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Chapter 1.

It was Eric’s birthday. He was 25 years old on today . Eric was at his apartment with Shawn and Jack, when he gets a phone call from his mother, Amy.


Amy: It’s me.

Eric: Hi mother. Do you have something to say to me?

Amy: Yes! Happy Birthday, Eric. I can’t believe it your 25.

Eric: I can’t neither. Time sure does fly by.

Amy: The reason, I called you, because, we are having a special Birthday Bash for you. Everyone will be there. Please come!

Eric: Thank you, Mother. I can’t wait to come!

Amy: That’s wonderful!! I got to go now! Love you!

Eric: Bye!

Eric hangs up the phone and jumps on the couch.

Eric: YAY!!!!! YAY! YAY!


Eric: It’s my birthday, Shawn, and my mother and everyone is having a birthday for me.

Shawn: Cool!! Happy Birthday! I wonder, what they got for you?

Eric: Maybe  a girl in a box.

Shawn: Wow! I bet you wish that was true.

Eric: I wish it was.

Jack enters the room.

Jack: Happy Birthday, Eric!!!

Eric: Thanks, Jack. You guys are invited to the party.

Jack: Thanks! That would be nice.

Shawn: I would love to come. I hope when my birthday comes, they’ll give me a party.

Eric: I hope so. How old are you, Shawn?

Shawn: I am 19.

Eric: Cool!!

Jack: I am 25 already as well.

Eric: I better go get ready for the party.

Shawn: By the way, what time is it anyway?

Eric: It’s at 7:00. Please don’t forget.

Jack: We won’t ,Eric. We wouldn’t miss your birthday bash for anything in the world.

Eric: That’s sweet of you guys. I better get ready!!

Eric is dancing around up to his room.

Eric: Lets get what I am going to wear..

Eric goes over to his closet.

Eric: This looks good.

He picks out a black tuxs.

Eric: I think mom said it was a classal party.

Eric puts on his suit.

Eric looks at himself in the mirror.

Eric: Eric, you are one handsome guy!!!

Eric smiles, and walks out of his room.

Chapter 2.

Meanwhile at The Matthews’ home, Amy, Topanga, Alan, & Cory are fixing up the party for Eric.

Amy: I can’t believe it, he’s 25.

Alan: I can’t neither. It seems like yesterday, he was born.

Topanga: This was so sweet of you to give Eric a party.

Cory: So what’s one of his gifts? Let me guess. A Lady in a cake.

Alan: SHHH, Cory.. Come over here.

Cory: What??

Alan: One of his gifts is a lady in a cake. Please don’t tell your mother.

Cory: I won’t.

Alan: Don’t tell Topanga neither.

Cory: Alright.

Amy: Have you all call , Mr.Feeny about the party tonight?

Topanga: Of course, we have.

Cory: Probably, Eric, already told him.

Topanga: You are right about that, Cory.. You know how Eric likes to talk to Mr.Feeny.

Cory: Yeah. he does. I talk to him all the time.

Back at Eric’s  place.

Eric: It’s almost time guys.

Jack and Shawn comes out with tuxs on.

Jack and Shawn: We are coming, Eric.

Eric: Good!

Shawn: Have you told, Mr.Feeny about the party?

Eric: Of course, I have.

Jack: We kinda thought you did.

Eric, Jack & Shawn walk out the apartment.

Chapter 3.

It was time for the party. Everyone had gotten the gifts ready.

Topanga: Eric, will be coming in anytime soon.

Mr.Feeny: I am so glad, that you all invited me to join you all. You all are like family to me.

Amy: It wouldn’t be right without you, George.

Mr.Feeny: Thanks! It ready means alot to me.

Topanga: Someone is coming. Get down everyone!!!!

Angela and Rachel walk in.

Everyone: Surprise!!?

Angela: I think we walked into the wrong party.

Topanga: Sorry. We thought you were Eric.

Rachel: Maybe next time, it will be him.

Amy: I hope so.

Rachel: We have gotten something for Eric..

Topanga: That is great!!!  I am sure, he’ll like it.

Rachel: I hope so! I know he’ll like the gift I got him.

Angela: I got something for him, that he collects.

Cory: I bet I can guest it.

Angela: Please don’t. It will ruin the surprise.

Cory: Okay!

Mr.Feeny: I Think it’s Eric now.

Cory: You better me right, Mr.Feeny.

Mr.Feeny: I am sure.

Amy: Hide everyone!!!

Eric, Shawn & Jack enter the house.

Everyone: Surprise, Eric!!!

Eric: Wow!!!! Thanks!

Eric: FEENY FEENY FEENY!!!! It’s so good to see you here.

Mr.Feeny: Hey Eric!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Eric: Old man, I wonder, what you got me for my birthday.

Mr.Feeny: It’s a surprise.

Eric: Cool! How ‘bout, we open gifts first and than have cake.

Amy: That would be great,Eric.

Rachel: Open mine first, Eric.

Eric: Okay!

Eric opens the gift.

Eric: Wow! A picture of you in your swim suit. Thanks, Rachel.

Rachel: I knew you would love it.

Angela: Mine is 2nd. I hope you like it.

Eric opens Angela’s gift.

Eric: How did you know, I collect these.

Angela: Remember, at the yard sale you and Cory were having.

Eric: Yeah!!! It’s a lovely tank top.

Eric: FEENY!!!!! Do you want to be next?

Mr.Feeny: Sure, Eric.

Eric opens the gift.

Eric: Cool! A Book! Thanks, Mr.Feeny.

Mr.Feeny: You are welcome.

Cory: Here’s our gift to you.

Eric opens Cory & Topanga’s gift.

Eric: Thanks guys!!! I needed some more shirts.

Eric: Shawn, and Eric, did you guys get me anything?

Shawn: Sure. We did. You think we could forget.

They hand him the gift..

Eric opens the gift.

Eric: Thanks guys! I needed a new necklace. My old one is getting kinda old.

Amy: I have something for you.

Eric: Thanks, mom! I am sure, I’ll love it.

Eric opens the gift and it’s birth stone ring.

Eric: Thank you, Mom! It’s very beautiful.

Amy: I knew you would love it,

Alan: We saved the last gift for last.

Eric: I wonder, what that could be.

Eric smiles.

Cory and Alan bring out a big cake.

Eric; Cake!!! I am so hungry..

A lady jumps out of the cake.

Eric: Wow!! This is the beat gift yet...

Eric pulls the lady out of the cake and runs out with her outside.

Amy: Alan?? How did you afford this?

Alan: I put it on my card, Amy. It didn’t cost much.

Amy: At lease,Eric is happy!!!

Shawn: Eric is so lucky to have a lady jump out of a cake.

Mr.Feeny: This has been a really Eric Birthday!!!