|| Forward || History was all set to go down this past Monday night as Gorgeous George faced her long time arch rival Mizz Debra in a Pay Per View Pre-Show Evening Gown Match with the winner taking all challenging rights at World War... the WWF/wCw's very first Pay Per View! George and Debra both walked into the contest with their heads held high both thinking greatly of their own physical abilities and body looks. Throughout the contest the match looked as if it could go either way but when it was all said and done the referee called it a draw as both Women seemed to have ripped their dresses off at the same exact time! Debra and Gorgeous George tied!?! Giving neither woman a clear win, and to top it all off now they will be forced to team together at World War in a wCw Divas versus WWF divas Tag Team Match with the pinning competitor taking home the right to call themselves the new Number One contender for the Women's Championship title belt at the next PPV. Is it possible? Can Debra and George manage to put their differences aside for just ONE night to overcome a common goal in defeating the WWF divas? Or is this rivalry between the two divas just too deep? But before they even have to worry about this, Gorgeous George gets her first Main Event.. as a matter of a fact she and Lita are the first ever WWF and wCw Divas to Main Event Raw in 2/3 of the nights Main Event as Triple H and Lita from Team WWF join forces to faces Gorgeous George and The Undertaker? 4 great superstars all looking for a good clean win, the only thing is 4 will walk in worthy challengers and only 2 will walk away victorious? So who will it be? Triple H and Lita? Or perhaps even Gorgeous George and a man she has never teamed with in her life... THE UNDERTAKER! Tune into this Monday night's Raw like 8/9 Central to find out for yourself! || End Forward ||

S c e n e  O n e
A Promise and Mind Games... all in one day!  ¥

|| Scene || The scene is slowly fading into the backstage locker room area where the NEXT WWF/wCw Women's Champion... for the 3rd time 'The Gorgeous One' Gorgeous George can be seen standing in front of a large screen television watching replays of the fantastic match between Mizz Debra and herself leading to a surprising tie between the two of them. But obviously a tie just isn't good enough for Gorgeous George so she rewinds the tape several times in hope of finding some reason to officially declare herself the winner! Gorgeous George is dressed in a tight sparkly red dress much like the silver dress she was stripped of last Monday night live on RAW in her Evening Gown Match against Debra. George is obviously looking beautiful and stunning as usual with her specially colored blonde hair resting gently upon her shoulder and back. George pauses the tape for a moment and gets an excited look sparked across her face. She then rewinds quickly and allows it to play through once again before pausing the tape again. She looks very excited for some reason, suddenly a knock is heard at her door. She rolls her eyes a bit but quickly heads over towards the door allowing whomever it is in to enjoy her happiness with her. Luckily for her it's only Rey Mysterio, George smiles and welcomes him in... he is hesitant at first but then soon follows in behind her as she leads him over towards the television. Rey begins to talk a little confused on what's going on... || End Scene ||

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Oh my god Rey... you won't believe what I've just discovered! I mean it's amazing... it's so great... it'll be history... history I tell ya! "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Steph... I mean I'd like to see what you've got to show me and all but I'm just wondering... like you didn't forget about our deal did you? "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Deal? What deal? Anyways no time to answer because look what I have to show you Rey! It's amazing... of cours eonly my gorgeous and perfect eyes would spot this but none the less here we go... "

|| Scene || Gorgeous George hits the Play button against Rey watches on along with her. He's becoming a little impatient as the scene in which George and Debra both rip each others dresses off at the same exact time it appears is shown. Rey nods his head and whistles looking and George's perfect body as she excitedly hits him. || End Scene ||

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Steph... what am I looking at besides that damn fine body of yurs? "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

