE JaLaiE dOeS! oR MiChAeL. dAmN yOoh sToLe mAi 14o BuCkS!! AnD i cAn LiFt yOr FoOT uP EnYdAy! eNh i RhYmE BeTTaH ThEn yOo, TriCk!! sOrReh mAn, iM sLiCk.

sTePhAniE: hEy!! yOo dA BeSt.. yOo aRr SOO Da bEsT. AnD yOo KnOe iT! hAhA. LuV yAh mUcH yOo sExAy bEyAtcH

sOsAn: i gOt FrEaKeN 69 LeFtHaNdEd sOe BeAt ThAt uGhH..AnGeL mAi aSs. CONCEITED! w/O rEaSoN tO bE. =P. DwYaNe..bUmPBuMp! hAhA. PuT sOmE cLoThEs On!! pssssss.

DoRkNeSs JaMiE: hEy PriNcEsS jAmiE. wHeN i DiE.. wHeN i diE. JuSs dOnT mUrDeR mE. wUn dAy yOoLL bE iN mAi ThRoNe..BuT TiL ThEn..BOW DOWN! hEhE. LoVe yAh! o0 weem b0 weh,. haha

KiMbEeLy: hEy KiM!

TriCiA: hOw bOuT ThAT ThReEsOmE.. yOo mE EnH sTepHaNiE [[ThAT RHyMes]]. jP DuDe.. oLd mCdoNaLd =)

aTe cHriSsY: eMiNeM CuT! "Hi My NaMe iS ChRiSTiNe² WeLcOmE tO LiFe TeEn. sOo hOw BoUt ThAT aPpOiNtMeNt? FiNd sOmE TiMe TwEeN MiLk/cOoKiEz aNd sLeEp. niCe hairr!! "hEy aRe yOoh gUyS uSiNg uS fOr OuR BaThRoOm?" JuJu!!!!

JeNNiFeR: hEy! hAvEnT sEeN yOoh iN aWhiLe..

KeLLiE: eViL!! yOr eViL!! sToP DrOpPiNg BiBLeS! ThOsE aRr HoLy bOoKs yAh kNo?! yAh FrEaKeN mAn sTeALeR!! MaNsTeALiNg pLaYaHhH. wHoAh DiD hE FiNd OuT aBoUt DaNieL?

mAnDa: hEy iM bLiNd!! OoH nO. Thers roks iN mAh hair

kAyLa: "wAiT..i ThOt yOo HaD aRt, yOo SeD ShE wAs yOr sPaNiSh TeaCHER!!" i dOnT hAv sPaNiSh!! WeLL kAyLa.. wAiT nOo.. MiKaeLa!! ThErE yOoh gOe. hAhA. LoVe yAh!

SaRa: heyLo ms PreTTy. hehe. ur s0o guLibLe!! "we need a hairdryer?!"

eRiC aNdErSoN: hEy iMmUh uNsNap uR bAcKpaCk.. hEhE

KyLe a.K.a. cuRtiS: hEy fag! hehe jM.,. s0 h0w bOuT Those hAnDcuffs eNh feaThers? haha. i never fiNished siGninG y0ur yearb0ok! mai naMes nawt kerren! 'wehLL you look like twins..'

justin monTes: wheres my huGg? ahhh! theres a buG!! haha..

c0rneLius: wehLL i finaLLy found out ur middLe naMe! hehe

ThE aNnoYiNg kyLe: i h0pe y0u're nAwt wearen a red shirt agayn! 'mr. t0wnsend!! kyLes bothering meeh again!'

erika: hey there.. daNg y0ure heCka pretty. hehe. aWw y0u're moviNg to veGas? that heCka suCks..

suk0: hey.. g0od LuCk in irvinGton. buh i thiNk y0oh sh0uLd g0 to aMeriCan.. hehe

charLton: y0oh needah geht kiCked outah h0rNer enh coMe tah th0rnt0n! den y0oh can kiCk j0hns ass..hehe

naThan: stay outah my way! hehe.. i miss taLken on the phoNe withChu. whyd y0oh goe tah h0rner?? wehLL dont beeh aN asshoLe.,. aNd y0oh better keep iN touCh! "whuut? y0oh Like y0ur c0usiN?!?"

