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Chapter 1

It has been a couple of days since the birth of Topanga and Cory’s first newborn child, Zoya. Topanga and baby, Zoya are doing wonderful. Everyone is so excited about Eric & Lisa’s big news about getting engaged.

Amy: I can’t believe it ,my little boy is getting married.

Eric: Oh, Mom. I am 25. It’s about time.

Amy:You’re right. I hope you’ll have a great marriage with Lisa.

Alan: So, have you and Lisa planned, when the wedding will be?

Eric:We haven’t decided yet.

Amy:Do you want to have it real soon?

Eric: Yes.

Alan: Eric, could you go and pick up Cory & Topanga at the hospital?

Eric: Sure.

Alan: Thanks, son.

Eric: Well, see ya!

Eric gets into his car and drives to the hospital.

Chapter 2

Cory: What could be taking so long?

Topanga: I hope they haven’t forgotten about us.

Cory: Did they say on the phone, who’s picking us up?

Topanga: Yes. It is Eric.

Cory: Oh , No. He’s never on time.

Eric: I’m here at last.

Cory: Thank goodness.

Eric: Aw! The baby is so sweet.

Topanga: Thanks.

Meanwhile, Shawn and Angela were at the apartment .

Shawn: Angela, we have been boy and girlfriend for a long time now.

Angela: Yes. We have Shawn.

Shawn: I wanted to ask you something.

Angela: What is it, Shawn?

Shawn: I want to Marry you.

Angela: Oh, Shawn.

Angela kisses Shawn.

Shawn: Is that a yes?

Angela: Yes.

Shawn: I wonder, if Cory & Topanga are home now. I have to tell them.

Eric has gotten Cory & Topanga to their apartment. And then suddenly the phone rings.

Eric: Let me get that.

Cory: Sure.

Eric: Hello.

Shawn: Hi Eric. I have some great news as well.

Eric: Tell us.

Shawn: I have ask Angela to marry me?

Eric: What did she say?

Shawn: She said yes.

Eric: Oh Man. I am so happy for you and Angela.

Shawn: Me too! I’m happy for you and Lisa.

Eric: Guess what? Shawn is getting married as well.

Cory: What? Let me talk to him.

Cory picks up the phone.

Cory: You asked her to marry you?

Shawn: Yes!!!!

Cory: Yay! Come over to the house with me and Topanga to show the baby to mom and dad .

Shawn: Sure. I have to tell them as well.

Chapter 3

Everyone has gotten to The Matthews’ home now.

Morgan: She’s such a beautiful baby.

Topanga: Thanks. I am so happy , that me and Cory have a child now.

Lisa: Could I hold her?

Topanga: Sure.

Topanga hands the baby to Lisa.

Lisa: She’s so tiny. I hope I’ll have a baby just like her. She’s so sweet.

Eric: We are hoping to have at least 5 kids.

Lisa smiles at Eric.

Shawn: Everyone! I have some news for you all as well.

Amy: What is it, Shawn?

Shawn: Some of you, might already know? But Me and Angela are engaged and hope to have a wedding soon.

Amy: That’s wonderful.

Eric: Maybe, we could have a double wedding.

Angela: A double wedding?

Shawn: That would be nice.

Cory: This family hasn’t ever had a Double Wedding before.

Lisa: That would be wonderful.

Eric: So, when will we have the wedding? Maybe in 2 weeks on Saturday.

Shawn: That would be great.

Lisa: Guys! We have a wedding to plan.

Chapter 4

Topanga and Amy were helping out the fitings on the dresses that Lisa & Angela would wear in the wedding, while Morgan, will looking after little Zoya.

Morgan: You guys, look great.

Angela and Lisa: Thanks, Morgan.

Amy: You two are so beautiful in these wedding dresses. I think, I am going to cry.

Amy starts to cry.

Angela: Mrs. Matthew’s don’t cry.

Amy: Okay. I Won’t. I can’t believe that Eric is getting married, and Shawn is as well. Shawn is kinda like a son to me and Alan.

Eric walks into the room.

Eric: Lisa, you look beautiful.

Topanga: Eric, you’re not suppose to see the bride in her wedding dress. It’s bad look.

Eric smiles at Lisa, and goes into the kitchen to talk with Shawn, the other groom.

Eric: Hi Shawn. Are you nervous?

Shawn: Kinda.

Eric: The Wedding is this Saturday.

Shawn: I can’t believe that 2 weeks have almost flew by.

Eric:Me too. It was just like yesterday, when I ask Lisa to marry me.

Shawn: I know it will be beautiful.

Rachel & Jack comes racing into the kitchen.

Jack: We have wonderful news.

Eric: Don’t tell me, you ‘re getting married as well.

Rachel:No. Silly. We’re back together.

Eric: Who’s back together?

Jack: Me and Rachel.

Shawn: That’s great!!! I knewed you two would get back together.

Chapter 5

Everyone at the Matthews’ home were helping out getting the invitation to the wedding ready to send off.

Amy:Here’s all of our family on Eric’s side of the family.

Lisa: Thanks. This is alot.

Topanga: Could we invite some of our friends, we knewed in high school?

Amy: Sure.

Angela: Do you know of any?

Shawn: I do. We could send one to Mr.Turner. I bet he would like to come.

Amy: Yeah. We could. We haven’t heard from him in a long time.

Topanga: How many are we inviting?

Lisa: About 200.