You didn't see it!?! I ripped Debra's dress of first! I did, I did... therefore this match shouldn't even be a draw I should be declared the winner! I'm the real winner not the both of us! But you know what Rey it's fine because I know something that small probably won't be noticed b the WWF and or wCw staff so I'll allow oldie locks to slide this time but the next time we face off I won't be so nice, not only will I rip her clothing off but I'll pin her for the 3 count as well and prove to her that she just doesn't have it in her anymore! "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Honestly I think you've proved that already, she did promise she'd beat you and technically she didn't since you both won. So I think you've proved you have what it takes... but anyway.... you didn't forget did you? "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Forget what? Our date...? "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Yeah heh... because well it was last night right after Raw and you stood me up... "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Oh my god Rey Rey I'm so sorry. I must have been excited that Debra didn't beat me... the girls invited me out to celebrate and I wasn't really thinking straight... but I'm free later tonight if you'd like me to make last night up for you...? "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

I mean, if you got stuff to do it's cool I can sit on the sideline as usual and wait... "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Awe Rey Rey tonight I swear I'll accompany you to dinner I promise! "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Alright deal! Just don't stand me up... again... heh... "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Hehe I won't Rey, besides I didn't do it purposely but none the less I'll be there tonight... anyway what are you gonna do in the mean time? "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Probably just chill out for a minute before going out there for my Raw Pre-Match House Show match against Shannon Moore before getting ready for tonight... ad how about you mammi? "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Well I have a few things up my sleeve heh... you'll see a little later tonight... and of course i'll need to get ready for our date tonight as well. "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

You better not forget or I'm giving up... "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Quit your whining... I'll be there... "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Okay... okay... "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Now then... what do you think of my dress? ||George Spins Herself Around|| Lovely isn't it? "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

Yeah ||Getting a Good Look At It|| Perfect on your sexy body! "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

I know hehe ||George Playfully Gets Cocky|| Well anyways I suppose we both better be heading our seperate ways because tonight I have a... well how should I say this? ||George Thinks For a Second|| Surprise for all of you...? "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

A Surprise? hmmm... yeah mammi Rey Rey loves surprises... I can't wait for this... gimme a hint...? "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Nope hehe.. you'll just have to wait and see just like everyone else. "

' http//:www.619 [dot] CoM '  R e y  M y s t e r i o  J r .

It's cool... ||Rey Waits and Then Pretends to Get Annoyed|| WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?! Go on girl and do your thing! "

|| Scene || Gorgeous George smiles as does Rey Mysterio. She goes t turn around and leave when Rey quickly taps her on the ass. George jumps a bit and then turns around and giggles... she shakes her head at Rey from left to right and playfully rolls her eyes before exiting the dressing room and starting off down the halls. Soon the cameras cut ringside to a roaring crowd. The fans are ready for some of this wild and extreme action that only the wCw can bring to them! The arena dimmers for a second before "A'Yo Tim Man It's The Jump Off Right Here Man" can be heard blaring loudly amongst the PA system followed up by the Gorgeous One's theme of the Jump Off! Which is dedicated to all her haters! Gorgeous George soon steps out from behind the stage curtains wearing her sexy red dress. She stands atop the entrance ramp with her hand son her hips and stares deeply into her roaring crowd full of fans. Gorgeous George smiles and raises her arms high in the air before spinning herself around! She gets allot of whistles, she then takes both hands and places them in her hair before sexily swaying her hips from left to right very sensually grabbing the attention of everyone. George then points down towards the ring and begins to make her way to the ring. She tags a few hands along the way just because she's in a good mood tonight. Gorgeous George finally reaching the ring slowly scales the steel ring steps and makes her way over onto the ring apron. Referee Earl Hebner holds down the 2nd rope allowing the Gorgeous George to enter the ring fully without any hassle. Gorgeous George circles the ring a bit taunting the crowd with her sexual ways before walking to the center of the ring and raising her arms high in the air. She then spins herself around and follows up with a nice hip sway. She then makes the demand for a microphone and is more than ready to give the fans what they want. || End Scene ||

