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Even more Love poetry from THE Lover

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by Steve THE lover

Making love with you tonight
Feels so warn and right
Dream lover you make me feel complete
My heart races as our bodies now meet

Please take off your white lace
Let me feel your warm embrace
Dream lover you make me feel a man
Your gentle hug tells me you understand

My total passion is for you
And you know just what to do
Dream lover you make everything right
You and I can make love all night

Your body feel so great
Lets make love I can’t wait
Dream lover you make me feel my heart
How I love feeling your most sensitive part

Let’s keep on loving
I feel my orgasm coming
Dream lover you make my body melt
Your loving is like nothing I have ever felt

How I feel the ecstasy
Of your climax with me
Dream lover you make me want to scream
Shame that this was only just a dream

by Steve THE Lover,

Ever wondered what you’d say
your last words on your last day?

Most of us never ever take the time
to think about it before our last chime

I’ve thought about it myself you see
of telling you what you mean to me

In my dying breath you’d hear
a faint whisper "I love you dear"

And whispers of words that only you can feel
expressing love beyond belief a love that was real

In my dying breath you’d hear
the echo of heaven calling for me dear

In my dying breath I’d tell you this,
life with you was my greatest gift

To love you, to want you, to hold you forever in my
endless dreams, would I find a way to finally tell you with my checks all wet.
"I’ve loved you all the breaths of my life since our eyes first met.

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