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Lacrosse Bitches

Balthus Records CBS101
1) Lacrosse Bitches (2) Cry For The Dwarf (3) Albanian Girls (4) We Are All Juice

Giovanni & Sebastian's new single, Lacrosse Bitches, burst into the Albanian charts like a rocket up a leather masked catamite's sweet ass.
It is now officially being released worldwide and with its Albanian success is sure to set the world on fire with electric lazer zaps of effulgency.
Such was the success of the song, it was subsequently used for the theme tune to the number one Albanian soap "Balkanius Ole Streptoclochus" and also became a great favourite at Mbishkodran suburbs cock fighting tournaments.
Giovanni recently recalled his feelings at his new found success-
"I was plunging my genitals into everything. If it had a hole with a little heat in it, I plunged my genitals into it. If it had a back bone, I was there plunging away at it. I was uncontrollable. I was a disgrace and I should be ashamed of myself. I loved every moment and in many ways I haven't changed one single bit"

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