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Charmed is a TV Drama Series that is based on the three Halliwell sisters: Prudence(Prue), Piper, and Phoebe. Later in the series when Prue dies Paige enters as a fourth half sister. The Halliwell blood line consists of many good witches. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are the most powerfull in their family of good witches there fore called the Charmed Ones. They are often to be found looking up spells in The Book Of Shadows, a book that was found by Phoebe and tells of a legend that proclaims them as the protectors of the innocent. The Book Of Shadows also warned them of warlocks and other evil beings that will try to take their powers. Be sure to catch Charmed on TNT Monday-Friday at 9/8c and 6/5c and also on Tuesdays at 10/9c. And also catch Charmed on the WB on Sundays at 8/7c.