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Caleb Patrick Casey

This is Caleb Rosser, Casey Lancaster, Patrick Savage's Website

  • Patrick and Casey have been friends ever since they met. Patrick is at Casey's house very often and if he isn't home you may very well find him there. Caleb met Patrick in 5th grade. He also, moved on the same block as Casey. This is where the friendship started. They have been friends ever since.Now 1.5 miles and 1 grade seperate Caleb and Patrick from Casey, but always find time to hang out.

  • Casey is in 8th grade and "rules" the Middle school. He did Soccer in the fall and now is doing Basketball. He also is going to do Tennis in the summer.

  • Patrick is a 9th grader, although Caleb is the only Freshman he hangs out with. Patrick does Tennis and is aiming for Varsity(which is very possible). In 8th grade Patrick was ranked number 2 in the County! Casey gives him a good run in a match but, Caleb won't last 3 mins without getting spanked.

  • Caleb is also a freshman. Caleb does Soccer, Basketball, and Baseball. Caleb was on the CHS JV soccer team which didn't win many games(I wonder why?). He also enjoys calling Patrick a Hippie.

    Also, look for Caleb and Patricks new Cd, Enjoy Androscoggin. Comeing to stores near you!

    Patricks Bio

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