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My Life
Sunday, 23 November 2003
I just started my blog today.
I just create my blog today.I accidently went to this website and I saw the word create the blog.In my mind,I have no any idea what the blog is.Now I know a little bit.I'll gonna post about my life here.To me,my life is really boring but full of hapiness and sadness.I going to share my story to you all.I seldom tell people about my story.So I think I feel much better here.But hope you guys don't feel bored to my read my story.
Ok let me introduce myself first.Call me Anna,but that's not my real name.Just a short name.Anyway I'm not good in writing stuff.You see,people get easily bored when read it.But I will post here even people did'nt read because I felt much better.I don't believe my eyes the year of 2003 will end soon.I really hate this year,espicially early year of 2003!It tortured my feeling.It give me stress and it nearly make me going nuts.I know when I tell you about it,I know you guys just think this is just a small matter,but to me NOT!It's just like my nightmare began.I know that's the test that God give me.Eventhough I really hate my life,but i will try to face it!So guys, tough your life is,it's waste our time complaining about it.Even you complaining,it cannot change your fate and life suddenly.Because I did the same thing!I complain and complain..but it's just waste my time.
Okay,I will post my story starting tommorow!Here's getting late.Okay guys..please don't forget to leave your comment!!^-^

Posted by celeb2/dicky4ever at 2:07 AM WST
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