Dame Edna Everage Gifs Com!

Dame Edna Everage Possums, My free gifs!
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"Hello Possums and welcome to My very own Dame Edna Everage Gifs. By all means possoms enjoy my gifs, but please DO NOT LINK to these images. Please UPLOAD these images to your web page host possums. Now Please enjoy yourselves and Thank you for coming. "You will come again won't you possums?"

"My Gorgeous Gifs!"

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"Just a little tip from me possums! Take the picture of me on the left showing my legs and put it on a white background. Oh possums what a stunner it would be. I can just see it now possums!"

"On With The Show Possums!"
More Gifs!



"Time To Bring On The Large Gifs, Fasten Your Seat Belts and hang on tight possums!"
Large Gifs!

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Website Abstraction

"I dedicate my gorgeous site to Barry Humphreys. Without him possums I would not be here and Nor would you be I'm afraid! It's true possums. I'm sorry but it is!"

Barry Humphries.