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Well...Well...Well... isn't it just such a SIMPLY GOOOOORGEOUS Day!?! ||Fans Cheer|| Yes, Yes indeed it is... and not because I've arrived here on the wCw's very special House Show event... but simply because finally... yes FINALLY I... of all people have proven to Mizz Debbie cakes that she isn't the best this company has to offer... because obviously if she was then she'd have the win over me correct? Not a draw... but history was still made none the less as two of the World Champion Wrestling's top divas battled it out won the hearts of many and gave everyone what the paid their hard earned money to see... and while we were at it I managed to finally add a draw to Mizz Debra's undefeated record haha! Deb you did allot better than I thought for a 40 something year old blonde ditz... but I did tell you I wasn't going to be easy like I may have been in the past with previous companies because now I'm finally at home. MY HOME is right here in the WWF/wCw! Screw the wMe... where I beat you as well might I add in yes... a bra and panties match... SCREW all the other feds that you and I have feuded in. The WWF/wCw is my home, probably the only company I'm more than willing to give my 100% effort and here is NO WAY and yes I mean NO WAY i'm going to let some come and go, corner hoe like yourself steal MY SPOTLIGHT! Everyone knows who the REAL Princess of the wCw is and that my friend is ME... Gorgeous George... a.k.a Stephanie Bellars... and you can accept that and move on... or try and prove me wrong again and get your ass kicked and handed to you so you'll maybe finally lay low and shut up. But you know what ladies and gentlemen that's besides my pint of being out here. It's quite clear obviously that Debra and I had a draw last Monday night proving that we're equal I suppose... but she's on my "team" wCw so what's the point in feuding with her? I have bigger and better things to deal with such as the current WWF Women's Champion... Litter... opps, oh god why do I always do this? I meant to say LI...TA! Lita and Triple H will team to face The Undertaker and myself in an intergender tag team match meaning the men and women can fight either sex! A quite interesting match up if you ask me... I mean what a better way to defeat and destroy two of the team WWF's hottest superstars than by teaming up two of the wCw's best... or one at least. Don't get me wrong... the Undertaker is great and all but this whole new gimmick just doesn't float my boat... he's supposed to be Big Evil... but he just doesn't seem very "frightening" to me. Undertaker if you plan on walking away victorious with me this Monday night live on Raw in our intergender match against Triple H and Lita then I highly suggest that you figure out what you want to be because from the looks of things you just aren't doing your job... if I'm not scared... then Hunter defiantly isn't scared so toughen up! But back to Litter... err I mean Lita... Lita you are the self proclaimed "Queen of Extreme" correct? The current best there is since you are after all the "Women's Champion" And not to mention you've defended your title THREE times against the SAME girls! Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler... what kind of challenge is that... come on! But I won't put you down, you did what you had to do... and so you racked yourself up a few good clean ld wins and you've managed to remain undefeated somehow. Congrats girl, I salute you.. you're doing quite well... but NOT well enough. You see Come Raw Lita not only will I make short work of you and pin you after I hit the oh so Gorgeous Powerbomb... but i'm going to look just so damn sexy while I do it... don't believe me? How about you guys see for yourself... "

|| Scene || Gorgeous George signals for her theme song to begin. The lights once again slowly go down as 'The Gorgeous One' stand sin the center of the ring and begins to sways her hips to the beat of the "Jump Off" the fans are loving it knowing that something extreme is about to take place. George is slowly preparing to strip herself down to her bra and thong when all a sudden the lights go completely out! The crowd becomes silent wondering what's wrong. Then a SCREAM is heard and the arena begins flashing gray and a weird purple or blue. "Muwahahaha" is heard in a deep scary voice before the lights come back on! Gorgeous George can be seen on her knees being held in place by the neck as her PARTNER THE UNDERTAKER stands above her evilly glaring into her eyes. He is wearing the old Taker outfit, a nice long black robe with purple trim and hood. He rolls his eyes back to make them look like he's possessed by the devil before snatching a microphone still holding George to her knees by the neck! || End Scene ||

