J for...


Cindy's beloved and only brother, who died from leukaemia when she was only four. Her grandmother also died from the blood disease, and to this day she's a very strong supporter of charities for research into fighting this condition. PETA may object to her wearing fur (fake or otherwise), but her devotion to this cause can't be denied.


You may have all heard the one about Cindy and the guy on a desert island (which is pretty funny), or the one about her and Princess Diana dying and trying to get into Heaven (which deals with two of my least favourite things to think about: Cindy Crawford dead, and Princess Diana under any circumstances), or about the three guys who go to Hell. So here is an adaptation of one which also spares me having to devote any more space to Naomi Campbell, who is as revolting as her legs are fine: Three guys who have obsessions with different women but all hate Naomi Campbell arrived in Heaven, and St. Peter showed them around the place. When the tour finished, he asked them if they had any questions. "Is Cindy Crawford up here?" asked the first one. "No," said St. Peter, "but if you imagine hard enough God'll take her form when you see Him." "Is Gwyneth Paltrow up here?" asked the second one, and got the same answer. "Is Naomi Campbell up here?" asked the third one. "Nope, same as the other two," said St. Peter, just as a tall, gleaming, naked black woman floated by on a cloud berating every angel in moaning distance. "Wait a minute," cried the third one, "you just said she wasn't up here, and none of us want to imagine she is." "She isn't and you aren't - that's God," St. Peter replied. "He just thinks he's Naomi Campbell." (On the other hand, from The National Enquirer: "Cindy Crawford's hired a yoga instructor: she's going to have a natural childbirth - no makeup! (OK, it was a joke!)" That was pretty funny, even without the last bit.)

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Email: cindylover1969@yahoo.co.uk