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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Well this is my new website for the greatest super
hero of all time: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She is so
cool. Not only does she slay vampires, but she has
time to make witty little remarks about them while
she stabs them in the heart! She always wears tight
pants when she slays too...oh yea! She loves to beat
the crap out of bad guys and sometimes just plain
annoying people. She also has some cool friends who
stick by her, and some shirts that stick to her when
she gets all hot and sweaty. track mind.
Anyway! Feel free to browse around and steal my
pictures. :-) I have some sweet ones, so I won't be offended.

Buffy's Great Qualities:


Buffy Pictures (Ya baby!)
All About Me :-)
Episode Guide
