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Will Morgan like her first day at high school or will
she not? Will Lisa and Eric be able to be together or
Read the story to find out.

Chapter 1
*Morgan walks in the door of her 9th grade class room,
guess who's the teacher. Yep, Mr. Feeny.*
Morgan~Hi, remember me? I'm Morgan, Cory and Erics
little sister.
Mr. Feeny~Yes, I remember you. Though, I wouldn't
admit to being related to Eric, you'd be scard for
Morgan~Tell me about it.
*Just then, three more girls walk in. Kelley, Ashley
and Andrea.*
Kelley~Is this...Mr. Feenys room?
Morgan~Yes, it is. Who are you? My name's Morgan.
Kelley~I'm Kelley. These are my friends Ashley and
Morgan~Hi Ashley, hi Andrea. Sit over here beside me.
Andrea~So, how do you like it so far?
Morgan~It's alright I guess.
*Some new guy walks in, Brian a.k.a., "The Biggest
Bully". He walks over to Kelley, Ashley, Andrea and
Brian~Well, hello there you four.
Morgan~What do you want Brian?
Brian~Just to make friends, is that all bad? Oh,'re Eric Matthews sister...this isn't good.
Kelley~Just leave her alone.
Brian~No...I think I'm going to sit over here.
*Class is over and they all go home. Morgan has second
thoughts on school and starts to think about dropping
Alan~Hey honey, how was school?
Morgan~I hated it. I'm in a class with Brian, the
bully guy. I could rip his head off and...can I drop
Alan~No, you can't drop out honey, you need your
*Eric walks in.*
Eric~Wow, nice to finally see my baby sister in high
school...How's it feel to be following in my
Morgan~I'm NOT going to follow in your footsteps..I
don't want to end up like you.
Eric~MOM! Did you know your daughter just called me
Amy~And did you know my son isn't at college...what
are you doing here?!
Eric~Well, I thought I', brownies. You know,
mom, you should invite me over more often.
Amy~I didn't Eric, you have to go back to college.
Eric~Forbidding me to visit?! Mom, you are a bad, bad
*Eric leaves.*
Alan~Thank you.
Morgan~I don't want to go to school in the morning!
Amy~Listen, honey, you have to go back, no matter how
much you hate it.
Morgan~I'm going to talk to Mr. Feeny, maybe he'll
Alan~Amy, she'll learn.
*Morgan runs over to Mr. Feenys.*
Mr. Feeny~The Feeny call...I know that anywhere. Eric,
aren't you.....Morgan?!
Morgan~I hate school. I hate it, I hate it!
Mr. Feeny~Why?
Morgan~Brian, he's the biggest bully ever and I hate
Mr. Feeny~You hate school just because of a bully who
has no life and nothing better to do than to bully
people around?!
Morgan~Wow, you make it sound like I'm a chicken.
Mr. Feeny~Come to school. I'll move Brian away and you
and your friends can sit together.
Morgan~Kelley, Ashley and Andrea.
Mr. Feeny~Yes, I know.
*Morgan goes back inside.*
Alan~Any advice?
Amy~Going back to school?
Morgan~Are you kidding?! I love school.
*Amy and Alan look at each other. More good advice
from the Feeny man has been taken.*

Chapter 2
Eric returns back to his apartment where Shawn, Cory,
and Jack are waiting for him.
*Eric walks in and sits on the couch.*
Shawn~Eric, you're back early.
Cory~How was Morgan? And why'd you leave without me?!
Eric~Morgans fine and mom hates me.
Jack~That's impossible....well, no it isn't but, why?
Eric~She told me to leave and go back.
Jack~I don't blame her.
Cory~Jack! Listen, maybe she was suprised to see
you...I don't know.
Shawn~Oh crap!
Shawn~Eric, go back where you came from and talk to
your mom.
Eric~I'm band from my own apartment?! Dude, I'm
Jack~Good, I get the apartment to myself.
*Eric turns around and sits back on the couch.*
Eric~I'm staying.
Cory~Shawn, I'm going to find Topanga, want to come?
Shawn~I know where she's at.
Shawn~With Amanda, Lisa, Beverly, and Kimmy.
Cory~Yes, I know that. But where?
Shawn~Oh....I don't know where but I know with who.
Eric~Go, go have your fun.
Cory~Eric, come on.
*They leave on their way to find Topanga. They finally
find her.*
Topanga~Hi guys.
Cory~Hey, where's your friends?
Topanga~They're over there.
Cory~Oh, and there goes Eric and Shawn.
Topanga~It's girls, Cory, what'd you expect?!
Eric~Hello you four girls, what's your name? oh, don't
tell me, you *pointing to Lisa* are Kimmy?
Lisa~No, I'm Lisa...that's Kimmy. And you're a hot
Lisa~Oh, nothing....yet.
Eric~*Whispering to Shawn.* She wants me.
Shawn~Get over it, Eric. So, who's who?
Lisa~Well, I'm Lisa, and these are my friends Amanda,
Kimmy, and Beverly.
Amanda~My sister and her two friends are friends with
Morgan, Eric and  Corys sister.
Eric~Wow, cool.
Kimmy~It's been great talking to you but, me and
Beverly have to go study for a test for tomorrow in
English, see you all later.
*They all say their goodbyes and leave.*

