Hello! Welcome to.... 
The Dan Aykroyd Experience! 

If this is your first visit, take a few minutes to go to the Main page. It explains why this site was created. There are several photos, so give the page a minute to load. Also check out the webrings, & other extras, at the bottom of the page. All pages open in new windows.

The following notes are an introduction to the pages on this site....

Bio/Film: Find out what movies & shows Dan has appeared in. Learn a few special tidbits about Dan.

On Tv: Don't miss Dan when he's on Tv. Check this page for a head's up.

Links: Spend some time surfing these wonderful links on Dan, Aykroyd Family & Friends (Donna Dixon, John Belushi, etc.), SNL, Blues Brothers, Ghostbusters & more. Also grab some banners to link to this and other sites.

Sounds: Get some of these movie & show sounds of Dan to use as you computer sounds, or just listen when you wanna hear Dan's voice talking or singing.

Photos: What this site is all about! Relive Dan's appearances through the huge photo archives. All photos are scanned or screengrabbed by me. Please do not use any of the photos on your site. If people can find them elsewhere, there's no need for them to come here, & I work hard to put up original photos.

Goodies: Downloads, Animations, Wallpaper, Art, Fanfiction, E-Cards, Interviews, Surveys, Dreams, Discography, Yahoo! Messenger Skins, Games, Aykroyd Family & Friends sites & more!

Trades: I'm just about at a stand still with my collection. I have to rely on people to trade with me in order to get more photos on the site. I've never had a trade problem on my end & I can give you references if you need them. Check my list to see if I have something you need.

Guestbook: It may not look important, but it is. I rely on visitors' feedback so I know that this site is being viewed and enjoyed. Lemme know what you think of the site, about Dan, the Fanfic or whatever. Also, feel free to eMail me about Dan because I'd love to find some new fans & friends. 

The Aykrushi Bar: Most of you are familiar with Yahoo! clubs and eGroups. Things are getting a little sloppy there, so as a back-up to my eGroup for Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, The Blues Bar, I've created a forum at Delphi called The Aykroyd Belushi Bar. Personally I like the forum much better, and I have been posting photos there. Hopefully everyone will stop in and say hello and things will pick up a bit. 