jiMmie: sup cuz! we needah geht 0ur graMpa baCk froM s0san aNd desirae! eNh y0oh needah visit meeh! miss yah

soNy: hi heLLo, h0w yah doeNn? feeLin great.,. weLL i aM. 'nO pressure' thats whut y0ove tauGht meeh. hehe. jiMs0n LejaMe! "i needah pee.,. o0h neverMind"

HeLLo mY SiX aNgELs..WeLL FiVe. We'LL bE SiNgiNg aNd DaNciNg FeReVeR. aNd iPh eVeR yOo dOnT wAnNa bE mAi CuZiNs nO mOr..TOO BAD! yUr sTuCk WiD mE fOe LyFe! =P hey i'LL give y0oh individuaL shouts.,.

j0rGie: hey bebs! ::arMs wide open:: stay ky0ote, keep danCing. "nuMber 12's a hottie!!" i'll keep cheering.,. buht we needah be carefuL when ruNniNg ar0und the h0use Like crazy. y0oh kNow it's aLways y0oh enh meeh crashiNg into eaCh other.,. haha.

kiM-i: hey!! Lets caLL.,. ²4seven! thaNks fer heLping meeh pr0ove that the garbaGe truCk was goeNn in circLes.,. enh fer nawt caLLing meeh craZy when i saw the bush on wheeLs. everyoNe needs a portabLe sp0on.,. y0oh never kNow when f0ods goNnah appear in front of y0oh. thank y0oh fer MY portabLe sp0on, kim. ahh!! dont sit on my c0rn doGg! hehe

bLiNg²: beLLe dah happy tak0!! thaNlks fer aLL th0se drawiNg Less0ns.,. hehe. it got meeh an a+ in art!!

sister steven: hey oven. next tw0 weeks.,. I OWN YOU. "can y0oh wear a suit.,. and can i caLL y0oh chives?" park friday? o0kie!

moby: y0 h0w c0uLd y0oh miss sparKy!! ohh whutever. Lets reCite soMe w²r Lines =D.

and i kNow daht thurs heLLa peopLe ahM forGeTTiNg.. mai bad. i STiLL Love yOoh.. but seriOusLy.. i juss fOeGot s0 teLL me s0o i can add y0oh.

i Love aLec CHRIStian deL r0sario.,. DAMN riGht!

LyriCs »|we d0 evrythiNg that Lovers d0. and thats why iTs hard jess t0 be Frends wiTh y0oh. why are we stiLL frends when evryThiNg seZz we sh0uLd be m0re than we are. ¤ i Love y0oh, eNh i need y0oh.,. n0 matter whut i do, aLL i thiNk about is y0oh. even when im wiTh my krew. boy y0oh kNow iM crazy over y0oh. ¤ y0oh been the first in my life, whos ever made me feeL this way. and i wiLL nawt toniGht, im goNna need y0oh here by my side ¤ y0oh are mine, theres no oTher wun fer meeh, keep in mind. y0oh make my life coMpLete. y0u're the one that i'LL keep fer aLL tiMe|«

mizZez kirkpatrick »|i Miss Chris..hehe|«

car »|o0..yeLLow mr² spider a.k.a. the taxi cab, hehe and dis wun riGht hea.,.|«

QuesTion »|whuts the aNswer to nuMber _? haha|«

coLoGne »|c0oL water!! aNd poLo sp0rt aNd the *frenCh* oNe that trick wearss =D|«

water gardens »|here are y0ur waters and y0ur wateriNg pLaCe. driNk and beeh whoLe agayn bey0nd confusi0n.|«