Chapter 3
Morgan returns to school. Mr. Feeny has moved Brian
away from Morgan.
Mr. Feeny~Now, Morgan, I want you to know that
whatever Brian says, he will regret it when I'm
through with him, got that?
Morgan~Thanks. You'd do that for me?
Mr. Feeny~Well, you always were my favorite Matthew
kid so, why not?
Morgan~Thanks again.
*Brian, Ashley, Andrea and Kelley walk in and take
their seats.*
Brian~Oh, what's this? I've been moved?
Mr. Feeny~Yes, Brian and I think right beside my desk
is the perfect place.
Morgan~Hey Kelley, Ashley and Andrea. Sit over here.
Ashley~Hey Morgan, what's up?
Morgan~Not much. Hey, you guys want to come over
tonight and have like, a sleep over?
Ashley~That'd be great.
Andrea~Yes, we'd love to.
Kelley~Sure but, I'll have to let my sister, Amanda,
know, cause I'm staying in an apartment with her and
three of her best friends.
Morgan~Okay, sure.
*Class ends and they all four go to the office to call
Amanda. Kimmy answers the phone.*
Kelley~Let me talk to Amanda.
Kimmy~Sure, AMANDA!
*Amanda answers the phone.*
Kelley~It's me, Kelley. Hey.
Amanda~Oh, hey chicky, what's up?
Kelley~Well, Morgan wants to know if I can stay the
night with her. Kind of a sleep over thing.
Amanda~Fine with me. But, don't get into any trouble,
Kelley~I won't. Thanks, bye.
*They all go to Morgans.*
Morgan~Mom, dad, these are my friends, Ashley, Andrea
and Kelley.
Alan~Hey you three.
Ashley~Hi....Morgans dad.
Morgan~Guys, come up and see my room, it's so cool.
*They all go up to Morgans room.*
Alan~Honey, what's the matter?
Amy~She's only known them for two days, they're the
new kids...Alan...
Alan~Amy, remember when Cory and Shawn became friends?
Amy~Yes. Okay, I got the point.
*Morgan comes back down stairs.*
Morgan~Mom, can I ask you something?
Amy~Sure, what?
Morgan~Did you hate school when you were younger?
Amy~Yes, everyday. I hate work too but, somebody's got
to do it. Why?
Morgan~Why did you go?
Amy~Well, I needed a good education.
Morgan~I'm smart, does that mean my education's good
Amy~Are you having trouble at school again?
Morgan~No mom, it's just, high school's so hard. And
with Brian in the same class, it's even harder. I feel
stupid cause I got him moved beside Mr. Feeny just
because I was afraid of him.
Amy~Never be afraid of a bully, Morgan, never. They
only know how to use words but, have you ever seen a
bully use anything else but words?!
Amy~When they get you down. Listen, no matter what
this bully says, don't let it get to you. That's when
it can become physical. You're old enough to take up
for yourself and you can do it.
Morgan~It's all my brothers fault.
Amy~Don't place the blame on Eric. And I know you're
talking about him. Just be proud to be his little
sister no matter how much that hurts and then maybe
he'll leave you alone.
Amy~No, honey,  Brian. Now, think about that and go up
there and play with your friends, okay?
Morgan~Thanks mom.
Amy~No problem, that's why I'm here.
*Morgan goes back up to her room.*

