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My Favorite things about Clay Aiken

Clay Links

A Clay fan site. One of the biggest.
A Cute site! *In an ADORKABLE way!* Llol!
A Cool Site
This Is a nice one!
Just a nice Clay fan site! By one of my friends'.
My Other Clay Fan Site! lol!

The True Idol

[ ? ] Questionable Content
The Latest Dirt Dish

? Wednesday, Roctober 4th

Overheard at the coffee machine:

Matilda's dog is missing, and the cat next door has suddenly gained a LOT of weight.

Jill claims to have discovered an amazing new diet. We noticed that several of her fingers are also missing.

? Tuesday, Roctober 3rd

Overheard in the supply room:

Marty wears a wig! And here we all believed for years that astro-turf was his natural hair color. Boy do we feel fooled! Now we know why his head always looks like a well-tended lawn.
