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Your Comments

Send your comments about Giovanni & Sebastian by emailing and we will display your reviews here.


I'd like to be of the first to be thanking you upon receipt of the truly astounding "Yass" musical recording. Lovely to be having in it the stylistic diversity and the laughable humour. Not every day have I heard such words as I have heard today on this qualitiful compact CD. Please remember to let me know when of the tour is beginning! You are without many doubts a rival for today's bands such like "Starsailor" and "Embrace". Thank! Thank!
I'd also be liking to say for the next single surely has to be "Lachrymal", "The Inskora Dream", or the sublime "Cry For The Dwarf", on which Tattoo's vocals never fail to move one to the tears. Thank! Thank!

Half a person

Yass- I thank for the receiving of the Giovanni and Sebastian CD. Count Balthus is of the most kind in his bounteous giving of the wonderment of the music of the producing of his loyal servers G&S and Tattoo the dwarf. I thank. I am of the wanting of a T-Shirt once i am of the having of enough money.

I thank!
I have of the pissed myself laughing all evening.
I thank.


...LaCrosse Bitches...Loveit!

I recieved the CD there now, and it's great! Thank you!


"Yass" is truly amazing... how do you do it? What's the secret behind your talent, G&S and Tattoo?

thank you oh count!
i got my cd of this morning! tis most excellent. your version of don't look down is definitely of the classic. i've stuck up my letter from balthus records inc on my wall next to me other bits and bobs. for it be that worthy.
i can't wait til january when i can purchase the t-shirt and wear it with pride (not to mention a signed picture of the count himself!!!!! any chance of something from the ickle dwarf too?)


airboy paul

I was also o'erjoyed to have my very own copy of Yass delivered this morning. The album is an instant classic! Most excellent! If only I could sing as well and wholeheartedly as Tattoo the Dwarf - my heart went out to him as I heard cry for the dwarf. I wish to congratulate all of those involved in the production of this album which will, no doubt, turn out to be a much sought after album!
I thank.
PS I am very impressed by the cover of the album, I do not believe I have ever seen anything like it!
matt senior

I'm sick and tired of...this awful excuse for music. it's rubbish

They are a glorious contribution to contemporary music!!!!!!
I have finally downloaded all of Yass and I have to say my favourite songs are: "I'm Afraid This Is Going to Hurt", "Cry for the Dwarf", "The Old Ways" and "Witchchild."


Balthus is a class act.

I have to say this is not just a "comedy" album, it has got bloody great songs on!
Cry for the dwarf has a gorgeous melody as has the incredibly sexy I'm afraid this is going to hurt.
A Woman's equilibrium is the strangest song I have ever heard in my life - with most respectful lyrics! I love it!
World fame and domination must be moments away me thinks.
Rebecca B

i was listening to the album again last night, and it's a work of art. Albanian Girls is a happy lovely boppy song, which is worthy of a number one.
i would do anything for love but i won't.... hmmm, i forget the rest now

Airboy paul

other stand-out tracks include "Albanian Girls" and "We Are All Juice" (- this track really brings a tear to my eye...)

Phenomenal! Number ones all!

I have recently acquired (to my pride) their new album 'Yass.' I would recommend any of the following songs; Lacrosse Bitches, Inskora dream, Cry for the Dwarf, or (a cover from the Divine Comedy) Don't look down.
Matt Senior

Pleeeeeeeeeaseeee I begged her.....
NOOOOOOO!!!! she cried....
Suzi Le (Lacrosse) Bitch

I'm with airboy here. I think that the G&S album is really good and really funny...
Count Balthus, I salute you.

Yass. Count of the Balthus, I have been of the posting of the envelope on the yesterday. I am looking forward of the greatly to be hearing of the music. I thank. Yass.

G&S are a couple of brain-wankers, using the feeble-minded likes of 'Airhead boy' to try and promote their pseduo-intellectual pap. Try coming out from behind the irony shield and producing what your'e really capable of. Until then you'll just be another sad pair of 'intellectuals'.

Mr Soup, you seem to only ever post criticisms! You are a right old negative vibe merchant. Have you piles?

Considering that The Divine Comedy is a band whose work is strongly comprised of sophisticated humour and irony, I'm surprised at the lack of appreciation...I honestly feel privileged to be able to enjoy Count Balthus' work; I am sure it won't be long before the Albanian trend kicks off—and then you'll be pretending you loved him all along!
PS: Count, I want the book!

G+S rock. G+S related posts are the only ones I look at now. Don't Look Down featuring Tattoo the Dwarf is almost better than the original.
Holy Humour

The effulgent album, Yass, is of the most original I am of the listening to in a long time!
Giovanni and Sebastian write songs with a passion of the raw variety and are most excellent. A woman's equilibrium is of the most politically incorrect I have ever heard.
You may be of the surprised to learn that Yass is the only album of Albania that I own. I wish to be of the getting of more. When will G & S do their next album?
I thank for the response I am of the awaiting.

