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[About Me]


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The Sentimental Bloke

Little Shop Of Horrors


The Eight - Reindeer Monologues

Lea in a Telstra Ad

Lea in the Lipton Tea Commercial

Lea - 1 year old.

Lea with Luke Perry! hehe.

Lea and her brother Kit

Lea and her brother Todd

23rd September 2000-ŠLR/NB

New Shoes-ŠLR/NB

Explanation of photos
The Sentimental Bloke (1994):
Me as the female lead Doreen, in C.J. Dennis's "The Sentimental Bloke". Part of my training at Flinders Uni of S.A. Directed by the marvelous Malcolm Fox.

Little Shop Of Horrors:
I was part of an amatuer production of "Little Shop of Horrors" in Adelaide in 1995. Here's me & another Holly in our get up for a song called "Closed for Renovations" not featured in the movie version.

I was lucky enough to perform with Noddy & friends in 1997 throughout NSW, as the clever Magician.... whose favourite word was 'phantasmagorical'!

The Eight - Reindeer Monologues:
I've also turned my hand to directing. Most recently in December 1998 "The Eight". I directed the play "The Eight - Reindeer Monologues". Here's me with the awesome cast. This was playing at The Stables Theatre in Sydney.

Telstra Ad:
When I auditioned for this ad, all I knew was I had to cry. So I spent hours listening to every sad song I knew. During the filming of the ad, my fellow actor and I had to have tears on stand-by for 5 hours!.

Lipton Tea Ad:
Description Soon.

Lea, 1 year old:
When I was little I had these natural little curls in my hair. Lots of people thought my Mum put my hair in rollers, thank goodness she never put me through that!

Lea and Luke Perry:
Me at Planet Hollywood - Sydney 1997, with the spunkiest man in the world's hand prints..... ahhhhhh Dylan!!

Lea and Kit:
My brother Kit, the sexy bass playing demon in Melbourne.

Lea and Todd:
My other lil bro, the law wielding demon! He's so clever!

Lea (23/9/00):
Photo ŠLR/NB

"Lea's New Shoes":
Photo ŠLR/NB

All photos ŠLea Riley / "Misshapps Place". Do not copy pics from this site without permission from the webmaster.

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Nick B/Lea R 
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