 ' http//:www.tHeLoRdOfDaRkNeSs [dot] CoM ' T h e  U n d e r t a k e r

" GORGEOUS GEORGE! You want evil!?! ||George tries to speak but he chokes harder|| HUH!?! YOU WANT EVIL GORGEOUS GEORGE!?! Well I'll give you evil... more evil then you... Triple H... Lita... and the WHOLE DAMN WWF ROSTER CAN HANDLE! EVERYONE... and I mean EVERYONE BETTER BE PREPARED... because as of tonight... THE DEADMAN IS REALLY WALKING... oh and Triple H... you just remember... YOU CAN'T KILL WHAT'S ALREADY DEAD!

|| Scene || The Undertaker's theme fills the arena, he lets George go and she falls to the floor on her knees holding her neck gasping for air. The Undertaker stand sin the ring and does his trademark eye rolling taunt as George rolls to the outside of the ring and slowly begins making her way back up the ramp to the backstage area. She turns around and looks at the NEW Taker and smiles, not because she likes it rough but because she's gotten through to him... and come Raw... there truly now WILL be a War! || End Scene ||

S c e n e  T w o
Gorgeous George and the Art of Seduction  ¥

|| Scene || Slowly the scene is fading back in after the last commercial break into the backstage locker room area of Team WWF! The current and first ever wCw World Champion can be seen in the cafeteria area getting a bottled water when he is approached by a sexily dressed Gorgeous George. Gorgeous George quickly sways near him and leans up against the wall before flirting with him. || End Scene ||

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

" Hunter.. ||Cutting Him Off|| BEFORE You say anything... I know... yeah I know I wasn't supposed to enter the WWF side of the building but I had too...

' http//:www.ThE-GaMe [dot] CoM '  T r i p l e  H

" Heh Okay... and why is that?

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Well...you see... even though the wCw roster may have the BEST and SEXIEST Females... we are lacking on a good selection of cute and worthy males...I mean I need a guy that knows how to PLEASE me... "

' http//:www.ThE-GaMe [dot] CoM '  T r i p l e  H

And I take it that's where I come in? "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

" Yup...

' http//:www.ThE-GaMe [dot] CoM '  T r i p l e  H

Well Gorgeous WHORE...let me get this through your thick numbskull brain! I have a business relationship with my PARTNER ON RAW... LITA... and I'm NOT gonna flal for your stupid little mind games. Remember Steph... I'm the king of mind games... DAMNIT I AM THE GAAAAAME and you know what else? Come this Monday night on Raw... not only will I make sure it's GaMe OvEr for The Undertaker... but I'll assure Lita does the same to you! "

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

" Why all the hostility? I thought we could put our differences aside for a night or two and get to KNOW each other maybe a little better?

' http//:www.ThE-GaMe [dot] CoM '  T r i p l e  H

" Hmm let me run it through my computer... how about... oh yeah here we go... NO!

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

You know what Hunter, i've tried toplay miss nice girl but I can't do it anymore... "

' http//:www.ThE-GaMe [dot] CoM '  T r i p l e  H

" And I can't stand it any longer... Lita... ||Looks at the Door as it Opens|| Handle my light work would ya?

|| Scene || The door slolwy opens and in walks Lita into the cafeteria... Gorgeous George looks a bit surprised and begins to back away from Triple H. She rolls her eyes at the both of them and tosses her head high in the air before brushing her way past Lita who does the same as she heads towards HHH. Gorgeous George is jus about to exit the room when she pauses and turns back around with a smirk on her face... || End Scene ||

' http//:www.SiMpLy-GoRgEoUs [dot] CoM '  G o r g e o u s  G e o r g e

Oh yeah... Litter and Hunter... GOOD LUCK! ||Giggles|| Because we ALLLLLL Know you're gonna need it! "

|| Scene || George blows a kiss at Hunter before exiting the room completely and the WWF/wCw goes to yet another break.|| End Scene ||