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Firebolt101- My First Harry Potter Page

Quote of the week!! We're in the Ford Anglia (Dan and Rupert) and it makes us feel very mature. It's like we're driving a car so it's very cool!, a Great Place to work!

Long Live Harry Potter!! ^_^

Daniel Radcliffe's Gallery!

Daniel Radcliffe's Gallery 2!

Daniel Radcliffe's Gallery 3

Rupert Grint's Gallery

Emma Watson's Gallery

"The Gang" Gallery

Tom Felton's Gallery

Sean Biggerstaff's Gallery

CoS Gallery!

Biography on HP characters and actors!

Harry Potter's Biography

Ron Weasley's Bio

Harry Potter Poll

Sirius Black Poll

Remus Lupin Poll

Other Kewl Hp Sites

Cast of HP PoS

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these buttons. They were created by someone else. These pics were from many different websites so it's hard to specify which one since most of them already have the same pics!

The Best Movie in the world!! (2 me!)

Harry Potter

This is a picture of Harry Potter aka. Daniel Radcliffe, Ron Weasley aka. Rupert Grint and Hermione Granger aka. Emma Watson getting on the Hogwarts Express in the movie: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (also known as the Sorcerer's Stone in other countries.)

The movie was released in mid November and it became an instant hit. Many Harry Potter fan have seen the movie more than ten times, bringing the movie to a number 2 spot, right behind Titanic which was released on Decemeber 19th 1997 (thanks to Kaila for that little piece of date!

Other well known actors and actresses taking part in this movie are Richard Harris aka. Professor Albus Dumbledore, Maggie Smith aka. Professor Minerva McGonagall, Alan Rickman aka. Professor Severus Snape, Ian Hart aka. Professor Quirrell, John Cleese aka. Nearly Headless Nick and many more.!

A big thanks to J.K. Rowling, who wrote those superb books. We'll all be looking forward to reading the fifth book which is rumoured to be released sometime in April or May (i could be wrong!) and don't forget to count down to November 15, 2002, the release of the second HP movie; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

I simply just LOVE these buttons!!

<----but now you have to remember, remember the 15th of November for the 2nd movie!!!!!!

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You're respectful, confident, with self-asteem, supportive and with an air of authority. People can rely on you, you're always there to land a hand, and you love to support others. You're a responsible person who tries to makes sence of what's going on around you, and you can give advice and make people feel comfortable in your presence.
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My favorite Things about HP