Fine., I take back everything I have ever said about G&S, even the stuff they wouldn't print in NME.. given Giovanni's current condition I must apologise for my insensitive crit, and offer, humbly, an invitation to tea, anytime, sans dwarf (naturally.

Oh lovely Count!
I am receiving of your wonderful "Yass" album today by the glorious Giovanni and Sebastian. Indeed, Christmas has come early to Glasgow and my tears are now drops of great joy I also have a sample of your handwriting, and your flourishing signature with a kind kiss. I thank, I thank!!!

Witchchild (mesmerising)

Well, I'll be totally honest here. I never found this whole Count Balthus thing very funny or interesting. In fact I never knew they actually made music. I just listened to their version of "Don't Look Down" and I must say I'm slightly amused. Well done boys!
Black sheep boy

For all of you out there who are the proud and pompous owners of Yass...
Is it just me or does the end of 'A woman's equilibrium' remind you of 'Certainty of chance.' It's the way they both have voice overs.
They are different, Certainty's is shorter and lacks any reference to 'the Dungeons of Gothamwackah,' but I think G & S have been strongly influenced by the Divine Comedy.
It's pretty obvious really as they do a cover of Don't look down.


plus, i think sebastian sounds like fat harry white... lots of similarities for sure.
airboy paul

I would just like to say that, having received my copy of 'Yass' in the post last week, that I think it is a work of genius - and boyo is right, Sebastian sounds v like Barry White on 'I'm Afraid this Is Going To Hurt'. Did Jonathon Ross play 'Lacrosse Bitches'???

i said harry white, mark and lard's prodigy fellah. but, barry is close enough
airboy paul

Dearest Count,
Having been of the receipt of the wonderment that is now Yass I can but leap like Lord Leeeeeeeeeeeeaaaiiiiiiiiiiiigh for joy. It is but pure Yass and in such is the better for it.

Dagada Dagada


Please allow be to be of the congratulating the effulgent artists Albanian, Giovanni and Sebastian.
Their new single, My Hideous Illegitimate Daughter, is a most excellent addition to my CD collection.
The title song - A tale of woe for Giovanni. Impressive music and heart wrenching music.
Dancing with Mr. T - Tattoo's delusional adventure causes frustration and violent outbursts from Giovanni. The whole heated converstaion set to music. Marvellous!
Gay Icon - A new style for Giovanni and Sebastian. They pull it off well.
Tattoo the Confessor - A cover of a DC song. Better than Don't look down. For this song, the band have really been adventurous and made the song their own. Tattoo's sneaky porridge eaten is discovered by Balthus, who confronts him. A lengthy confession begins. You can't help but pity the 'bad of the rather naughty dwarf!' .

matt senior

it is indeed yassilliant!
airboy paul

Yass. Each song is a musical come to completion!
matt senior

Woodshed Monster

many of the thankings cunt - err count.sorry - cant seem to get that word out of my head for some strange reason!
yoursgobsmacked of kent

luvly horse

Got home last night to find your glorious CD awaiting me! I thank, I thank!

I, also, of course, with the utmost squelchings and slurpings of my unworthy heart, thank.

I received my copy yesterday and what can I say...Pure genius as always.
The title track, 'My Hideous Illegitimate Daughter' (say it 10 times very fast) is of course the highlight of this cd, to quote the Great Sebastian himself, it's a "cross between A Whiter Shade Of Pale/All You Need Is Love and fuck knows what else!"Giovanni's voice sounds better than ever, and the vocals of Sebastian and Tatoo in the chorus compliment his fairly well.
'Dancing With Mr. T' is a catchy little tune which I have yet to explore. It showcases however the admirable vocal talents of Tatoo.
"Gay Icon' is destined to become a dancefloor favourite amongst all clubbers worldwide. The song here is featured in its 'Inskora mix', but to the collector amongst you I'd recommend that you try and grab a copy of the very rare 'Teenage Lesbian Angst Mix', which is more extreme.
Latest track, 'Tatoo The Confessor', could already be found on the japanese imports of the "Yass" album. It's a sad, moody song which was later covered by a certain Neil H.(who re-wrote the lyrics and ruined the song, it must be said)
So my advice is: order it today or die stupid!


I order it just right now.
Lovely Pink Elephant

Were you convinced by my post, then?

of course, I was.and I know their talent too.
Lovely Pink Elephant

I hate to state the obvious, but it's a work of genius.

I've already said how great this new single is, but I'll say it again. It's a work of effulgent genius!
matt senior

I have now received my copy!Yay! Or should I say... YASS!I am of the so grateful thank!!

This is quite possibly one of the best singles I've ever heard.
Thank you Your Excellency and your effulgent artists. However, am I to be the envy of this board when I say that I have an authentic signed copy? Heh heh heh...

Pallas Athene

I'm not jealous, I grabbed a signed copy on E-bay for £750 only. Lucky me, ha ha!

These are the most offensive "songs" I have ever heard. Disgusting.

luvly horse

"Gay Icon" is surely a Pet Shop Boys pastiche!
P.S. "Dancing With Mr T" is excellent, and "Tattoo The Confessor" is better than the original.


'Dancing with Mr T' is really excellent !