FAVORITE im [[damn i wish i goht anoTher wun Like daht..]] »|TRuEddRFrEak: ill never stop loving yooh|«

sTaTement iM »|pRiNceSSdyNaStyx: it's your nature to be FREAK!|«

adviCe iM »|Xx vegeta00 xX: aica, never moon a werewolf|«

Tha LiNe »|i bit mai tounGe, can y0oh kiss mai b0ob0o?- sir 0swaLd [[w/heLp fr0m his Queen]]..hAhA!!|«

the rhyMe »|"was she in a thoNg, yes o0h my! but in the thoNg, was her and i"- sir 0swaLd on karen choNg [[LiTeraLLy..Teehee]]|«

aiM sN »|QuEeN AiCa..n0 duhrr!|«

v0iCe maiL »|4o32259 x 3844 buh ioNo if its w0rken riGht n0w|«

Last updated »|septeMber 22.,.|«

thouGhtZz »|uhMm iM not afraid t0 faLL.,. at Least i wish i wasnt|«

whats Life wiThout these qu0tes...»| Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare (my favorite..)- i thiNk soMe peopLe in toGas are pLottiNg aGainst meeh

Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur! -Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket!

Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure -i can't hear y0oh, derz a banaNa in mai ear

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? - Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?

Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est - yes, that is a LarGe amounT of c0rn

thaNk y0oh mikey for these wonderFuL qu0tes|«

pikaChur »|thank y0oh t0o- Lee, for the tiGhtest pikaChur ever|«

extended faMiLy »|

thereZz dre kim len, miko dre, lee, miko, lee me, dre, steven, miko, kim, bell, belle, jorGe, me, kimi, dre, len, lee me belle, lee, len drea, me.

and hea we have.. j0rGie m0by bLiNg² Len m0by sisTer steven bLiNg² miko-suave aiCa m0by Lee kiMmae m0by kiMmae Len aiCa miko-suave Lee enh aiCa. enh dass fr0m Left t0o riGht, top t0o boTTom. yeuPp YeUpP..These pe0pLe..iph y0oh d0nT aLready Kn0w dem. arr mai faMiLy.. mai cLosest ates kuyas enh adonGs. i Love y0oh *pe0pLes* thanx for beiNg der. GoTchur baCk. |«

pikaChurs of wed juNe 19 »|o0kay wehLL these pikaChurs are from after sChooL when we went to ardenw0od enh yeahh.

hey i Lo0k stupid here.,. thats aLriGht. they lookie Like dere doiNg the y.Mca

i Like dis wun.,. we're Like, aLL over dah pLaCe. whaCked out huh?

wehLL this is obvi0usLy MY favorite.,. and iM shure its everyone eLses. doesnt my kuya Look s0e feMinine? hehe. i look stupid here t0o.. buh jess pretend my eyes are open...

haha.,. look at those top three heyLLa pimpin it. den theres those loveLy lil girLs beLow dem. enh bLing enh miko.,. theyre jess sorta -out dere-.

wh0o! faMiLy shot! kiMi bLiNg² oVen m0by mi0ko eNh i.,. jorGie shudduh been between mobes enh kiMie..

DUDE we werent ready!! nawt the best pikaChur ever.,. notiCe h0w we're aLL sorta.,. sLantiNg towards sheiLa. hehe. its like we're faLLing!!

the after party.,. hehe. daNg.. deres that yuMmy cake.,. wehLL the caNdLe at Lease. 'hip hip HORRAY!' .,.geht it? y0oh dont hafta, its an inside thiNg

wh0o!! meeh enh graduation boy!! a.K.a. oVen. my sister/ future seveNth grader.. |«

j0hn h0pkiNs »| hehe, yes aiCa DOES oCcasioNaLLy study.,. bCuhz she soMewhat cares ab0ut her future. wehLL yehh thats the beautifuL praCtiCe b0ok for the j0hn h0pkiNs test that i have faLLen asLeep on. i Love dis piC.,. it makes meeh feeL sMart. hahaha, jm.

tiNikLinG »|

o0h yehh! dats true fiLipiNo pride. uMm.,. dis is meeh eNh my c0usiN danCinG the tiNikLinG. cheCk out dah fits.,. mayuNn thass tiGht. haha|«

THIS IS THE END..thaNk y0oh for visitiNg mai paGe..i dont havvuh gb0ok yet.. but g0 t0o mai diary and siGn tha wun there.. LiNkZz down beLow "invade aiCas privasee"

i Love y0oh LecLec


ab0ut a Queen [[otha paGe]]
invade aiCas privasee
o0o!! g0e hea!! =]
suk0s DoPE paGe.,. hehe