Chapter 4
*Shawn and Cory return to the apartment.*
Jack~Welcome back, you think it took long enough?
Cory~Eric's not here!!
*Shawn and Cory run back out.*
Jack~Come again!
*Shawn and Cory look for Eric and run into Kimmy and
Shawn~Have you seen Eric?
Kimmy~He's with Amanda and Lisa.
Cory~And where might that be?
Cory~I know that much. Come on Shawn, let's go find
*Cory sees Eric and runs over to him.*
Eric~I didn't meant to do it *sighs.*
Cory~Do what?
Eric~I.....killed......the FLY! *weeps.*
Shawn~Um, yea, okay.
Amanda~Sorry, he's been acting like a total idiot.
Lisa~Amanda! He killed a poor innocent fly!
Eric~At least Lisa understands my pain!
*Eric hugs Lisa and they go sit at the table and have
a Mountain Dew.*
Shawn~Those two were meant to be, they're both insane.
Amanda~Yea, Lisa has a thing for Eric. He's cute but,
really weird.
Cory~And we lost him again.
Shawn~What? He's over there with Lisa.
Cory~Shawn, look, they're gone again.
Amanda~Oh boy!
Shawn~What's that for?
Amanda~Well, Lisa alone with Eric....I hope that guy's
Shawn~Oh, I gotcha.
Cory~On the hunt again, lets go.
*They all go on the hunt for Eric and Lisa. Beverly
and Kimmy run into Eric and Lisa in the hall way.*
Kimmy~Where you guys going?
Lisa~Erics apartment. Why....hey, aren't you guys
supposed to be studying?
Beverly~Yes but, there's GUYS here Lisa.
Lisa~Yes well...
Eric~I knew it!
Kimmy~Knew what?!
Eric~I am a god!
Kimmy~Good luck with this guy Lisa.
Lisa~haha, thanks.
*Eric and Lisa arrive at Erics apartment.*
Eric~What's up bro?!
Jack~Shawn and Cory went looking for you.
Eric~Oh, I passed them. What idiots.
Eric~Hey! That's my side of the couch!
Jack~Eric...who's this girl?
Lisa~I'm Lisa. Hi.
Eric~Get your own Jack.
Eric~Girl snatcher!
*Amanda, Cory and Shawn arrive at Eric and Jacks
Amanda~Hey guys.
Shawn~Eric, we were looking for you again.
Eric~I'm like Batman.
Cory~Eric, um, come here.
*Eric goes over to Cory, Shawn and Amanda.*
Cory~What are you doing with her?
Eric~Lisa? I like her.
Cory~You don't know her.
Eric~Cory, you don't know Topanga.
Cory~Yes, um, I do.
Eric~Then I do too. Look, Cory, YOU don't know Lisa, I
do and she's the most wonderful girl I've met.
Shawn~We're glad you feel that way but....
Amanda~Hold up. Are you two saying that my friend
isn't good enough for Eric?!
Shawn~No, not at all.
Eric~Guys, I think....I think I love Lisa.
Amanda~If he loves her, he loves her. You can't deny
true love. Just like with you and Topanga, Cory. I
mean, what you two have is real and I belive Lisa and
Eric have something here too.
Cory~Maybe you're right. Eric, good luck with Lisa and
I hope you two have a wonderful time together.
Eric~We will, mean brother.
*They all go back in the living room part of the
apartment and all have a talk. Amanda calls Lisa over
and talks with her.*
Amanda~Okay, do you really like Eric?
Lisa~Of course I do.
Amanda~Good cause he likes you and I think he might
ask you out sometime soon.
Lisa~Wow..I can't...
Lisa~I'm on my way.
*They both go back to the living room part.*
Eric~I know I've only known you but, I
have to ask you something.
Eric~Will you...go out with me?
Lisa~Yes, I will.
*They all celebrate and have drinks.*

Chapter 5
*Morgan, Kelley, Ashley and Andrea come downstairs for
dinner. They're all carrying on a conversation about
Ashley~*Laughing* Are you serious?! You actaully enjoy
Morgan~Yea, it's the best time of my life. I love it.
Kelley~And you got Brian moved, that's got to be cool!
I don't blame you for doing that!
Morgan~He should learn not to mess with me.
Andrea~Yea, next time we all will get him.
Kelley~We're here for ya, girl.
Alan~Hey guys, what's up?!
Andrea~Nothing much. Just having fun.
Kelley~Yea, lots.
Amy~You ready to go back to school in the morning,
Morgan~Never been more ready to go back in my whole

So, in the end, Morgan returns to school and gives the
bully a peice of her mind. Lisa and Eric are going out
and they're the cuties couple. Kimmy and Beverly DID
pass their English test. And all is well.