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The Case Of The Dented Panel By The Demented Marina
Docket No. 02-SC-00325
William Doherty Vs. Ossipee Lake Marina, Tim Cupka
May 8,2003 Ossipee N.H.

Say What?

We're Ready

"Chris, here's the slam dunk that's going to win this case... Honesty!"

Here's our lawyer now... Hi Linda!

Read Those Notes!

Mother/daughters involved in the case.

Darl, our 1st. witness that heard of the dent.

The police have arrived.

The information below is taken from a letter that Mr. Kevin Price claims that he sent us. These are his exact words. Also, check out the pile of documents he's carrying.
Sorry Kevin, you're going down!

You and your wife were escorted around the entire boat that day.


I never received a previous letter.


All customers get the yellow copy of the agreement before they leave. You did get yours.


My employees treated you fairly even though you used profanity towards them on numerous occasions and myself.


I also know that you had been drinking a lot that day.


If your wife Nancy did not intervene, I would have had to call the Freedom Police to control you.


We are professional people at the marina and handled this situation well.


Our winnings!

Our Winnings!

Our Victory Lunch!

Our Victory Lunch!

We Did It!