Topanga: That’s a whole lot. Amy, Do you know how many were at My and Cory’s wedding?

Amy: About that much people.

Topanga: oh. I couldn’t remember.

Amy: Shawn, do you have a list of your family?

Shawn: No. But I do have my mother’s address. I wish she would come. I haven’t heard from her, since she left me and Dad.

Amy: I’m so sorry, Shawn. I hope and pray, she’ll come.

Angela: Here’s my family’s list.

Lisa: Here’s my family’s list as well.

Amy: Thanks.

Topanga: I think that’s it.

It took 5 hours to get all of the invitations done.

Topanga: Oh. That was so hard.

Amy: I’m so happy, that’s over.

Lisa: A Wedding is alot of hard work.

Angela: I really think the guys , should have helped us out.

Topanga: Yeah.

Chapter 6

It was the night of the Wedding repection at the Church.

Lisa: It’s so beautiful.

Eric: Yeah. It is.

He kisses her.

Amy: I can’t believe it.

Alan: Me neither. Shawn is just like a son to me . I wish his father could have been here.

Amy: Me too. I’m sure, he’s watching it, from Heaven.

After they had dinner; There was dancing.

Eric: Lisa, I can’t wait for tomorrow.

Lisa: I’ll be Mrs.Matthews.

Eric: That’s beautiful!

Topanga: Hi everyone!

Eric: Hi Topanga.

Topanga: Are you guys nervous?

Shawn: I was at first, but now, I’m not.

Cory: That’s good, Shawn.

Shawn: Thanks, Cory. I hope to have a wonderful marriage like you do.

Cory: I would like to make a toast tonight in honor, of my brother and best friend getting married. I am so very happy for you, guys, that you finally found true love. I know it’s importmant. I hope you guys will have a wonderful marriage like Topanga & do, and Have many wonderful children.

Lisa ,Eric, Angela & Shawn: Thanks.

Everyone was getting ready to leave.

Lisa: Eric, would you like to take a walk with me?

Eric: Sure. I’ll be there in a sec.

Lisa: Okay.

A few minutes have passed and Lisa & Eric were taking a walk.

Eric: Can you believe it, we’re getting married tomorrow?

Lisa: I can’t. I am so happy, that I have met you. You’re the most importmant thing in my life.

Eric: Thanks, Lisa. You are as well.

Eric comes over and kisses her on the cheek.

Chapter 7

It was the day of the wedding. Everyone were getting ready.

Amy: Do we have all the bride maids here?

Topanga: Check!

Amy: Good. Are we all set now to go?

Topanga: Yes. We are.

Mr.Feeny: Lisa & Angela are at the church now.

Amy: Okay. They are there now. How ‘bout, Shawn & Eric?

Mr.Feeny: Yeah. they are. Come on everyone. We can go in my car.

Everyone was getting into the car.

Jack: I know, I have forgotten something.

Topanga: Do you know?

Mr.Feeny: It couldn’t be the rings, could it?

Jack: Oh no.

Mr.Feeny: Go back and get them, man.

Jack runs back in to get the rings.

Jack: I got them.

They finally go to the church.

Chapter 8

Mr Feeny was welcoming everyone at the front door of the church.

Mr.Feeny: Welcome everyone!!

Mr.Turner: Mr. Feeny?? It’s so nice to see you again.

Mr.Feeny: Jonathan, I am so glad you could make it. Yeah. It has been a long time. I hope you’ll enjoy the wedding.

Meanwhile, where the Brides and bridemaids were.

Lisa: Do I look alright?

Angela: You look perfect.

Lisa:So do you, Angela.

Angela : Thanks.

Amy: Are you guys ready? The bridemaids are about to march.

Lisa: We’re ready.

Amy: Great. I love you, two. I wish you two the best of luck.

Lisa: Come on, Angela. They’re waiting.

Angela: Okay!! I have been waiting for whole life for this day and finally it has come.

**Lisa & Angela march down into the asle**

**Everyone stands up** and ** Music to “ Here Comes The Bride “ plays.

Lisa: I’m so happy, Eric.

Eric: I’m so happy as well, that I have finally found true love.

Pastor: We are gather here today of the marriage of Eric & Lisa & Shawn & Angela.

**The Brides smile**

Pastor: Do you , Eric, take Lisa, to be your wife ?

Eric: I do.

Pastor: Do you ,Shawn, take,Angela to be your wife?

Shawn: I Do.

Pastor: Do you , Lisa, take, Eric to be your husband?

Lisa: I do.

Pastor: Do you, Angela, take, Shawn do be your husband?

Angela: I Do.

Pastor: And now you can kiss the bride.

**They kiss their brides**

**They march down the asle**.

Shawn sees his mother in the crowd.

Shawn: It’s my mother. She came.

Shawn’s mother: I am so happy for you, Shawn. I knew this day would come.

Shawn:I was afraid, that you wouldn’t make it.

Shawn’s mother: You know, I wouldn’t have missed your wedding day.

Shawns gives his mother a hug and a kiss.

Shawn: I want you to meet my wife, Angela.

Shawn’s mother: It’s so nice to finally meet you.

Angela: I have always wanted to meet you.

Chapter 9

The newlyweds were about to leave to go off on their honeymoon.

Before they left, they threw their bouquets.

Rachel: I got one!!!!

Morgan: Me too!! We’re the next ones to be married.

Rachel smiles at her.

They all go up to the newlyweds and gives them a hug.

The End!